Care of your Show Clothing
By Holly Taylor of Holly Taylor Designs
Ah, Summer Heat and Horse Showing! Here are my recommendations for cleaning all my clothing!
Taffeta Day Shirts and all my other items can be hand washed with Woolite and hung to dry with care to not get collars or cuffs wet/saturated. You can scrub on these materials pretty good to get out stains.
Holly recommends using a pant hanger when hand washing – clip the cuffs to the pant part to keep them out of the way.
Use a Microfiber cloth (Makeup Eraser cloth) to spot clean the collars and cuffs and remove makeup stains. I recommend using a pant hanger when hand washing – clip the cuffs to the pant part to keep them out of the way. Use of a steam or medium to low heat iron can be used but wrinkles should come out with use. I don’t recommend Bleach.
The ultra suede on fronts and the base of the collar and cuffs will NOT run and can be wet. Leather will run or stain if wet or sweat saturated.
Shirts can also be dry cleaned with recommendations from the cleaner. I highly recommend using one of the dedicated cleaning services that specialize in horse Show clothing.
Do not keep your show clothing in your trailer! The heat will melt the glue! Keep them in your house when not in use. Thank you for your continued business and Good Luck!