3 Golf Cars, 4 Scooters, 3 Year’s Use of Horse Trailers, and 1 Car Among Prizes For 2014 Reichert Celebration

Logo courtesy of Reichert Celebration
The 2014 Reichert Celebration is quickly approaching, August 14-September 1 in Fort Worth, Texas, and the event has plenty of incredible prizes up for grabs!
Check it out!
Win a Brand New Smart Car- The trainer of the training stable that earns the most points showing in the Reichert All Breed World Championship “Money Series” classes will win a brand new car.
Win 1 of 3 Golf Cars-
- The Equine Chronicle Color Classic Limited Class Champion
- AQHA/NSBA High Point Open Rider will recieve a Golf Car. Green WP, Junior WP, Senior WP, Ranch Horse Pleasure, and all Open NSBA Futurities held on August 20-21 will count towards point accumulation.
- AQHA High Point “Off The Rail” Rider will recieve a Golf Car- Trail, western riding, reining, halter, hunter under saddle, and all “Off The Rail” Open NSBA Futurity classes held on August 20-21 will count towards point accumulation
Win a year’s use of a horse trailer-
- Equine Sports Medicine Buyers Choice Open 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Stakes Champion
- Equine Sports Medicine Non-Pro 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Stakes Champion, sponsored by Wayne Hodges 4 Star Trailer Sales, Inc.
- Equine Chronicle Color Classic Open Class Champion, sponsored by Twin Cities Featherlite, Gary and Tammy Raak
Win a CAT Scooter- The High Point Amateur/Non-Pro in each breed show will win a scooter.
- AQHA High Point Amateur
- APHA High Point Amateur
- ApHC High Point Amateur
- AHA High Point Amateur
Amateurs/Non-Pro riders will earn points for each placing received for each class they enter in a respective breed show. To be eligible, you must enter Open classes, as they will count towards point accumulation.
Random Draw Prizes– In keeping with the Reichert Celebration tradition, various Lucky Draw prizes will be awarded throughout the event.
We’ll see you in Fort Worth!