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A Comeback Story – 2024 Michigan Apple Blossom Circuit

Filed under: Around The Ring Galleries,Featured,Show Results & Gallery |     

All images by KRC Photography.

In this day and age of some club-driven shows being cancelled due to low participation, it’s a breath of fresh air to hear of a show organization that is not only still going, but thriving!

The Michigan Apple Blossom Circuit was founded by Mark Russell, who is also the show manager, in 1998, and it was one of the largest circuits in the state for many years.  As it did for many organizations, the pandemic tried to wreak havoc with their success, and from 2021 – 2023, the largest stall count for the weekend was no larger than 120 stalls, if even that, explains Russell.

But in 2024, their average is back to 179 stalls, and exhibitor feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

What has made the difference?  “Creating an exhibitor-first atmosphere has transformed our circuit,” Russell explains, in addition to their continual efforts to be ahead of the curve offering new opportunities for exhibitors.

“The exhibitors themselves add to this,” reveals Russell.  “Their appreciation of the type of shows we put on and the opportunities we offer make for a really fun show. We don’t exist without our exhibitors and nobody has fun unless they do – they are the best.”

The biggest strength attributing to the success of the shows is the staff, he adds.  “They have all shown at high levels and understand horse shows, and what is involved from the exhibitor’s side. I believe it makes the experience for the exhibitor more enjoyable.”

Some additional ways Michigan Apple Blossom Circuit provides an exhibitor-first atmosphere, per Mark Russell:

-We offer money added sweepstakes classes.

-For the first time this year we have class sponsored gift certificates for each placing for each judge!

>>We place 1st-6th per judge. So each placing in 2024 received a gift certificate to the following

1st – Howell Western Wear $15

2nd – Howell Western Wear $10

3rd – The Wire Horse $5

4th – DAC $5

5th – Tribute $5

6th – ZEHO Leatherworks $5

-We are a split-combined, double judged show. Offering weekend & year end high-point

-Creating camaraderie by offering a FREE exhibitor dinner on Saturday night

-Quality & respected judges

The combination of positive approaches is working, as Russell reports their entries averaging 475 per judge in 2021-2023 have now increased in 2024 to 603 entries per judge.

Now, they’re also celebrating payouts of over $11,500 in sweepstakes paybacks, and awards of over $14,500 in gift certificates.

Thank you to Katie Chambers of KRC Photography for a wonderful gallery of candid photos from the September 27-29, 2024 show at MSU Pavillion, Lansing, MI!  If you are looking for your arena images, visit:


Score sheets and class results:

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