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APHA Board of Directors Passes 2020 Emergency Stimulus Plan

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PHJ release

In response to the COVID-19 catastrophe and the corresponding economic recession with a projected 5–10 year recovery timeline, APHA’s Board of Directors took swift action in April 2020 to pass a stimulus package of APHA rule modifications, which were designed to help the Paint Horse community weather the storm for the long haul and preserve the health of the Paint breed.

The modifications go into effect May 4, 2020. Details are summarized below, with more information at the bottom of the page.

  • Expanding the opportunities for genetics-based advancement to Regular Registry under RG-070.E Now, this opportunity will be offered to horses with one Paint parent in addition to those with two APHA parents. For horse with only one APHA sire/dam, the horse must have two qualifying Paint traits and at least one Paint pattern gene confirmed through DNA genetic testing. Those with two APHA parents are only required to have one qualifying Paint trait, along with a Paint pattern gene confirmed through approved DNA testing.
  • Extending an extra year of eligibility for Novice Youth and Novice Amateurs, Youth in their last year of Walk-Trot, Youth 13 & Under and Youth 18 & Under, and for Green classes. If you were eligible on January 1, 2020, then your eligibility will continue through 2021 without penalty.
  • Providing virtual showing opportunities from APHA E-Shows and select other virtual show platforms to count for credit trough APHA’s Paint Alternative Competition program. This allows participating Paint Horses to earn APHA performance records
  • Modifying the requirements for Regional Club eligibility, due to limitations they might encounter due to event restrictions in 2020 due to COVID-19.

“The APHA Board of Directors carefully considered our options and ultimately passed the 2020 Stimulus Plan in an effort to help preserve the health of the Paint Horse market now and in the future,” APHA President Casey West said. “Our mission is to promote, preserve and provide meaningful experiences with Paint Horses, and therefore it’s critical that we take swift action to keep APHA and the Paint Horse market as robust as possible during this economic recession, so we emerge as a stronger, healthier organization on the other side.”

2020 Stimulus Plan – Registration Modifications to RG-070E

Due to COVID-19 and the resulting economic recession, the Board of Directors have implemented a modification to RG-070.E.—the pathway for some solid Paints to earn Regular Registry status through presence of Paint traits and Paint genetics—as part of their 2020 APHA Stimulus Plan, which goes into effect May 4, 2020. This modification provides a means for horses with one APHA-registered parent to participate in this rule and is designed to preserve the overall health of the APHA horse market.

Now, to qualify for the Regular Registry, a horse must meet the following requirements based on their pedigree:

  • Two Paint Parents: Horse can meet Regular Registry requirements through natural Paint markings in the qualifying area; OR
  • Horse must have at least one Paint trait identified in RG-070.H.1–10 and at least one Paint pattern gene confirmed through APHA-approved genetic testing
  • One APHA Parent:Horse can meet Regular Registry requirements through natural Paint markings in the qualifying area; OR
  • Horse must have at least two Paint traits identified in RG-070.H.1–10 and at least one Paint pattern gene confirmed through APHA-approved genetic testingEXCEPTION: Tobiano Gene—If a horse has one APHA parent and the horse carries the Tobianogene (confirmed through APHA-approved genetic testing), only one Paint trait as identified in RG-070.H.1–10 is required.
  • No APHA Parent (cropout):Horse must meet Regular Registry requirements through natural Paint markings in the qualifying area.
  • If a horse with one or two APHA-registered parents does not meet those requirements, the horse will be registered in the Solid Paint-Bred Registry.

The traits used for consideration are listed in RG-070.H.1–10; while these were not designed for use specifically with the genetics-based rule, they have been adapted for that purpose. They are defined as:

  • White leg markings—This was modified to remove the stipulation “above the knees or hocks”
  • Glass, blue or watch eye(s)—Partial or full blue eyes are acceptable
  • Apron or bald face—Defined in the rulebook as touching a line from the inside corner of the eye to the inside corner of the nostril
  • White on the jaw or lower lip
  • Blue zone around a “natural paint marking”
  • Two color mane or tail, one color being natural white
  • Dark spots or freckles in white hair on the face—This is a spot of colored hair and pigmented skin composed within the horse’s white face markings
  • White areas in the non-visible zone, excluding the head, completely surrounded by a contrasting color—The non-visible zone is generally anything you cannot see from a standing position, such as white markings on the midline/abdomen, inner thigh, floor of the chest and buttocks
  • A contrasting area of another color in the non-visible zone, including the head, on a predominantly white horse
  • Ink spots/paw prints and/or coronet spots—These are dark spots typically found inside white markings on the horse’s legs or body

The Process

For horses already registered with APHA, a status change can applied for beginning May 4, 2020. This rule is retroactive and applies to any horse registered with APHA. The following must be provided to APHA:

  • The horse’s original APHA registration certificate, with “registry change” marked on the back
  • Photos of the applicable trait(s) on the horse in question
  • DNA Color/Pattern order form, or reference to test results that have been competed at an APHA-approved lab (copy of test results required if testing is not already on file at APHA)Testing must come form an APHA-approved lab (UC-Davis or Etalon Diagnostics).
  • DNA recording fee applies if testing was completed privately at one of those approved labs
  • Status change fee ($75* *member rate)

For foals applying for registration, the Color/Pattern test should be ordered as part of the registration process, and notation can be made on the application that you wish to use the new RG-070.E rules for consideration of Regular Registry status.

Mail to: APHA MemberCare, 122 E. Exchange Ave, Suite 420, Fort Worth, TX 76164.

Questions about this rule can be directed to

2020 Stimulus Plan – Performance Eligibility Details

Due to COVID-19 and the resulting economic recession, the Board of Directors have implemented three performance eligibility extensions as part of their 2020 APHA Stimulus Plan, which goes into effect May 4, 2020. These extensions are granted due to exhibitors facing a significantly abbreviated year of eligibility in 2020. The performance eligibility extensions that will go into effect are the following:

  • Novice Youth, Novice Amateur and Green Horse eligibility in 2020 will be maintained and extended until December 31, 2021.
  • Youth Walk-Trot 5-10, Youth 13 & Under, Youth Walk-Trot 11-18 and Youth 18 & Under exhibitors in their last year of their respective division will maintain their January 1, 2020, eligibility for that division through December 31, 2021
  • Allow Youth Walk-Trot 11-18 cardholders in 2020 to have three consecutive years of eligibility in that division instead of two consecutive years.
  • To be eligible for these extensions, exhibitors will still be required to maintain their membership status and if applicable they will still need to apply for their 2021 Novice Youth, Novice Amateur or Youth Walk-Trot 11-18 Card.

This was my final year to show in the Youth division as I will be 19 as of January 1, 2020. What does this stimulus plan do for me?

Any AjPHA member in his or her final year as an exhibitor would now have their eligibility extended into 2021. Youth in this situation just need to maintain their AjPHA membership through 2021.

Are there other eligibility extensions granted under this plan?

  • Novice Youth, Novice Amateur and Green horse eligibility in 2020 will be extended into 2021. Novice Youth and Novice Amateur application still need to be submitted for 2021.
  • Youth in their final year of the following divisions will receive another year of eligibility in that division through December 31, 2021.
  • Walk-Trot 5-10
  • Youth 13 & Under
  • Youth Walk-Trot 11-18
  • Youth 18 & Under
  • Youth Walk-Trot 11-18 card holders in 2020 will have three consecutive years of eligibility instead of two consecutive years. You are still required to apply for a 2021 Youth Walk-Trot 11-18 card when the card expires December 31, 2020.

I have an AjPHA lifetime membership that expires December 31, 2020. Do I need to get a 1-year AjPHA membership to be able to show in youth classes in 2021?

Lifetime Youth memberships will be valid for your extended Youth year through December 31, 2021.

What if I do not have a lifetime AjPHA Membership and my membership expires December 31, 2020?

If you do not have a lifetime AjPHA membership, you will be required to renew your AjPHA membership. A 1-year AjPHA membership is $25.

Will Youth in their final year of Youth Walk-Trot 5-10 (as of 2020) be able to show in Youth walk-trot-lope classes in 2021?

Yes, but when an exhibitor enters any of the Walk-Trot classes at a show, he or she may not enter any other classes at that show except for halter and showmanship (YP-110.B).

Will Youth in their final year of Youth 13 & Under (as of 2020) be able to show in the Youth 18 & Under classes in 2021?

Yes, a 13 & Under exhibitor may choose which division to compete on a per-class basis but cannot exhibit in both divisions in the same class (YP-075.A.1).

Questions? Email

2020 Stimulus Plan – E-Shows rolls into Paint Alternative Competition program

Due to COVID-19 and the resulting economic recession, the Board of Directors passed the 2020 APHA Stimulus Plan, which goes into effect May 4, 2020. This plan includes allowing APHA E-Shows—and other select virtual horse shows—to count toward Paint Alternative Competition credits for participating PAC-enrolled Paint Horses.

E-Shows are a virtual horse showing platform developed and administered by APHA, open to all breeds. Now, Paint Horses participating in APHA E-Shows—who are also enrolled in the PAC program—can use their placings to earn PAC credits on their horses’ APHA performance records, which tally toward incremental and year-end awards. APHA will also approve other select virtual shows administered by approved organizations and for classes that are not offered by APHA E-Shows; pre-approval of the event (via written request submitted before hte show takes place) is required before outside virtual shows will count toward PAC credits.

PAC Eligibility

Once your horse is enrolled in the PAC program, you will complete a PAC Exhibitor Report form—based on your placings, you can receive PAC credits that will be recorded on your horse’s performance record.

Enroll in PAC Online. For more information check out our FAQs listed below!

Can I receive Paint Alternative Competition (PAC) credits for APHA E-Shows?

Yes, the Board of Directors has approved APHA E-Show for PAC approval. Credits are based on your placing and how many horses participate in the class.

Can I receive PAC credits for other virtual horse shows? 

Yes (conditionally). The virtual show MUST submit a written request prior to the show dates and be approved by APHA, and only classes that are not offered in APHA E-Shows will be approved for PAC credits.

How do I receive PAC credits for an APHA E-SHOW or virtual horse show?

First, you will be required to enroll your horse in the PAC program. Once you have enrolled in the PAC program, you will need to complete a PAC Exhibitor Report form available at This is the same report you would use for a typical horse show.

I am already enrolled in PAC, and I showed in an APHA E-Show prior to this approval.  Can I receive PAC credits for the APHA E-Shows I’ve already competed in?

Yes, you will just need to complete and submit the PAC Exhibitor Report form and based on your placings you could earn PAC credits. You have 90 days to make any changes/additions to your PAC record.

I have a virtual horse show. How do I get it approved as a PAC event?

To get your virtual horse show PAC approved, you need to submit a written request to PAC Coordinator Karen Utecht at Please note, APHA will not approve virtual shows that offer the same classes as APHA E-Shows.

How do I get more information on APHA’s E-Shows? 

To get more details on upcoming APHA E-Shows, you can go to We also regularly post information on social media so be sure to follow APHA on Facebook and Instagram.

Have any non-APHA virtual shows been PAC approved yet?

Yes, Western Dressage Association of America (WDAA) will be hosting a virtual show that has already been PAC approved.

How do I find out what virtual shows have been approved?

APHA will update the PAC website with APHA-approved virtual horse shows.

Do I need to have my non-virtual horse show approved as a PAC event?

No, a normal, non-virtual horse show does not need to be approved for PAC—they have blanket approval. You will just need to follow standard PAC rules that can be found at

What are the general rules for Virtual Horse Show PAC credits?

All PAC rules apply for the APHA E-Shows and other virtual horse shows. For more information on PAC rules and regulations, go to

Questions? Email Karen Utecht at

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