APHA Paint Horse Championships Expanding Into Canada

Image courtesy of APHA.
PHJ press release by: Kelsey Ritchie
The Western Canadian Paint Horse Championships will debut in alliance with the Zone 10 Show July 30-August 2 in Ponoka, Alberta, Canada. Classes will take place concurrently with the corresponding classes at the show.
The goal of these Paint Horse Championships is to increase local show participation and provide recognition to another group of exhibitors beyond the current show format. This is an optional program, and show management determines the classes they wish to offer at their events, based on the interests of the area’s exhibitors.
APHA will sponsor awards for up to 15 classes per Paint Horse Championship, consisting of a custom Gist Silversmiths championship buckle and second- through tenth-place medallions for each class.
Zone 10 consists of regional clubs in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Yukon and Northwest Territories. Additionally, residents in British Columbia can choose to accumulate APHA zone points in Zone 10.
The classes offered at this Paint Horse Championship include:
- Youth Trail 14-18
- Amateur Trail
- Senior Trail
- Youth Western Pleasure 13 & Under
- Amateur Walk-Trot Western Pleasure
- Novice Amateur Western Pleasure
- Solid Paint-Bred Western Pleasure
- Youth Walk-Trot Showmanship
- Junior Hunter Under Saddle
- Amateur Halter Geldings
- Youth Halter Geldings
- Amateur Solid Paint-Bred Geldings
- Amateur Halter Mares
- Youth Halter Mares
- Amateur Solid Paint-Bred Mares
General Eligibility
Both the exhibitor and the horse must meet the eligibility criteria set forth to be eligible to compete in the Paint Horse Championship classes.
- Amateur and Youth exhibitors must be enrolled in the APHA Amateur or Youth Program and meet the ownership requirements per Rules AM-020 and YP-015, respectively.
- Both the exhibitor and the horse owner or lessee must be current APHA members to be eligible to compete.
- Horses must be registered with the APHA and shown in their respective breed registry class: Regular Registry or Solid Paint-Bred.
Exhibitor Eligibility
Exhibitors must reside in the Zone per APHA records and be a current member of APHA. Additional exhibitor eligibility requirements include:
- Halter classes: An exhibitor who has placed in the Top 5 in a halter class at an APHA World Championship Show in the past three years (2012-2014) is NOT eligible to compete in any Paint Horse Championship halter class in any division with a horse of the same sex.
- Example: Susie placed 5th at the 2014 APHA World Championship Show in Youth Geldings. Susie is NOT eligible to compete in the Paint Horse Championship Open, Amateur or Youth Geldings classes.
- Performance classes: An exhibitor who has placed in the Top 10 in a performance class at an APHA World Championship Show in the past three years (2012-2014) is NOT eligible to compete in any Paint Horse Championship performance class in any division involving the same class.
- Example: John was the reserve world champion at the 2012 APHA World Championship Show in Amateur Horsemanship. John is NOT eligible to compete in any Paint Horse Championship horsemanship class.
- Amateur/Youth Walk-Trot, Novice Amateur/Youth and Intermediate Exhibitor World Show placings and placings in non-pointed World Show classes such as Sweepstakes, Challenge and Futurities do not impact eligibility in regular division championship classes.
- Amateur/Youth Walk-Trot World Show placings do count towards exhibitor eligibility criteria in Amateur/Youth Walk-Trot Paint Horse Championship classes.
- Novice Amateur/Youth World Show placings do count towards exhibitor eligibility criteria in Novice Amateur/Youth Paint Horse Championship classes.
Horse Eligibility
Horses must be owned or leased by a resident of the Zone per APHA records. Owner(s) must be current APHA members. Additional criteria for horse eligibility for Championship classes include:
- Halter classes: A horse that has placed in the Top 5 in a halter class at an APHA World Championship Show in the past three years (2012-2014) is NOT eligible to compete in any Paint Horse Championship halter class regardless of division.
- Example: Zip placed third in Open Geldings at the 2013 APHA World Championship Show. Zip is NOT eligible to compete in any Paint Horse Championship gelding halter classes with any exhibitor.
- Performance classes: A horse that has placed in the Top 10 in a performance class at an APHA World Championship Show in the past three years (2012-2014) is NOT eligible to compete in any division of the same class at the Paint Horse Championship Show.
- Example: Trigger placed 6th in Green Western Pleasure at the 2013 APHA World Championship Show. Trigger is NOT eligible to compete in any Paint Horse Championship Western pleasure classes with any exhibitor.
- Solid Paint-Bred classes: A Solid Paint-Bred horse that has placed in the Top 5 in a performance class at an APHA World Championship Show in the past three years (2012-2014) is NOT eligible to compete in any division of the same class at the Paint Horse Championship Show.
- Amateur/Youth Walk-Trot, Novice Amateur/Youth and Intermediate Exhibitor World Show placings and placings in non-pointed World Show classes such as Sweepstakes, Challenge and Futurities do not impact eligibility.
- Amateur/Youth Walk-Trot and Novice Amateur/Youth championship classes are exempt from horse eligibility requirements, except that they must be owned by a resident of the Zone per APHA records.
Additional Show Management Guidelines
- Classes: It is up to Zone show management’s discretion to determine the specific classes to offer.
- Scheduling: It is recommended that classes be offered independently from other APHA-approved classes, prior to the respective APHA class. However, to help alleviate time constraints for shows, classes may be held as a class within a class with APHA-approved classes. If held as a class within a class, awards presentations should be held independently of the regular class awards.
- Judges: It is up to the Zone show management to determine how many judges to use per class; however, it is recommended that more than one judge be used to judge Paint Horse Championship classes.
- Entry Fees: It is up to the Zone show management to determine the entry fee for Championship classes to help offset costs; however, it is recommended that lower entry fees be offered.