From our 2023 Your Most Embarrassing Show Moments Relived article (part 2), submitted by Frankie Hart Sunderland
Individual Working Event exhibitors:
Did you know you can download penalty reference sheets in the scoresheet section of the APHA website? Knowing why you are placing and scoring as you do can improve your performance!
For example, standing directly in front of the horse in Showmanship is a 10-point penalty. Of course, you can plus maneuvers, and those plus opportunities can be found on the scoresheets for your classes.
Download and view scoresheets and penalty sheets for your favorite events here:
Here are those the Embarassing Moments articles! There were so many (because it happens to all of us), we made a three-part series:
EC Question of the Week – Our Most Embarrassing Show Moments Relived | Equine Chronicle
EC Question of the Week – Our Most Embarrassing Show Moments Part 2 | Equine Chronicle
EC Question of the Week – Most Embarrassing Show Moments Part 3 | Equine Chronicle