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Two 2018 APHA Registration-based Rule Changes Now in Effect

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DNAtobianoPHJ release by: Jessica Hein

A pair of rule changes that were passed at the 2018 APHA Convention and approved for early implementation by the APHA board of directors went into effect March 15, 2018. Both strive to include more tobiano horses in the popular RG-070.E rule that provides Regular Registry advancement to solid Paint-breds that meet requirements based on parentage, presence of a Paint trait and presence of a Paint pattern gene.

These two rules are included in the five proposals approved for early implementation, with timelines determined by APHA staff. RG-070-2 and RG-070-4 (both detailed below) go into effect March 15; Rules SC-320 (adds Calas & Colas as APHA-approved events in Mexico), AM-090 (adds Youth & Amateur Performance Halter, and adds grand and reserve for Youth halter mares and geldings) and YP-080 (allows Youth 13 & Under exhibitors in Zones 12, 13 and 14 to show a horse of any age in a snaffle bit or hackamore) go into effect April 1, 2018.

Registration Rule Details

The two registration rules passed at the 2018 Convention with early implementation are as follows:

  • RG-070-2: Allows a solid Paint with one APHA-registered parent (sire or dam) to advance to the Regular Registry if the horse also has the Tobiano gene and a Paint trait.
    • This rule applies only to horses carrying the Tobiano gene, confirmed through testing at an APHA-approved lab. Rule is noted under RG-070.F. in the updated APHA Rule Book.
    • Horses must meet all three requirements for advancement: at least 1 APHA parent, presence of a Paint trait (RG-070.H.1-9 in the rulebook) and presence of the Tobiano pattern gene. The other parent must be a Quarter Horse or Thoroughbred.
    • Status change fee applies for horses that are already registered.
    • Tobiano testing is available from APHA for $25 (Download the DNA Order Form).
    • DNA recording fee applies if testing is done privately (not through APHA) at an approved lab.

According to rule originator, this rule is intended to help horses that are extremely minimally marked tobianos—those horses that are tobiano based on their genetic makeup, but express the gene in such a minimal way that they were registered as solid Paint-bred based on APHA registration guidelines.

  • RG-070-4: Expands the list of eligible traits for consideration of RG-070.E. status changes for horses with at least one tobiano or tovero parent (foal must be out of 2 APHA-registered parents).
    • Adds #10 to the list of traits for consideration under RG-070.H:
      10. When at least one of the two Paint parents is a tobiano or tovero, traits for consideration may also include white legs below the knees and hocks, two colors in the mane or tail (one color being natural white), ink spots/paw prints, and/or coronet spots. 
    • Applies to horses seeking advancement under RG-070.E., with an APHA-registered sire and dam.
    • Horse must have two APHA-registered parents, a Paint trait, and at least one of the nine Paint pattern genes (Tobiano, Frame Overo, Sabino 1, Splash White 1, 2 or 3, or Dominant White 5, 10 or 20). Genetic testing must come from an APHA-approved lab.
    • Status change fee applies for horses that are already registered.
    • Color/Pattern testing is available from APHA for $125 (UC-Davis) or $139 (Etalon Diagnostics; comprehensive panel that also includes genetic health testing). (Download the DNA Order Form).
    • DNA recording fee applies if testing is done privately (not through APHA) at an approved lab.

According to the rule originator, this rule is intended to include more tobiano characteristics in the list of approved Paint traits that can be used in consideration of status changes under RG-070.E.

If your solid Paint qualifies for a status change under RG-070.E. (2 Paint parents, trait & Paint pattern gene) or RG-070.F. (1 Paint parent, trait & Tobiano gene), apply for a status change by sending the original registration certificate, Request for Corrected Certificate formDNA Order Form (or test results from an approved lab), photos of the qualifying trait(s) and applicable fees to APHA’s MemberCare team. Questions?

The digital version of the 2018 APHA Rule Book has been updated to reflect these new rule changes that have early implementation.

All rule change proposals approved at the 2018 Convention can be found at

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