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2021 AQHA Standing Committee Reports Available

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The American Quarter Horse Association Executive Committee met April 27-29 in Amarillo to review the standing-committee recommendations approved at the 2021 AQHA Convention by the AQHA membership and AQHA Board of Directors, with the exception of those related to bylaw changes and rules of registration, for which final approval lies with the board of directors. View the bylaw and registration changes.

All committee recommendations were reviewed for feasibility based on a variety of criteria, including but not limited to available resources, budget constraints and necessary computer programming. Careful consideration, discussion and debate were devoted to each item. Below are the highlights of approved agenda items from the 2021 standing-committee reports. Read the full committee reports.

All rules are effective January 1, 2022, unless noted otherwise.

AQHA Amateur Committee

The Executive Committee approved to:

Remove SHW225.6 and modify SHW225.5 and SHW227 to read as follows: “SHW225.5 Notwithstanding SHW225.3.1-5 above, an individual who is 65 years of age or older and who was previously ineligible as outlined above is eligible to immediately apply for amateur membership so long as he/she meets all other amateur eligibility requirements and relinquishes his/her horse show judging credentials, his/her AQHA Professional Horseman membership and any other professional memberships. SHW227 To become eligible for amateur membership, or become eligible for reinstatement to amateur membership, the individual must wait a period of up to three years from the date of the last incident which rendered the individual ineligible, except as permitted by SHW225.5 for individual 65 years of age or older. Violation of AQHA’s rule requirement for truthful application for amateur status may be cause for more severe sanction than such waiting period.”

2021-22 AQHA Amateur Committee Chairwoman: Rebecca Halvorson

AQHA Equine Research Committee

The American Quarter Horse Foundation Board of Trustees approved funding $271,170.67 for the following research projects:

“The Effect of Administration of Platelet-rich Plasma and Triamcinolone Acetonide in Combination on Inflamed Equine Osteochondral and Synovial Explants in Co-Culture” at Auburn University.

“Comparing the Immunomodulatory Potency of Equine Culture-Expanded Articular Chondrocytes to Mesenchymal Stromal Cells” at Colorado State University.

“Effect of Donor Age on the Functionality of Equine Articular Chondroprogenitor Cells” at Colorado State University.

“Prevention of Persistent Breeding-Induced Endometritis in the Mare” at Colorado State University.

“Efficacy of Xenogen-Free MSCs in Equine Joint Disease” at Texas A&M University.

“Determination of the Time Required to Achieve Peak Concentration of Amikacin in the Radiocarpal Joint during Intravenous Regional Limb Perfusion using 10% DMSO” at the University of California, Davis.

“Fecal Biomarker Validation for Detection of Intestinal Inflammation in Horses” at the University of Illinois.

“Effect of Day of Estrus Cycle at TVA on Rates of In Vitro Oocyte Maturation and Blastocyst Production After ICSI” at the University of Pennsylvania.

Also approved is the funding from the Foundation’s Emergent Research Fund in the amount of $42,888 for “Effects of Phenylbutazone, Flunixin Meglumine and Ketoprofen on Renal Effects of Furosemide in Horses” at Michigan State University, and funding from the Refrigerator Fund for Equine Head Trauma in the amount of $41,584 for “The Effect of Hyperosmolar Fluid Administration on Intracranial Pressure” at the University of Georgia.

2021-22 AQHA Research Committee Chairman: Dr. Jason Bruemmer

AQHA International Committee

The Executive Committee approved:

Formation of a joint task force with the International and Shows committees to examine the process and requirements for establishing AQHA-approved virtual shows, considering the limitations of in-person gatherings.
Formation of a task force to create a proposed solution for how AQHA might count AQHA members and registered American Quarter Horses in countries that face geopolitical challenges, such as the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom.

2021-22 AQHA International Committee Chairman: Jose Ignacio “Nacho” de Mendiguren

AQHA Judges Committee

The Executive Committee approved amendments to the following AQHA rules:

Amend SHW436.6 (horsemanship) and SHW620 (hunt seat equitation) to include: “When a lead change is a required maneuver, it may be designated as a simple change or the exhibitor has the option to perform either a simple or flying lead change.”

Amend SHW621.2 (hunt seat equitation penalties):

  • Missing a diagonal up to two strides in the pattern or on the rail will be a 3-point penalty.
  • Missing a diagonal for more than two strides in the pattern or on the rail will be a 5-point penalty.
  • Obviously looking down to check leads or diagonals will be a 5-point penalty.

Amend SHW437 (horsemanship penalties):

  • Obviously looking down to check leads will be a 5-point penalty.

Amend SHW912.2 to read, “A judge who is only judging Equestrians With Disabilities classes is permitted to judge more than two consecutive years at the same show or set of shows.

Create a task force with members from the Judges Committee, Ranching Committee and Animal Welfare Commission regarding an “eye appeal” column to score sheets.

2021-22 AQHA Judges Committee Chairman: Wayne Halvorson

AQHA Marketing and Membership Committee

The Marketing and Membership Committee utilized the majority of its time in workshop settings discussing how to drive membership conversions, specifically for youth membership. The Executive Committee approved the following items be explored and implemented regarding youth membership:

  • A competition-level membership fee to increase funds for scholarships and youth programs and services.
    Partnerships with existing AQHA alliance partners to leverage into AQHYA memberships.
  • New alliance partnerships with youth equestrian organizations to leverage into AQHYA memberships, including youth side pots (or jackpots) at speed and timed events.
  • A letterman’s jacket and recognition program to be made available to all AQHA competing youth members.
  • The Executive Committee also recommends AQHA staff pursue additional notices in the emailed membership renewal series to include reminders for up to three months post expiration and promotion of member benefits to the affiliate and sanctioned-event level, utilizing affiliate and show management contacts.

2021-22 AQHA Marketing and Membership Committee Chairman: Marc Ristow

AQHA Nominations and Credentials Committee

Bylaw changes were reviewed by the Nominations and Credentials Committee at the 2021 convention. The committee’s recommendations were approved by AQHA membership and the AQHA Board of Directors at convention. Read more about the bylaw changes.

2021-22 Nominations and Credentials Committee Chairman: Randy Ratliff.

AQHA Public Policy Committee

The Executive Committee approved to:

  • Develop an AQHA legislation and regulatory policy book that will provide direction to the Association on addressing legislation and regulations at the federal level.
  • Establish a Political Education Fund within the public policy budget to support the promotion of AQHA’s Political Action Committee.
  • AQHA Political Action Committee’s distribution plan for funding of congressional campaigns.
    Develop a communications plan with state affiliate presidents and state AQHA directors to notify them of legislative and regulatory issues affecting the horse industry.
  • Develop a portal for AQHA members to donate to the AQHAPAC electronically.*
  • Build a webpage specific to public policy and establish a prominent link on AQHA’s homepage.
  • Support Senate Bill S.792 the Haulers of Agriculture and Livestock Safety Act, which would modernize the agriculture exemption to the hours-of-service rules.

2021-22 AQHA Public Policy Committee Chairman: James Clement

AQHA Racing Committee

The Executive Committee approved:

  • Reviewed and approved the minutes of the previous Racing Committee meeting, which was held virtually in 2020 due to the cancellation of the 2020 AQHA Convention.
  • Appointment of individuals selected for the 2021 Champions Selection Committee.
  • Endorsement of the Permanently Disabled Jockey Fund’s proposal to create a funding mechanism for its stipends to disabled riders.
  • Champion Selection Criteria regarding small, medium and large breeders to remain as is.
  • Recommendations of the Challenge Task Force to update the program with a revised fee schedule and reintroduction the Bonus Challenge Stakes.

2021-22 AQHA Racing Committee Chairman: G.R. Carter Jr.

AQHA Ranching Committee

The Executive Committee approved several modifications related to ranch classes. View all the rules that were affected in the AQHA Ranching Committee report at Rule changes will also be shared on

2021-22 AQHA Ranching Committee Chairwoman: Jecca Ostrander

AQHA Recreational Activities Committee

The Executive Committee approved the Recreational Activities Committee to explore the potential to create or partner with a group to develop an electronic application to log AQHA Horseback Riding Program hours; create videos highlighting what it means to be an AQHA Horseback Riding Program participant; create trail etiquette and safety videos to be published on AQHA social media; and promote the AQHA Horseback Riding Program to target audiences, including but not limited to new AQHA members, 4-H groups, feed stores and existing affiliate trail rides.

2021-22 AQHA Recreational Activities Committee Chairman: Karl Bauer

AQHA Show Committee

The Executive Committee approved modifications to several show rules. More details on these rule changes are available in the AQHA Show Committee Report at and will also be released on

2021-22 Show Committee Chairman: Robin Frid

AQHA Studbook and Registration Committee

Registration-related rule-change proposals were reviewed by the Stud Book and Registration Committee at the 2021 convention. The committee’s recommendations were approved by AQHA membership and AQHA Board of Directors at convention. Read more about the registration-related rule changes.

2021-22 Studbook and Registration Committee Chairman: Ross Roark

AQHA Youth Activities Committee

The Youth Activities Committee discussed AQHA’s areas of improvement regarding the decline of youth membership and the need to create a strong and positive membership trend. AQHA must take a leadership role in establishing meaningful measures that may help improve the future outlook for AQHA and the horse industry. Additional discussion topics included development efforts for the Youth Activities Scholarship endowment fund, the leadership activities of the AQHYA Board of Directors, an overview of AQHYA programs, the Young Horse Development Program and the Bank of America Youth Excellence Seminar.

2021-22 AQHA Youth Activities Committee Chairwoman: Abigail Pait NeSmith

About the AQHA Convention and Rule Changes

AQHA is an organization that works for its members. Each spring, AQHA holds a convention to review AQHA rules and policies. During the convention, member-submitted rule changes and suggestions are also reviewed. AQHA wants to hear any suggestions you have to make AQHA membership, programs and services reach their fullest potential.

Even though members have until December 31, 2021, to submit items for the 2022 AQHA Convention, the Association encourages members to submit items as early as possible to give Association staff, committees and councils more time to prepare materials and communicate potential changes before the convention February 25-28, 2022, at the South Point Hotel & Casino, in Las Vegas. Submit a rule-change proposal to be reviewed at the 2022 AQHA Convention by using this form.

Watch this video on AQHA’s YouTube channel for more information about AQHA’s rule-change process. Log in to the AQHA Member Services area for a list of the standing committees.

For more information on the AQHA convention, visit

*Pending further review regarding feasibility of recommendation, including but not limited to available resources, budget constraints and necessary computer programming.

AQHA News and information is a service of the American Quarter Horse Association. For more news and information, follow @AQHA on Twitter and visit

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