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2021 AQHA Rulebook FAQs from AEP

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As has become a yearly tradition, An Equine Production creates this helpful infographic of the most Frequently Asked Questions they receive about that year’s AQHA rulebook. Well, the 2021 version is here!


Forms must be turned in within one hour of administration. If the show office is closed, they must be turned in within one hour of the office being opened the next morning. Rule VIO403.8 pg. 43. If you have a horse on the grounds and they are not being shown, still file a medication form, in the event it is shown. Have a question on a specific medication/timing? Call Medication Hotline- 1-800-633-2472

Green Level 1:

Rule SHW245 Eligibility page 100- Points are based on Nov. 1st- Oct. 31st of each year. If you show a horse at any horse show from November 1, 2021- December 31st, 2021, the points earned will not be counted for 2022 eligibility. They are counted for 2023 eligibility. This applies for L1 Amateur and Youth (Novice) eligibility as well. Horses competing in Level 1 (Green) classes may not have won $2,500 or more in any equine organization or association in that class. Still 25 points per class to apply. Also, if the rider has competed on a NCEA equestrian team on a scholarship or rides as a starter, they are not L1 eligible.


SHW 252 page 102- Horses may now have up to 50 lifetime points per class. The rider must still have less than 10 points per class to be eligible. Prize money won can also affect eligibility. Over Fence classes do not apply for horses.

How Many?

Performance Classes- page 131, Rule SHW 400- Performance classes that are individually worked (Ranch Riding, Reining, Working Cow Horse, Boxing, Western Riding, Barrels, Poles, Jumping, Working Hunter, Trail, Ranch Trail, Roping, Team Penning, and Sorting and Cutting) you can show the following:

All Age Open- A total of four horses can be exhibited. (No stipulation of how many of each age.)

Junior or Level 1 Junior- Three horses may be shown.

Senior or Level 1 Senior- Three horses may be shown.

Leveled classes- A total of four horses may be shown (no stipulation of how many of each level)

Leveled Rail classes- For example, If the L2 and L3 Senior Western Pleasure classes are not concurrent, you can show one in the L2 and one in the L3. If concurrent, only one horse can be shown.

Versatility Ranch Horse:

SHW 461.1 page 180- No horse may cross enter Trail and Versatility Ranch Trail regardless of division.

SHW 562 page 247- No horse may cross enter Reining and Versatility Ranch Horse Reining regardless of division. Anytime there are enough categories. (three) involving VRH classes to have an All-Around named (conformation, cattle, and one other performance class) that become a VRH show on its own. Those classes cannot be part of the original show. Separate AQHA processing fees willy apply.

Odds N Ends:

SHW 605.1 and 605.2- Working Hunter Under Saddle- A horse must be shown in at least one over fence class and may not cross enter into the Hunter Under Saddle at the same show.

Can an adult child and the child’s mom show the same horse in both Amateur Showmanship and Select Showmanship? No. One, if L1 eligible, could show in the L1 and the other in the age appropriate class.

Can an exhibitor of select age, show one horse in Amateur Showmanship and another horse in Select Showmanship? Yes.

Can an exhibitor show the same horse in Ranch Riding and Western Pleasure at the same show? No. See SHW416.

Can an exhibitor show one horse in the L1 Amateur Walk/Jog Trail and another horse in the lope Trail? No. However, a child could show the W/J Trail and an adult could show in the lope Trail.

Can an exhibitor show the same horse in W/J Horsemanship and Lope Pleasure? Yes.

Non-Owned Horses- Can be shown by a L1 Amateur/Youth in the appropriate L1 class? Yes, at non top 10 shows the horse can be shown without additional paperwork. At Top 10 shows, permits can be required.

Performance Halter- If your horse has a ROM in any division, the horse is eligible to show Performance Halter in any division.

Exhibitor Level- It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to know their correct level.

World Show Qualifier’s Handbook- Points earned by a youth from August 1st to December 31st in the year he/she turns 19 years of age will count toward Amateur qualification for the upcoming Amateur World Show. This applies for youth who meet amateur eligibility/membership requirements as of January 1st.

Though this is designed as a quick reference guide, at all times, refer to the AQHA rule book, at

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