2021 Pleasure Versatility Challenge winner, Wellthereyougo, ridden by Robert King and owned by Renee Norleen. Photo credit: Shane Rux Photography courtesy AQHA.
By Norman K. Luba, President
American Quarter Horse Association
2022 Pleasure Versatility Challenge
The Pleasure Versatility Challenge, presented by Super Sires, returns this November to the 2022 Farnam AQHA World Championship Show at the OKC Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City.
The fifth annual Pleasure Versatility Challenge, presented by Super Sires, is slated for 6 p.m. on Saturday, November 12, during the 2022 Farnam and Adequan® Select AQHA World Championship Show at the OKC Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City. Spectators won’t want to miss this much-anticipated event that features some of the most talented 3-year-old American Quarter Horses demonstrating their versatility.
Total purse is again projected to be $50,000 in cash and additional prizes, paid out to a maximum of 20 horses, entered on a first come, first served basis. Sires of competition horses are not limited to only Super Sires.
The Pleasure Versatility Challenge is proud to partner with Super Sires, a Not for Profit, 501(c)(5) program, as the event’s new title sponsor.
Super Sires was started by horsemen and horsewomen with intentions of creating a platform that would give back to the foundation of the “show horse” industry, the breeders and the owners of show horses. Led by an innovative executive committee, Super Sires encourages owners of pleasure and all-around show mare bloodlines to breed to quality stallions of kind in which the resulting foals would be eligible for large purses beginning as a yearling and continuing throughout their show career. Super Sires’ mission is to conduct its events at top venues throughout the country. By the end of 2022, Super Sires will have awarded approximately $900,000 in cash and prizes to non-pros, limited and open riders in western and English pleasure events, as well as the all-around horse, which includes western riding, trail and horsemanship. Super Sires’ goal is to continue expanding its stallion enrollments, as well as the offspring of the spectacular “show horse” bloodlines that positively affect AQHA, as well as the entire equine industry. Super Sires is a perfect fit for the Pleasure Versatility Challenge now and in the future.
Horses competing during the Pleasure Versatility Challenge are shown sequentially in three classes in the Jim Norick Arena: a pattern class, sponsored by Cimarron Trailers, consisting of a blending of simplified trail and western riding maneuvers, which counts 40 percent; a western pleasure class, sponsored by The Equine Chronicle, which counts 40 percent; and a conformation class, sponsored by the World Conformation Horse Association, which counts 20 percent. Blue Ribbon Custom Tack is providing silver show equipment for the winners and, as a special incentive, will be giving away a custom work saddle to the contestant who finishes in 11th place.
Horses cannot have been shown ASTRIDE in any western riding, trail or similar event to the Pleasure Versatility Challenge prior to the Farnam and Adequan® Select World official entry deadline, which will be released at a later date. As of the official entry deadline, and thereafter, horses can be shown without restriction at any competition without forfeiting Pleasure Versatility Challenge eligibility. There are
no eligibility restrictions for the western pleasure or conformation classes. Sires of competition horses are not limited to only Super Sires – all are welcome!
Send a request to AQHAPVC@gmail.com for specific questions regarding the event, entry details or to have your name and email added to the information distribution list.
Click here to view more detailed Pleasure Versatility Challenge information and the pattern. Entry information will be available at a later date.
Click here to view all the valued sponsors of the 2022 Pleasure Versatility Challenge.
Visit www.aqha.com/worldshow for additional information on the Pleasure Versatility Challenge as the event near