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An Equine Production Back Number Loyalty Program Underway

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An Equine Production

Our loyal exhibitor base will have the opportunity to purchase a back number for $75 per horse. This number will be reserved for you at ALL of the AEP AQHA shows, regardless if you show at that show or not.

Then for the AEP (only) shows, we will keep your points, similar to a state year-end program. We will award, at the end of the show period, year-end high points in the following divisions: Open Jr, Open Sr, L1 Amateur, Amateur, Select, L1 Youth, 13 & under, 14-18 & Small Fry. (If a particular show has classes leveled, L2 & L3, both levels will count towards that division.) In the non-pro divisions, points will count as a horse/rider combination.

Your points will be kept on your top 20 shows during the year. Yes, you can show more often, but only your top 20 will count.  A show is defined as a show number. Example – The Madness is SIX shows, the Corporate Challenge is SIX shows, Big A is SIX shows, etc. Your points will count from point of back number purchase. Points will be updated 3-4 times a year at the minimum and posted to our website.

Back number sales will open on December 1, 2019. Numbers will be reserved with a CHECK ONLY and sent through the mail. NO credit cards, NO phone reservations, NO texts, NO emails to make it more fair. From November 1 to November 20, 2019 ANY number currently reserved through the GQHA/HQHA back number sale program will have first opportunity to purchase their number. The list will be pulled from GQHA/HQHA as of October 31, 2019 and only those numbers on that list will be allowed to be purchased in the early sign up period.  Beginning December 1, all remaining numbers will be available for sale. No physical number will be printed/provided for the exhibitor. ALL requests will be based on postmark in the event of duplicate number requests.  No numbers maybe reserved with postmark prior to December 1 unless a GQHA/HQHA number and even then no request prior to November 1, 2019.

Combining classes – if (example) a 13 & under is combined with a 14-18 for an all age, select into an amateur, Jr into an all-age, your points will go towards the nominated division.

The point year will go from December 25, 2019 to December 25, 2020. Each year you will need to purchase the back number to participate in the program. You CANNOT buy multiple years at a time.

Current awards will be from such outstanding vendors as Blue Ribbon, Golden West Saddle Pads, Kendall’s Hats, Rod Patrick, Harris, Easy Tags and Cinch. We are working with several other major retailers as well. Actual awards to be announced later depending on participation. They will be very nice awards. We hope to award several positions deep in each division. Example – top 5 in Jr Horse Open.

Click here for a printed copy of the above, along with the point scale & registration form.

Click here for the available numbers as of November 28.

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