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AjPHA Youth World Western Pleasure Champions Include Vernal, Martin, Rees, and Felker

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Sarah Beth

Sarah Beth Felker

By: Brittany Bevis

Western Pleasure was on the agenda today at the 2017 AjPHA Youth World Show, and the quality of competition did not disappoint. First up, Sarah Beth Felker rode her 4-year-old gelding, Colorfully Hot, to win Novice Youth 14-18 Western Pleasure under the guidance of her uncle and horse trainer John Kunkle.

This is the first World Championship title for 16-year-old Sarah Beth, who has owned “Tater,” a double registered APHA/AQHA gelding, since he was two years old. Last year, this team placed fifth in Novice Youth Western Pleasure here at the Youth World. Also last year, Sara Beth and Tater placed third at the AQHA L1 Championship Show in Youth Western Pleasure.

“He’s a lot of fun, and he really like his job,” she says. “He knows when it’s show time, and he knows when to show off and get it done. He’s a lot of fun, but he definitely makes you work for it.”

Ellie Becker

Ellie Becker

Sarah Beth thinks Tater is an ideal Western Pleasure horse because of his smooth moves and confident personality. “He flows. He’s really comfortable to sit, and he’s a smooth loper. He’s a lot of fun to ride. It’s sometimes intimidating, because some of the horses in there have been around the block a bunch, but I know he’s going to go in there and do his best.”

Coming up later this year, Sarah Beth hopes to compete at the Color Breed Congress and Quarter Horse Congress.

Placing Reserve behind Sarah Beth was Ellie Becker with Too Hot To. She’s owned 14-year-old “Hank” for a year and a half. They currently compete under the guidance of Mike Davis and Kip Larson. Ellie is 18 years old, and, because of where her birthday falls, she still has one more year of competition left in the youth division. Also, she’s already committed to ride for the Auburn Equestrian Team.

Earlier in the show, Ellie and Hank placed fifth in Novice Youth Trail, fifth in Novice Youth Showmanship, seventh in Novice Youth Western Riding, eighth in Youth Western Riding, eighth in Novice Youth Horsemanship, and was just named the Champion in Bareback Horsemanship, one of her favorite disciplines. “My favorite classes are Western Riding and Horsemanship. I love Western Riding because Hank is so good at changing leads, and I like Horsemanship because it provides a challenge. Hank is always really good. He’s definitely a people pleaser. He does not like getting in trouble.”

Coming up later this year, Ellie and Hank will attend the APHA Zone 1 Show in Idaho.


Avery Rees

Third place in Novice Youth 14-18 Western Pleasure was Cami Giesman with Ima Hugable Impulse. Fourth was Macie Soderquist with Ima Mega Sensation. Fifth was Maggie Applegarth with Sensational Design.

Next, Avery Rees rode Miss Mesmerized, aka “Mandy,” to win Novice Youth 13 and Under Western Pleasure, her fifth title of the horse show! We spoke with Avery after she won Novice Youth 13 and Under Showmanship and was named Reserve in 13 and Under Showmanship. Click here to read her interview:

Karlee Shiery

Karlee Shiery

Avery was followed in Reserve by Karlee Shiery with TC Hummer. Third was Sydney Hatcher with Only Good Intentions. Fourth was Brady Hattan with Yours Only. Fifth was Lauren Hall with Alotta Vested Pine. Rees was in the winner’s circle once again in the 13 and Under Western Pleasure with Karlee Shiery and TC Hummer in Reserve. This time, Brady Hattan and Yours Only placed third. Fourth was Skylar Woodell with STR The Dark Nite. Fifth was Drake Carlin with Always Zippen.

10-year-old Kayla Martin rode Wicked Roses to win Walk Trot Western Pleasure aboard the 16.3 hand, 8-year-old gelding she calls “Stetson.” Earlier in the show, they were named the World Champions in Walk Trot Hunter Under Saddle as well. They compete under the guidance of Allan and Julie Schmidt of Dare 2 Dream Performance Horses. “They tell me to keep my chin up, sit back, put my heels down, and have fun!”

Kayla Martin

Kayla Martin

Kayla has so many favorite classes she can’t narrow it down to just one. She loves competing in Trail, Hunter Under Saddle, and Western Pleasure. “I love Trail because I like going over obstacles, and it’s more of a challenge than regular rail classes and regular patterns, because you have to go over things and you can’t knock over anything.”

Kayla’s not sure what her plans are to celebrate her two World Champion titles, but she’s very excited to visit the photographer’s booth to commemorate the occasion. “We’re going to take some pretty awesome pictures!”

The Reserve Champion in Walk Trot Western Pleasure was Chloe Pope with I’m Suddenly Juanted. Third was Addison Nalle-Icenhour with Scratch These Odds. Fourth was Hannah Truex with Dress Like a Gentleman. Fifth was Taylor Eller with Sheza Dancin Machine.

Georgia Vernal

Georgia Vernal

Finally, Georgia Vernal rode Fascination Sensation, aka “Theodore,” to win 14-18 Western Pleasure in near unanimous fashion as the first place choice of four out of the five judges. We spoke with Georgia earlier in the show after she won Novice Youth Western Riding and was named the Reserve Champion in 14-18 Hunter Under Saddle. Click here to read her interview: The Reserve Champion was Julie Fosher with Quita Machine. Third was Lucie Lundquist with Optimized. Fourth was Erin Griffin with Gotta Glo Slo. Fifth was Mary Katherine Camp with Radicalized.

Julie Fosher

Julie Fosher


Mother daughter moment

A sweet mother/daughter moment

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