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Strong Reaction to Changes in APHA World Show Point Allocation/Breeders’ Trust

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IMG_1427 copyBy: Brittany Bevis

Following the announcement earlier this week that APHA has made changes to the way World Show points will be allocated, starting in 2016, the news was met with a strong reaction among members. Here are the basics of the new policy change, according to an APHA press release, which can be read in full by clicking here.

As the result of a recommendation, from the Long-Range Planning Committee that was then approved by the Executive Committee, points earned at the APHA World Show will no longer count towards Breeders’ Trust payouts and year-end standings. Points will be awarded for placings under individual judges, which will also be included on the lifetime performance records of the horse and competitor and will count towards lifetime achievement awards, such as Registers of Merit, Superiors, and APHA Championships.

According to APHA, the change was made in an effort to expand the regional market for those who might be unable to attend the World Show, but who would still like the opportunity to win year-end awards; increase the dollar value for Breeders’ Trust points and increase participation at regional shows.

Long-Range Planning Committee Chairman, Don Beard, had this to say about the decision. “When you consider the World Show and the Breeders’ Trust point value, the agendas are separate—there are so many awards up for grabs at the World Show, and often the Breeders’ Trust is secondary to what exhibitors are trying to achieve at the World Show. When exhibitors travel and show horses locally or regionally, however, we hope to earn points that hold additional value in year-end awards and Breeders’ Trust paybacks.”

“These changes attempt to serve the regional exhibitor who might never attend the World Show, the club that is making the attempt to increase participation locally, and Breeders’ Trust participants—including both exhibitors and breeders—while growing our base of supporters.”

To recap, World Show points WILL count for horse’s/exhibitor’s lifetime performance records, Register of Merit, Event Superiors, APHA Champions, Versatility, Superior All-Around, Superior Youth, Amateur Champion, and Supreme Champion. World Show points WILL NOT count for Top 20 or Top 10 standings, Amateur or Novice Youth Rookie of the Year, Zone Top Five, Honor Roll, and Breeders’ Trust ​payouts.

IMG_2445 copyWe asked our readers the following questions:

#1- What’s your opinion of the changes to point allocation/Breeders’ Trust payout as it relates to the APHA World Show?

#2- Do you think these changes will help achieve the desired effects of (creating regional markets to help those unable to attend the World Show win year-end awards and increase Breeders’ Trust dollar value)?

#3- If you’re not in favor of the change, what’s a better solution to increase regional participation and increase the dollar value of Breeders’ Trust payouts?

Here are their responses:

Rachel Kooiker(APHA Stallion Owner and Amateur Exhibitor) “As I think about how to answer these questions, I’m looking at the World Champion belt buckle that our stallion, I’m the Secret, won in 2009. At the end of the day, I think that’s what people really want when they attend a World Show. Ten years from now, most of us won’t remember the size of our Breeders’ Trust checks, but the memory of hearing your name over the World Show loudspeaker won’t fade.”

 “With that in mind, I’m choosing to view this move in a positive light. While there are many perspectives to consider, and many valid concerns about the change, I think we should hold off on jumping to conclusions until we’re able to look at some real data (not hearsay) on how these changes will impact Breeders’ Trust and year-end standings. One major concern I’ve seen is that it will disincentive people from attending the World Show. For me, personally, it won’t. I’m planning on going to the World Show in 2016. While it’s nice for points earned at the World Show to earn ‘double duty,’ it’s really a top ten placing or buckle that I’m after at the World Show. After all, don’t most of us heading to the World Show work all year with the dream of being the last one standing in the big coliseum in mind? I sure do.”

“Together with my husband, Drew, and our parents, Nick and Joyce Kooiker, we stand a stallion and raise and show our own Halter and all-around horses. When we were first starting out in APHA, the Breeders’ Trust money was a huge incentive to keep hauling to regional shows. Now, that money is an afterthought. The program needs fixing, and it can’t be done at the expense of stallion and mare owners. I don’t think this change itself is enough to bring the value of a Breeders’ Trust point back up, but I think it’s a step in the direction of making many minor tweaks here and there so that one group alone (exhibitors vs. breeders) won’t have to shoulder the burden of fixing the program.”

Jennifer Schexnayder(APHA Stallion Owner and Amateur Exhibitor) “In the end, we will no longer be going to the APHA Fall World Show. I have decided to sell almost all of my Paints and go back to AQHA. We’re considering keeping one to two Paints and going to Color Breed shows. My World Show bill this year was so outrageous I could of bought a new car. The Amateur Senior Hunter Under Saddle class I believe had 18 in it; it doesn’t even feel like a World Show.”

“I have to look at it as a business decision. I own two studs, and we breed anywhere from 5-15 of our mares a year alone. I love the breed and my fellow competitors. We’re all here for one reason; We have a passion for horses and competing, but when officials decided not to work with the very ones who cut their checks, you begin to see things differently. In the end, Breeders’ Trust money is always nice to receive, but taking away the points sealed the deal. Maybe one day APHA will be back on track. Until then, I wish everyone the very best of luck.”

Jeffery Gibbs(APHA Horse Trainer) “I can understand the concept of trying to grow the regional side of APHA; that’s very important. But I think taking away from the group that’s already coming to and supporting the World Show and giving to the people who don’t isn’t the answer. I don’t think the Breeders Trust money or the points are actually what brings in the big barns to the World Show, but it’s a nice incentive.”

“I don’t think we will see an increase in regional numbers with these changes. Are their any rules in place that don’t allow a regional show to be held during the World Show? In my opinion, you shouldn’t be able to hold one during either of the World Shows. I’m not sure what the answer is to help increase the Breeders’ Trust payout…. One thing that always bothers me is that regional clubs force you to show in Halter to be eligible for High Point titles. Let’s say, in the amateur division, they make it a full point class and there are only one or two ‘real’ Halter horses in the class. That one horse gets six firsts in a class of horses that typically show in all-around events. So that horse gets 36 points in one class of horses that are being forced to show in Halter. So, when an Aged Halter Gelding can come to a Waco show and compete in Open Geldings and Amateur Geldings and take a lot of points and money from the Breeders’ Trust, I think that’s a huge hole.”

IMG_7067 copyRandall Roser(APHA Amateur Exhibitor) “The idea of not including World Show point for Honor Roll has been thrown around for years. There are a few classes that exhibitors have shown in, at the World Show only, and ended up with an Honor Roll title. While World Show numbers seem to be on the rise, I don’t think the number of points from the World Show are really making that much of an impact for most classes.”

“This change may have some impact on Honor Roll titles, but I don’t see this increasing the dollar value per point for Breeders’ Trust. With the Zone Championship Program still in its infancy, I think APHA should have focused on this program before making more changes. Each state/zone has such specific challenges and needs that it’s hard to say a change like this will create growth in those areas.”

Vanessa Froman (APHA Stallion Owner and Amateur Exhibitor) “The announcement has created a lot of questions that I want the Executive Committee and Long-Range Planning Committee to answer in person at the Convention next month. They’re a group of very intelligent people that I value, but I’m truly baffled by the ‘solution’ they passed down as a policy change. My gut reaction is that the savings in Breeders’ Trust payout cannot possibly outweigh the potential loss of revenue from those who decide not to show at the World Show anymore. Giving the World Show value/prestige is very subjective, but the points earned for individual placings are not. Those points are the toughest points to earn of any horse show I attend. So, when the Executive Committee tells me the points I worked so hard for (and paid more than twice the regular entry fee for) all of a sudden don’t hold as much value as the points I earn on a Saturday in June, I feel the need to personally demand answers and a compromise.”

“I need numbers and facts to get behind this policy change. The World Show has made some great progress the last couple of years and the move to September is well received, especially for someone like my trainer who has clients at both APHA and AQHA World Shows. But, I believe this will not achieve the intended objective of creating more demand at the regional level. The new Zone Championships have been doing that.”

“Taking away the ‘value’ of World Show points is a slap in the face to the longtime members, like myself, who have shown more than their fair share of support for the regional shows as well as the World Show. What this change does do is make me reconsider if my money is best spent at the World Show or if I should try and find other shows to meet my goals for Honor Roll each year. The way this change was released, without any data to support it, was poorly planned. They needed to explain what the ‘perceived problem’ was to warrant this change as well. As for increasing the Breeders’ Trust payout, that’s going to take a ton more digging to get to the root of the problem.”

Jillene Overby- (APHA Stallion Owner and Exhibitor)– “I think the change may be ok for owners/exhibitors who aren’t stallion owners. Stallion owners are trying to make ends meet any way possible. This change cuts into those potential earnings, whether it’s the stallion’s percentage or earnings from the offspring they own and show.”

“I would need to see the numbers they used to prove this. The classes at the APHA World have declined in many events, so I don’t think the data would support this change. There are several ways to raise funds for the Breeders’ Trust. For example, use a campaign for a certain time frame and have specific items where the proceeds help build the fund: T-shirts, mugs, keychains, sweatshirts, etc. Use special classes at the World Show to fund the class with a low entry fee to encourage participation, like $10: Egg and Spoon, Bareback Western Pleasure, and Ride-A-Buck Western Pleasure. Creativity is key, as is reaching out to stallion owners who have been involved with the program. As a stallion owner, I love the chance to earn back money and would also support the fundraising program.”

Tina White(Judge) “I think the changes are fair. I think the awards and monies offered at the World show are the huge draw, as well as the Championships that can be won, which increase the value of the horses we show. Many exhibitors are at a disadvantage due to the time of year and weather. They don’t have the same advantages, year after year, as the exhibitors who live in the south. Shows continue year round in the south, but things close down through the winter in the northern states. It can be done, but it’s a significant undertaking. It’s truly a significant advantage to live in the south, and then points from the World show is just another advantage.”

“I think it’s a step in the right direction with the Breeders’ Trust, but it’s a small step and further action needs to be taken. I understand it’s a loss of something that has been available to many for a long time, but we are at a place in time where things will need to change to keep our association viable and growing. I hope members will give a long hard look to the overall health of the association when considering the ramifications of this action.”

Here at, we’re always interested in creating an atmosphere that cultivates healthy and constructive discussion about issues of importance to our readers. We’d like to hear what you have to say about this topic.

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