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Thursday Afternoon NSBA World Champions Include Case, Tobin, Anderman, Huls, Morgan, Stanhope, and More

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Tony Anderman

By: Brittany Bevis

Despite the deluge of rain pelting Tulsa this afternoon, the NSBA World Show continued unhindered, but not without an arena blackout or two. Still, Champions in events like Hunter Under Saddle, Western Pleasure, and Showmanship were able to rise to the occasion.

Tony Anderman led Solo Invested to win Amateur Showmanship for the boy’s club. The Reserve Champion was Angela Fox with HP The Rusty Fox. Third was Whitney Vicars with Who Invited RL. Fourth was Abigail Buckwalter with Chex Certain Look. Fifth was Kaleena Weakly with HP Prime Time.

Tony and 14-year-old “Mac” have been a team for just one year. “He happened to come into our lives with the right set of circumstances,” Tony says. “The year before, he had won Showmanship at the Select World, Congress, and was High Point in the nation with Kip Riley and trainer, Chris Gray. Chris has been a great friend of mine and a great coach for a long time. When Kip had taken a break from showing and got back into it, his first horse was one that came from me, so it’s come full circle. They obviously care about the horse and love him and wanted him to go to the right program.”

Tony Anderman

After analyzing his pattern, Tony feels like his bonus points likely came during the turn and backing sections of the pattern. “I think my leading today was really good. My turns were very square. He’s such a good boy and always tries his best in the pen. Most of it is about teaching me how to do it and getting us in sync; because, obviously, he knows how to do it!”

Tony competes under the guidance of Clint Ainsworth and Chris Gray. Clint had another client win in Showmanship this afternoon when Angela Stanhope repeated her daughter’s success from earlier in the day winning the Select Showmanship with Good As Expected. The Reserve Champion was Dan Yeager with Cracking The Code. Third was Kathy Elmer with Dynamic Chip Happens. Fourth was Elizabeth Brown with Absolute Best Asset. Fifth was Gayle Scharf with A Speed Demon.

Angela Stanhope

“This actually happened to us at the Congress,” Angela says. “Kaylee won the Novice and then my husband went back in and won the Select Novice, so for lightning to have struck again is really surreal.”

In addition to the family’s trait of having long legs, Angela credits their aptitude in the class to their love of creating a connection with their horses. “It’s a lot about connection and communication with your horse, and that’s really why we’re in this sport. You don’t need to have a real expensive horse or real expensive outfit. A lot of hard work will pay you back.”

“Jackson” has had a very busy day, first winning with Kaylee Swanigan in Novice Amateur Showmanship and in Select Showmanship with Angela before heading to the other pen to compete in Senior Trail with Clint. “They moved me to first in the draw so they could take him down and show him in Senior Trail. Then, he went back to his stall to take his saddle off to come back down for the awards. He deserves a peppermint!”

Angela Stanhope with Clint Ainsworth and family

Angela was very pleased with Jackson’s performance today. “He’s a dynamic little horse. He’s always looking through his bridle with his ears up, so he’s fun to watch in that regard. He’s a really good backer, and that was a tough back. He laid it down for me today.”

With the exception of the Youth 14-18 division, every Showmanship category, up until this point, was won by someone in Clint’s barn. Tony Anderman and Solo Invested won Amateur. Angela Stanhope and Good As Expected won Select. Kaylee Swanigan and Good As Expected won Novice Amateur. Allison Travis and Cool Lopin Lady won Novice Youth.

“I have some very good Showmanship horses and people that are very serious about it. When you have those two things, it’s very easy,” Clint says humbly.

Kathy Tobin and VS Game Changer won both the BCF 4-6 YO Non Non Pro Trail and Select Trail. Kathy has owned 6-year-old “TJ” since he was three. This pretty roan won Junior Western Riding at the Congress last year and Non Pro 4-6 Western Riding here at the NSBA World in 2017. Kathy feels his best event is Trail.

Kathy Tobin

“He’s very careful, and he has great expression. He always has his ears forward, and he carries his neck level without you having to do anything. He didn’t hit anything today, so he was clean. I think getting through a couple of those courses with the flags flying around, without any to-do, is amazing.”

TJ is by Radical Rodder and out of Vital Signs Are Good. Coming up next, this team will compete in Western Riding and Horsemanship before heading off to the Select World and Congress later this fall.

Beth Case

The 2-Year-Old HUS Champion was Beth Case with Hez A Dancin Hubba. This is only “Hank’s” second horse show. Earlier this year, he won the Show For Dough and Premier Quarter Sires classes and then won the BCF 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle here at the NSBA World earlier in the week.

Hank is by Hubba Hubba Huntin and out of These Irons Are Dancing. He’s a full brother to Beth’s Junior horse from last year, Hubbout A Dance. Hank is owned by Chris Lagerblade

Beth describes this 2-year-old as having personality plus. “He’s really big and strong for a two-year-old. He’s got really good expression and is a great trotter and a nice loper. He’s always happy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this horse pin his ears.”

Riley Morgan

Riley Morgan rode Inthesweetshop to win $2,500 Ltd. Horse $2,500 Ltd. Rider Open Western Pleasure for the Caliendo family. The Reserve Champion was Lauren Martin with Whambam Thank You Mam. Third was Kollin Fischer with Suddenly She’s Shy. Fourth was Caitlyn Cochran with Certainlyiresistible. Fifth was Clint Ainsworth with She’s Willy Awesome.

This was not only Riley’s first time showing at the NSBA World, this was her first time showing “Bentley.” Having grown up competing in APHA all-around events with an emphasis on English disciplines, Riley had never shown in Western Pleasure until she came to work for the Simons.

“I’ve been doing all-around for my whole life. I worked for the Simons at the Paint Congress, as a non pro, just longing horses. When I went back home, I talked to my mom about the pros and cons of giving up my card. In the long run, I knew I always wanted to do this. I called Sara and RJ and said whenever they had an opportunity, I’d love to have it. So, they invited me down, and I’ve loved it ever since.”

Riley says having the opportunity to bring along young horses and now show a finished Western Pleasure horse has given her valuable skills she will capitalize on for the future. “I’ve learned, from the very beginning, the basics of teaching one. Now, I’ve gotten to show a good one, so it makes sense in the long run that when I’m working with a young one I know what the end goal should be.”

Riley says she focused on keeping Bentley soft and staying with him during every stride in today’s very large class that consisted of two cuts and a finals. “I knew he was capable of it, but I’ve never shown him so I wanted a good ride and I knew I’d have fun, no matter what.”

Stacy Huls rode Top Shelf Fancy to win Color Green Hunter Under Saddle for Carolyn Haney. Stay tuned for her video interview on


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