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Wacker, Shepard, Tan, and Hamm Named World Champions in Yearling Geldings, 2-Year-Old Geldings, 3-Year-Old Mares, and Aged Mares

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Paige and Shawn Wacker

Paige and Shawn Wacker

By: Brittany Bevis

Today’s been a busy one here at the 2016 AQHYA World Show. First, Paige Wacker led Theres No Tellin to win Yearling Geldings. The Reserve World Champion was Shyanne Smith with Guilty Secretz. Third place was Calyn Halvorson with BRT Classic Edition. Fourth place was Justin Boulware with The Obvious Design. Fifth place was Seth Craft with Fearles Keeper.

Paige describes “Prince” as a spunky horse with a sassy personality. However, when it comes time to enter the show pen, he’s all business. “He does like to test me a little, but, he knows his job and loves to show,” she says. “I do adore him, but he does drive me crazy!”

“We bred and raised him, and he’s been our little baby ever since. My mom actually won the Breeders Halter Futurity with him last November. We came here with no expectations and did really well.”

RJ Shepard with Dad

RJ Shepard with Dad

In charge of fitting and preparing Paige’s horses is her father, Shawn Wacker. “He does such a good job and is so dedicated to it,” she says. “He always makes sure we’re the best we can be before we go in.” Of course that involves using plenty of Pepi finishing spray as the final touch for a perfect glossy coat. “You don’t go anywhere without your makeup on… do you? It’s very important. It ties everything all together and gives you that ‘It’ factor.”

Later in the morning, Paige was named the Reserve World Champion with her 3-year-old mare, Executee. “She’s my princess. She and I are pretty much best friends. I know every move she’s going to make. She shows amazing for me every time, and I trust her.” Each year Paige and Executee have competed at the Youth World, they’ve won a trophy. They were Reserve in Yearling Mares, Third in Two-Year-Old Mares, and Reserve today in 3-Year-Old Mares. “She’s my trophy collector!” Paige jokes.

Tomorrow, Paige will show Ima Moxie Man, aka “Frog,” in Showmanship, which will conclude her last AQHA Youth World Show.

The second World Champion of the morning was RJ Shepard, who led Entended to win 2-Year-Old Geldings. The Reserve Champion was Cade Prime with King Coolsified. Third place was Cameron Doud with Star Six Intel. Fourth place was Hailey Lane with EX Street. Fifth place was Alisun Watson with Self Employed Idol.

Lexi Tan

Lexi Tan

RJ has had “Eddie” since April of this year. They’ve competed at three shows together and were named the Grand Champions at all three. Going into the Youth World with an undefeated show record helped give RJ a boost of extra confidence. “It made me feel more confident, but more nervous because of everything that everyone has done for me.”

An integral part of RJ’s show team are his parents and horse trainers, John and Danielle Shepard. This sweet young man would also like to thank everyone who has helped him along the way. “I want to thank everyone involved: Jason, Julie, and Shyanne Smith, Ted Turner, the Shepard family, and Ashley and Tristan North.”

RJ thinks Eddie is the perfect Halter horse because of his great conformation and equal proportions. “Also, he has a good personality, and he’s fun to be around. He was very well-manned today.”

Christopher Trahan

Christopher Trahan

This is the 15-year-old’s first AQHYA World Championship title.

Next up, Lexi Tan led Telabella to a big win in 3-Year-Old Mares. The Reserve World Champion was Paige Wacker with Executee. Third place was Christopher Trahan with Ladies and Lace. Fourth place was Trent Searles with Cool To Get Roses. Fifth place was Kaylee Hamm with Cheers To Being Cool.

Tellabella is a homebred mare for the Tan family, which makes this win extra special. “It means a lot to us,” Lexi says. “She’s a super quiet and calm horse. She gets out there, sets up, and stands there the whole time. Also, she has a beautiful face and she’s huge. This is my second year showing her.”

Trent Searles

Trent Searles

Helping fit and prepare Tellabella for the Youth World was Kathy Smallwood, a horse trainer the Tan family has been with since 2006.

Finally, Kaylee Hamm led Guns and Lace to win Aged Mares. The Reserve Champion was Nathan Wright with Lookin For Romance. Third place was Shyanne Smith with Envinity. Fourth place was Monica Hamm with Miss Kittee. Fifth place was Alexis Lege with Bita Nugget.

This was “Lacey’s” first time in the Aged Mares division, because she is four years old. Last year, Kaylee led another mare, Ginacarla, to win Aged Mares. She seems a lot of similarities between the two horses.

“Lacey is very much a sweetheart in the barn,” Kaylee says. “I don’t think I’ve ever had her freak out on me or act crazy. She was really good, and she stayed still today. She and Giancarla are very similar. Probably the only difference is that Lacey is huge. People say I look like a little peanut out there, because she’s so much taller than me!”

Kaylee Hamm

Kaylee Hamm

Earlier at the show, Kaylee was also named the World Champion in Two-Year-Old Geldings with SS Rampage, aka “Al,” and placed in the Top 5 in 3-Year-Old Mares with Cheers To Being Cool, aka “LuLu.”

Because Kaylee shows so many different horses, we wondered how they each differ in terms of show ring expression. “Today, for Lacey, I had a comb and I would scrape it with my nail to get her ears up. I also use Tic-Tacs or mints. I either shake them or let them smell it. We also use a little pig sometimes for noise. We also have a cow, frog, and a duck. We have a variety of them! Each horse is different on every day and what kind of sound they like.”

Monica and Kaylee Hamm

Monica and Kaylee Hamm



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