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APHA Rule Change Proposals to be Considered Today at APHA Convention

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votingPHJ release by: Jessica Hein

Rule change proposals submitted by APHA members and committees were considered by their respective advisory committees at the 2018 APHA Convention; the committees determined which proposals would pass out of committee for voting by the association’s elected board of directors. If a proposal was defeated in committee, it can be petitioned to the floor by members following procedures outlined in the APHA Rule Book.

Below is a summary of rule change proposals that will be considered by the APHA board of directors during voting on March 5, 2018.


SUMMARY: Bylaw change would take the Executive Committee from 7 members to a 5 member committee and remove the offices of Vice-President and Immediate Past President.


SUMMARY: Bylaw change would require 60 days advance notice for any Executive Committee nominations coming from outside of the Nomination Committee.

CONTROL # GR-010: Passed

SUMMARY: To “freeze” new or amended rules for two years after the proposed rule takes effect.

CONTROL #GR-010-1: Passed

SUMMARY: Allows the Executive Committee to consider a rule change proposal submitted after the required deadline if they feel the rule change proposal is of such significance to the Association and/or breed waiting another year for submission would be harmful.

CONTROL #RG-015: Passed

SUMMARY: Removes the duplication of wording in both RG-015 and RG-055.

CONTROL #RG-020: Passed

SUMMARY: Removes the advancement requirement, which is no longer applicable.

CONTROL #RG-020-1: Defeated

SUMMARY: Creates a new One Regular Parent Registry for solid horses that have at least one Regular Registry parent; will allow these horses to compete with Regular Registry horses.

CONTROL #RG-020-2: Defeated

SUMMARY: Renames and amends the existing Solid Paint-Bred Registry to one for solid Paints that do not have at least one Regular Registry parent (in concert with Control RG-020-1).

CONTROL #RG-020-3: Defeated but petitioned out of committee

SUMMARY: Competition license for solid Paint-bred horses that will let them compete in Regular Registry classes.

  • Petition: Passed to the floor for voting.

CONTROL #RG-020-4: Passed

SUMMARY: Allows solid Quarter Horses and Thoroughbreds that carry a Paint pattern gene to be registered with APHA as a solid Paint.


CONTROL #RG-070-1: Defeated

SUMMARY: Allows geldings and spayed mares to advance to the Regular Registry if they have at least 1 Paint parent and a Paint trait.

CONTROL #RG-070-2: Passed

SUMMARY: To allow a horse with at least one APHA registered parent, one Paint trait AND one copy of the Tobiano gene to be eligible for Regular Registry status.

CONTROL #RG-070-4 (as clarified): Passed

SUMMARY: Adds tobiano-specific characteristics to the list of Paint traits used in consideration of RG-070.E status changes if the horse has at least one tobiano parent

CONTROL #RG-106: Defeated

SUMMARY: Create a special enrollment designation (but not registration) for Quarter Horses and Thoroughbreds that carry a Paint pattern gene, confirmed through DNA testing at an APHA-approved lab.

CONTROL #RG-115: Passed

SUMMARY: Remove reference to the semen permit requirement. The fee is no longer collected, per the Executive Committee, and there is no need for staff to collect the semen permit form.

CONTROL #SC-045 (as clarified): Passed

SUMMARY: Requires horses on the Top 20 Youth, Amateur and Open lists earn points in a minimum of 3 classes during the current show year.

CONTROL #SC-075: Passed

SUMMARY: Addresses excessive riding and training practices in the APHA rulebook Inhumane Treatment guidelines.

CONTROL #SC-105-1: Defeated

SUMMARY: Lower the number of judges at major POR and Zone shows.

CONTROL #SC-165: Passed

SUMMARY: Allows Regular Registry and Solid-Paint-Breds to show together in all classes with a score card, but accrue APHA points separately.

CONTROL #SC-175: Defeated

SUMMARY: To enter the Performance Halter in Zone 12, a Performance ROM must have been earned.

CONTROL #SC-190: Passed

SUMMARY: Adds showmanship, 2-year-old longe line and 2-year-old in-hand trail to the exceptions noted for showing 2-year-old performance horses for Zones 12, 13 and 14.

CONTROL #SC-191: Passed

SUMMARY: To clarify that horses not performing the trot off portion of the longe line class will be disqualified.

CONTROL #SC-192: Passed

SUMMARY: To only allow a chain to be used under the chin or hanging from the halter in in-hand trail.

CONTROL #SC-194: Defeated

SUMMARY: Adds 2-Year-Old In-Hand Trail.

CONTROL #SC-195: Passed

SUMMARY: Clarifying Rule SC-195 to include half chaps as optional English attire.

CONTROL #SC-235: Passed

SUMMARY: Clarifies Rule SC-235 to include a belt as optional Western attire.

CONTROL #SC-261 (as clarified): Passed

SUMMARY: Adds Green Reining.

CONTROL # SC-290: Defeated

SUMMARY: Allows only steel barrels with both ends to be used in barrel racing.

CONTROL #SC-303: Defeated

SUMMARY: Adds Ranch Rail Pleasure.

CONTROL #SC-303-1 (as clarified): Passed

SUMMARY: Adds Ranch Rail Pleasure, with greater detail.

CONTROL #SC-304: Defeated

SUMMARY: Adds Green Ranch Riding.

CONTROL #SC-320: Passed

SUMMARY: Adds Calas and Colas as APHA-approved events in Mexico.

  • Request to amend for early implementation: Passed

CONTROL #SC-325: Defeated

SUMMARY: Defines the available divisions for Solid Paint Bred horses.

CONTROL #SC-325-1: Defeated

SUMMARY: Defines the available divisions for Solid Paint Bred horses; limits Novice SPB events to Zones 12, 13, and 14.

CONTROL #SC-325-2: Defeated

SUMMARY: Allows Solid Paint-Bred horses to enter Novice Amateur and Novice Youth classes in Zones 12, 13 and 14 and show with Regular Registry horses in those events.

CONTROL #JU-000: Passed

SUMMARY: Allows Special APHA events to count towards APHA judge’s one show per year requirement. Also international judges do not have to judge one show a year to keep their card.

CONTROL #JU-000-1: Passed

SUMMARY: Removes scarves from the mandatory list of attire for judges.

CONTROL # AM-060: Passed

SUMMARY: Expands Amateur Walk-Trot year-end titles to a Top 20 award.

CONTROL #AM-085: Defeated

SUMMARY: Allows Youth & Amateur exhibitors to show up to 2 horses in a showmanship class.

CONTROL #AM-090: Defeated but petitioned out of committee

SUMMARY: Adds performance halter for Youth and Amateur divisions. Also, adds Grand & Reserve Halter for Mares & Geldings in the Youth division.

  • Petition: Passed

CONTROL #AM-105: Referred to Youth Committee

SUMMARY: Adapts showmanship scoring system.

CONTROL #AM-110: Referred to Youth Committee

SUMMARY: Adapts hunt-seat equitation scoring system.

CONTROL #AM-115: Referred to Youth Committee

SUMMARY: Adapts Western horsemanship scoring system.

CONTROL #AM-120: Passed

SUMMARY: Aligns breakaway with calf roping regarding carrying of one rope and recoiling if second loop is needed. This change is also a safety factor.

CONTROL #AM-205: Defeated

SUMMARY: Reduce the 10-year requirement to 5 years for Novice Amateur re-application.

CONTROL #AM-205-1: Defeated

SUMMARY: Eliminating certified riding instructors of a certain level (regardless of them actually working as instructors) from participation in the Novice Amateur program.

CONTROL #AM-245: Defeated

SUMMARY: Allow solid Paint-breds to show in Novice Amateur classes.

CONTROL #AM-300: Defeated

SUMMARY: Allow solid Paint-breds to show in Amateur Walk-Trot classes.

CONTROL #AM-300-1: Defeated

SUMMARY: Allows Amateur Walk-Trot classes to be split by Amateur age divisions.

CONTROL #AM-300-2: Defeated

SUMMARY: Makes Amateur Walk-Trot exhibitors eligible to compete in only the showmanship class offered for their division, not the regular Amateur divisions.

CONTROL #AM-300-3: Defeated

SUMMARY: Amateur Walk-Trot exhibitors can choose only 1 showmanship class in which to exhibit at a show.

CONTROL #AM-301: Defeated

SUMMARY: Creates a Novice Amateur Walk/Trot division.

CONTROL #YP-080: Passed

SUMMARY: Allows Youth 13&U exhibitors in Zones 12, 13 & 14 to show their horses, regardless of age, in a snaffle bit or hackamore.

  • Request to amend for early implementation: Passed

CONTROL #YP-100 as clarified: Passed

SUMMARY: Adapts showmanship scoring system.

  • Motion to amend the proposal to align with newly passed AQHA rules regarding penalty points and overall run: Passed

CONTROL #YP-105: Passed

SUMMARY: Allows any registered Paint to be shown in Lead Line classes.

CONTROL #YP-110: Defeated

SUMMARY: Allows any registered Paint to be shown in Youth Walk-Trot classes.

CONTROL #YP-110-1: Defeated

SUMMARY: Modifies Youth Walk-Trot Division to 18 & Under.

CONTROL #YP-110-2: Defeated but petitioned out of committee

SUMMARY: Modifies Youth Walk-Trot age divisions.

  • Petition: Passed
  • Motion to add provision that prevents reclassification for those who have titles in recognized organizations: Passed

CONTROL YP-110-3: Passed

SUMMARY: Allows Youth Walk-Trot exhibitors to cross over into other showmanship classes.

CONTROL #YP-110-4: Defeated

SUMMARY: Modifies Youth Walk-Trot age divisions.

CONTROL #YP-110-5: Defeated

SUMMARY: Modifies Youth Walk-Trot age divisions to 5-10 and 11-18.

CONTROL #YP-110-6: Defeated

SUMMARY: Modifies Youth Walk-Trot age divisions and requires exhibitors meet Novice Youth eligibility.

CONTROL #YP-115 as clarified: Passed

SUMMARY: Adapts hunt-seat equitation scoring system.

  • Motion to amend the proposal to align with newly passed AQHA rules regarding penalty points and overall run: Passed

CONTROL #YP-120 as clarified: Passed

SUMMARY: Adapts Western horsemanship scoring system.

  • Motion to amend the proposal to align with newly passed AQHA rules regarding penalty points and overall run: Passed

CONTROL #YP-224: Passed

SUMMARY: Adds Novice Youth Top 20 awards.

CONTROL #YP-225: Passed

SUMMARY: Adds Novice Youth Honor Roll awards.

CONTROL #YP-245: Defeated

SUMMARY: Allows solid Paint-breds to show in Novice Youth classes.

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