ApHC News
Make sure your registration application sails smoothly through the process by following these simple guidelines:
1. Photographs:
2. Name choices: Provide three options. Do not exceed 20 letters and spaces. Punctuation, special characters, numbers, or Roman numerals are not allowed.
3. Sex of foal: Check the appropriate box. If gelded or spayed, list date of surgery.
4. Fees: Use a current registration application or fee schedule to determine fees.
5. Membership: If you aren’t a current year member, include a membership application, otherwise the non-member surcharge fee is required.
6. Stallion Breeding Report: Check to see that the owner of your foal’s sire has filed a Stallion Breeding Report, and that your mare’s name is listed on the report. Remind owners of non-Appaloosa stallions to file Stallion Reports as well.
7. Listing fees: Be sure the required one-time listing fee has been paid on all non-Appaloosa stallions and mares.
8. Genetic testing: The sire and dam of your foal must have DNA on file with the ApHC. If your foal is to be parentage verified, the foal must also have DNA on file. Contact the ApHC or consult the current Official Handbook of the ApHC regarding DNA, HYPP and other genetic testing requirements.
9. Breeder’s Certificate: For each mare bred, a Breeder’s Certificate must be fully completed with original inked signature(s) of the recorded stallion’s owner, authorized agent or lessee at the time of the breeding provided on it. Photocopies, faxed copies or scanned copied signatures are not acceptable. Please be sure that there are no alterations made to the breeder’s certificate and that all the requested information and owner’s signatures are fully completed on it. Breeder’s Certificates received with missing, altered or incorrect information will necessitate the need for a new Breeder’s Certificate and new signatures from owners. Breeder’s Certificate which has missing, incorrect or incomplete information will cause delay processing the foal’s registration.
10. Signatures: All lines with an “X” must contain proper owner(s) signatures. Inadequate or omitted signatures will cause a delay in the processing of your registration.
11. Transfers: If the applicant foal is to be registered to anyone other than the breeder, a completed transfer along with the appropriate fee must accompany the application.
Please refer to the Official Handbook of the ApHC for all rules and requirements for ApHC registration or contact the ApHC Registration Dept. at 208-882-5578, ext. 300.