WCHA Comments on AQHA’s New Lip Cord Rule

Logo courtesy of WCHA
December 16, 2015, Sheffield, Iowa – The World Conformation Horse Association would like to thank the AQHA Executive Committee for listening and collaborating on a modification to AQHA Rule SHW355, allowing lip cords in amateur and open halter classes for stallions, ages 1-year-old and older only, to be effective, January 1, 2016. Together with the leadership of WCHA and input from other AQHA members, the AQHA Executive Committee adopted a creative alternative which WCHA feels meets AQHA’s objective relative to preserving the welfare of the horse as well as help to protect the safety of the exhibitors at AQHA events.
We feel this is a prime example of how AQHA and one of its alliance partners can work together to meet the needs of the AQHA membership while at the same time achieve the Association’s objectives. As we continue our partnership, we are hopeful there will be many other opportunities to work together to meet both AQHA as well as WCHA objectives of preserving the welfare of the horse and representing the needs of our cross-over memberships.
There have been recent inquiries of WCHA as to the role WCHA will play in the ongoing production and roll-out of the lip cord. The leadership of WCHA is hopeful this modification by AQHA at their events is accepted in the spirit of compromise and finding common ground. Further that members of both organizations will value the common ground and work to abide by the lip cord specifications at AQHA events so the compromise reached will be ongoing. It is up to us as members to uphold and help see this modification through to success. Other than to continuously encourage the support of proper use of the lip cord at AQHA events, WCHA does not currently have any plans relative to the production and roll-out of the lip cord.
WCHA Comments on AQHA’s New Lip Cord Rule
Logo courtesy of WCHA
December 16, 2015, Sheffield, Iowa – The World Conformation Horse Association would like to thank the AQHA Executive Committee for listening and collaborating on a modification to AQHA Rule SHW355, allowing lip cords in amateur and open halter classes for stallions, ages 1-year-old and older only, to be effective, January 1, 2016. Together with the leadership of WCHA and input from other AQHA members, the AQHA Executive Committee adopted a creative alternative which WCHA feels meets AQHA’s objective relative to preserving the welfare of the horse as well as help to protect the safety of the exhibitors at AQHA events.