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2014 WSQHA Trophy Circuit- Largest Show in Eight Years

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All photos courtesy of Linsey O'Donnell.

All photos courtesy of Linsey O’Donnell.

By: Brittany Bevis

The Washington State Quarter Horse Association puts on some of the largest Quarter Horse shows in the Northwest. Over Memorial Day weekend, May 23-26, WSQHA hosted the Trophy Circuit in Monroe, WA. Judges for the show were Doug Huls, John Boxell, Lisa Moden, Gary Reynolds, Dana English, and Steve Heckaman.

According to WSQHA representative, Linsey O’Donnell, the show topped out at just over 600 entries, which made for a 10% increase over the previous year. As a result, this was the largest WSQHA circuit held in the past eight years.

Trophy 2014 583

“It was a very successful show,” O’Donnell says. “Our revised schedule helped the show flow and balanced the length of each day. Showmanship and horsemanship classes were the largest, but the western riding and hunt seat equitation divisions saw the greatest increase from previous years. Trail numbers were strong including 22 in open trail.”

By far, the largest classes were those separated by AQHA Leveling, including the newly split L1 Amateur and L1 Select Amateur classes. O’Donnell credits the huge increase in participation to a significant number of competitors that are trying to qualify for this year’s AQHA Novice Championships.

Some of the largest classes included Open Trail with 22, L1 Youth Showmanship with 18, L1 Amateur Showmanship with 18, L1 Amateur Western Pleasure with 14, and L1 Youth Western Horsemanship with 17.

Like other WSQHA events, the Trophy Circuit was filled with plenty of social activities and hospitality bonuses. Pilchuck Veterinary was the sponsor of a daily hospitality tent that provided coffee and donuts for exhibitors. McCann Performance Horses sponsored a Bunkhouse BBQ dinner on Friday evening. Paige Stroud Performance Horses, Cascade Meadows, and Evergreen Equine sponsored the “I Love My American Quarter Horse” dinner on Saturday. Also, copies of the latest issue of the Equine Chronicle were distributed to exhibitors for “Free Read Friday!”

Trophy 2014 269

Sunday evening concluded with a hilarious performance in the Trainer’s Showmanship class, which saw many colorful characters like Edward Higbee (as Kristy McCann), Paige Stroud, and Splendora Huizenga. Huizenga was the grand prize winner of the jackpot and a $100 gift certificate to Avila’s Pro Shop.

Splendora Huzengia.

Splendora Huizenga.

“WSQHA would like to thank the excellent show staff, trainers, vendors, exhibitors and spectators who made this the best Trophy Circuit to date!” O’Donnell says.

Click on the links below to view results from the horse show.

2014 Results 1

2014 Results 2

Futurity Results

Trophy Circuit All Around winners:

Walk Trot 10 and Under – Playboys Poco Bert & Ava Dees

Open – Some Thing Radical & Mark Jensen

Novice Youth Champion – One Hot Date & Ashley Laird

Novice Youth Reserve – Unchipped & Erin McNab

Youth 13 and Under Champion – Chips Heart & Lily Richardson

Youth 13 and Under Reserve – Made Me Intangible & Elsie Naruszewicz

Youth 14-18 Champion – One Hot Loper & Aspen Crew

Youth 14-18 Reserve – Whos All Invited & Charlotte Selby

Novice Am Champion – Talk About Royal & Cassie Chriest

Novice Am Reserve – Buster Browns A Star & Rachel Mundell

Amateur Champion – A Natural Dancer & Becky Moe Moore

Amateur Reserve – Hotroddin Ona Harley & Laura Benjamin

Select Champion – Versionaire & Cindy Nakahara

Select Reserve – A Certain Melody & Lorie Johnson

Click here to view around the ring photos from the show, courtesy of Magic Look Photography.

Scroll below to view more candid photos courtesy of Linsey O’Donnell.

3YO Open Futurity Announcer Ron and Gateman Jim Ashley Laird Ava Dees Carly Glick Cassie Chriest Cindy Nakahara &  Linda Coakley Cosette RIch Courtney & Denise Turner Crew Family Edward Higbee Fendi Hannah Forbes Hilary Janet Grimsby Jayden McDonough Jessica Grodzins Kelly Lake Kerri DeKubber Kristy McCann Lily Richardson Lori Wilkerson & Margaret Howard Mark Webb Mike Edwards Rachel Mundell Rachel Williams Riki Shaffer Robin Bergam, Jodi Croy, Kerri Chalberg Sarah & Sonnet Sarah Raschein Sonnet Pradel Teri MacMillan & Nancy O'Keefe Trail Course Designer Dan and Wife Julie Trophy 2014 048 Trophy 2014 055 Trophy 2014 261 Trophy 2014 274 Trophy 2014 280 Trophy 2014 526 Trophy 2014 527B Trophy 2014 583 Trophy 2014 726 Trophy 2014 796 Trophy 2014 807 Trophy 2014 847 Trophy 2014 852 Trophy 2014 872 Trophy 2014 960

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