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67th Appaloosa Nationals, ApHC Youth World, and AjPHA Youth World Combine to Create the Ultimate “Spotted” Showdown

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Image courtesy of ApHC

Image courtesy of ApHC

By: Brittany Bevis

Color breed enthusiasts can get the best of both worlds starting this weekend in Fort Worth, Texas where the Appaloosa Youth World Championship Show and AjPHA Youth World Championship Show will be taking place. The 67th Appaloosa Nationals has already been underway for several days resulting in numerous National Champions being named such as…

Three-Year-Old Stallions– Champion- Sean Schembri and Illegal Secret, Reserve-Brett Larsen and Hez A Pretty Package

Yearling Colts– Champion- Terry Sartain and Very Coolicious, Reserve-Sean Schembri and Cool Te Holiday

35 and Over Showmanship- Champion- Chrissy Belcher and A Stellar Hunter, Reserve-Kelly Sweeney and Rumor Machine

Hunter In Hand Yearling Geldings– Champion- Lisa Ligon and Details Gone Bluey, Reserve-Heather Runyon and Totally Hot At Night

Yearling Colts- Champion- Kimberly Anding and Sarasota Secret, Reserve-William Tauffman and Very Coolicious

Showmanship at Halter– Champion- Kelly Sweeney and Rumor Machine, Reserve-Chrissy Belcher and A Stellar Hunter

Saddle Seat Equitation– Champion- Jennie Shrout and Ima Jaks Artifacts, Reserve-Haley Gleeson and Undue Influence

Junior Hunter Under Saddle– Champion- Melissa Proulx and Designer XL, Reserve-Dale Sullens and Secondhandinvestment

Masters Western Horsemanship- Champion- Lora Marshall and Macho In Levis, Reserve-Debra Harley and Zipped In Chocolate

Three-Year-Old Western Pleasure- Champion-Pat Odell and My Daddys Chocolatey, Reserve- Dave Archer and Laced By Chocolate

Masters Western Pleasure– Champion- Chris Filippelli and Laced By Chocolate, Reserve- Barbara Wilkie and Pennies To Payday

Bareback Horsemanship– Champion- Tristanna Bickford and Resurrected Zip MMR, Reserve-Lacee Keller and Strong Principles

Senior Trail- Champion- Jesse Jones and Invaluable, Reserve- Lonnie Cruse and DZS Mac Dandy

Junior Trail– Champion- Robin Chance and Iza Stylish Jet, Reserve-Cheryl Thorton and Pennies To Payday

Weanling Fillies- Champion- Sean Schembri and Illegal Vixen, Reserve-Brain Raggio and The Closer

Camas Prairie Stump Race- Champion- Kennedy Ekovich and MPF Prince, Reserve-Audra Synder and Death Wish

Hunter In Hand Yearling Fillies- Champion- Sandy Jirkovsky and Hands Off My Art, Reserve-Christy King and Iza Pistol Annie

Two-Year-Old Mares- Champion- Tim Finkenbinder and Dreamin On Ice, Reserve-Terry Sartain and Extremely Sweet

Hunter In Hand 4 and Older Geldings- Champion-Dale Sullens and Secondhandinvestment, Reserve-Robert Meneely and Heza Classy Charlie

Photo courtesy of APHC

Image courtesy of APHC

Yearling Fillies– Champion- Ted Turner and Cool Kiss, Reserve- David Parlier and Satin Collection

Western Riding– Champion- Jennifer Hulcher and One Hot Chip, Reserve-Tristanna Bickford and Resurrected Zip Mmr

Three-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Hunter Under Saddle– Champion- Ryan Painter and Handsoffmyartifacts, Reserve- Lisa Ligon and ZZ Top Hat N Tails

Senior Western Pleasure– Champion- Tim Zuidema and Sheza Charlie Chip, Reserve-Mark Shaffer with Impulsive Angel

Hunt Seat Equitation– Jessica Olsen and Heza Classy Charlie, Reserve-Megan Wagner and Be My Example

Men’s Western Pleasure– Champion- Mark Shaffer and Ziperb, Reserve- Tim Zuidema and Sheza Charlie Chip

Pleasure Driving– Champion- Sid Karr and Handy Principles, Reserve- Lori Conger and Huntin For Fun

Novice Western Pleasure– Champion- Patricia Arns and Impulsive Pleasure, Reserve-Susan Chambers and Too Sleepy Zip

35 and Over Hunter Under Saddle– Champion- Sid Karr and Handy Principles, Reserve-Timothy Barnes and ZZ Top Hat and Tails

Two-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure– Champion- Pat Odell and RSVP Platinum Only, Reserve- Colten Andrews and Down Town Charlie

Novice Western Horsemanship– Champion- Laura Grass and Hezsweeter bythehour, Reserve- Keelee Schroeder and Hy Class Hunter

35 and Over Western Pleasure– Champion- Chris Filippelli and Laced By Chocolate, Reserve- Nettie Olsen and Sheza Charlie Chip

Senior Hunter Under Saddle– Champion- Jesse Jones and Play It Again Hunter, Reserve- Sandy Jirkovsky and Arti Sings The Blues

35 and Over Western Horsemanship– Champion- Jennifer Hulcher and One Hot Chip, Reserve- Lesla Andrews and He’s All Sonny

Junior Western Riding– Champion- Cheryl Thorton and Pennies To Payday, Reserve- Dale Sullens and A Chip of Sudden

Masters Western Riding– Champion- Mariann Slocum and Hot Butterscotch, Reserve- Ede Smith and Dontcha Love Charlie

Ladies Western Pleasure- Champion- Jessica Olsen and Sheza Charlie Chip, Reserve- Sara Simons and Rock My Motion

Aged Geldings- Champion- David Beck and Way To Play, Reserve- Steve Wharram and All Powered Up

Masters Showmanship– Champion- Karen Lewis and Look Who’s Zippin, Reserve- Holly Anderson and Look Who’s Zippin

Junior Hunter Hack– Champion- Dale Sullens and Secondhandinvestment, Reserve- Kenny Laymon and Sacred Details

Senior Hunter Hack- Champion- Mason Lyons and Honkin Hunter, Reserve- Mark Thompson and Hot N Sonny

Junior Western Pleasure– Champion- Sara Simons and Rockin The Motion, Reserve- Dave Archer and Oh My Chocolately

Masters Hunter Under Saddle– Champion- Karen Lewis and Arti Sings The Blues, Reserve-Lori Conger and Huntin For Fun

Masters Hunt Seat Equitation- Champion- Karen Lewis and Arti Sings The Blues, Reserve- Lori Conger and Hunting For Fun

Click here to view complete results for the Nationals and, later on, the World Championship Appaloosa Youth Show. Click here to view some fun around the ring photos from the Appaloosa Nationals and NSBA/APHA Color of Money show.

Kate Griffiths, Marketing and Public Relations Director for the Appaloosa Horse Club, was eager to speak about some featured items at the Nationals show this year including the Breed of Choice Incentive classes and Texas Equine Mercantile Sweepstakes classes.

“In a select number of classes, exhibitors and owners may choose to participate in the newly created Breed of Choice Incentive,” Griffiths says. “These classes will run concurrently with different divisions in hunter under saddle, western pleasure, western riding, and trail. For the exhibitors who have paid to enter the incentive portion of the class, they will receive paybacks in those classes.”

“ApHC is offering five Texas Equine Mercantile Sweepstakes Classes during the 67th National Championship Appaloosa Show including Yearling Halter, Senior Western Pleasure, Junior Western Pleasure, Senior Hunter under Saddle and Junior Hunter under Saddle. These classes are evening performances during our show.”

Photo courtesy of APHC

Image courtesy of APHC

Now that the Nationals show is wrapping up, the focus shifts to the younger generation as the ApHC Youth World and AjPHA Youth World kick off this weekend. Taking place today from 8 am to 3 pm is the Youth World Show Boot Camp, where AjPHA and ApHC competitors will receive instruction from professionals in events like showmanship, equitation, and horsemanship. From 3 to 5 pm, APHA competitors can participate in the Ride The Pattern seminar, where judges will provide insight into creating a world-calibur pattern performance.

This evening, after 5 pm, riders will have a chance to practice “soft hands” during the Dennard’s Western Wear Egg Toss in the Will Rogers Coliseum. Exhibitors are encouraged to wear pink and give a minimum donation of $5 per person, which will benefit The American Cancer Society.

If you haven’t had the chance yet to bid in the AYA Silent Auction, bidding ends tomorrow, June 28th at 5 pm. Items being offered this year include an Equine Saltwater Therapy Package, donated by Jennifer Hulcher; one month of training with Tim Jackson Show Horses, donated by Tim and Gretchen Jackson of Sardinia, Ohio; and a breeding to 11 time World and National Champion Stallion Spot My Blue Boy, donated by Rebecca Hogan.

Whether your preference for a spotted steed is either the Appaloosa or Paint Horse variety, one thing is for certain. These talented equines and youth exhibitors are at the top of their games and will be competing for the chance to take home the most prestigious titles in the color breed industry. During a few special events, they will even be competing side by side in a fun multi-breed showdown.

Image courtesy of APHC.

Image courtesy of APHC.

“The camaraderie has been wonderful,” Griffiths says. “The exhibitors like to be able to watch the other association’s classes during their prime events. Everyone, regardless of ApHC or APHA membership, has a common interest, the horse, so being in an environment like this is a great experience.”

“The exhibitors’ response to sharing the facility with the APHA members is wonderful. They really do enjoy getting to watch and experience each other’s show. The youth enjoy all of the combined events that are offered, such as the Youth Exhibitor Party, Ice Cream Social, Boot Scramble, Boot Camps, Freestyle Shankless Showmanship, Ride-A-Buck Bareback Equitation, and Champion of Champions events. They enjoy being able to compete against other Appaloosa members and then go on and compete against APHA members.”

If you won’t be making the trip to Fort Worth, but would still like to keep up with all of the action, will be streaming live video from the AjPHA Youth World Show, June 28- July 5, and 3-2-1 Action Video will be streaming live from the Appaloosa Youth World Show through July 5th. Also, like always, will be onsite to capture all of the action with daily photo galleries, interviews with winners, and realtime results on social media.

We’ll see you there!

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