PtHA News
2019 Novice Changes
Novice classes and divisions have been added, but the Novice process has not changed. All exhibitors wishing to participate in Novice classes just apply and have a Novice designation on their membership card. They must qualify for the class in which they want to participate. To qualify, the exhibitor must have earned less than 50 points in that class (both Novice and regular Youth and/or Amateur), counting all breed associations in which they have competed with all equine they have competed with for the past ten years.
NEW Novice Classes:
NEW- Exhibitors who have previously pointed out of the Novice Pleasure categories might be eligible to compete as a Novice, depending on their points, now that the categories are not combined.
2019 Walk Trot Changes
NEW- Youth 10 and Under
NEW- Youth 11-18
(Youth divisions may not be combined)
Amateur 19 and Over, Junior, Senior, and Elite Amateur divisions
(Amateur divisions may be split or combined)
NEW- Classes that may be offered:
NEW– ROM certificates will be awarded to units that earn 35 points in a single class.