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One of the Greatest Halter Horses of All Time, RPL My Te Cheerful, Has Passed

Filed under: Breaking News,Featured,Obituaries,The Buzz |     
Monica Hamm and Henry win his 20th career World Championship title at the 2015 AQHA World Show.

Monica Hamm and Henry win his 20th career World Championship title at the 2015 AQHA World Show.

By: Brittany Bevis

Everyone at The Equine Chronicle is deeply saddened that we must relay the news of the passing of one of the most decorated Halter horses of all time. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Habighorst family following the sudden death of 13-year-old, multiple AQHA World and Congress Champion, RPL My Te Cheerful.

Longtime owners, Vern and Rita Habighorst, confirmed that their beloved “Henry” passed away last Thursday evening due to a sudden bout of colitis. “It was just sudden,” Rita says. “We will never truly get over it. It was a total shock. He got colitis, and the vets say that when that happens, there isn’t much they can do. They did everything they could to save him. Of all the horses we’ve owned, we never wanted to lose him.”

The Equine Chronicle has had the pleasure of covering Henry’s career for many years as he achieved countless Congress and World Champion titles in youth, amateur, select, and open divisions with handlers like Monica Hamm, Kaylee Hamm, Vern Habighorst, Jeff Habigohorst, Joe Engle, and Ross Roark, just to name a few. We had the opportunity to speak with Monica Hamm in 2015 when she piloted Henry to win his 20th career World Championship title in Youth Aged Geldings. At the time, she shared the secret to the seemingly ageless gelding’s success, Cuties mini mandarin oranges. “Also known as a clementine, this tiny tangerine-like hybrid is Henry’s favorite sweet treat. ‘I don’t know if it’s been the key element to his success… but it’s his favorite treat!’ Monica said.”

Jeff Habighorst with Henry.

Jeff Habighorst with Henry.

This year, Monica has been living on the family’s farm in Texas while attending school, so she’s had the pleasure of visiting Henry every day. “He just had his 13th birthday on April 29th,” she says. “We actually share the same birthday. My first World Show was in 2008, and my first World Championship was in 2009. Then, the next year, Kaylee showed him. From then on, it was a back and forth between the two of us.”

During his storied career, Henry accumulated 24 World Championship titles in youth, amateur, select, and open competition. “AQHA told us that he was one World Championship title short of being the single most decorated horse in history, in a single discipline. The record is 25.” Although Henry wasn’t able to break that record, (but it was certainly possible since Kaylee Hamm was planning to show him at the Youth World Show this year) that in no way diminishes the impact he has left on the horse industry as a whole.

Vern Habighorst, Ross Roark, and Scarlet Engle with Henry.

Vern Habighorst, Ross Roark, and Scarlet Engle with Henry.

“Comfort has come in the past couple of hours in just how many people, who may have never met him, but just watched him show or saw a picture of him, have reached out to us. He wasn’t just my horse or my sister’s horse. It’s always nice to see how many other people feel the same way you do about a special horse.”

“He truly loved showing. Literally, if you left for a horse show without him, he would be angry for three days. If you ever watched him, the only time he ever got super hyped up and excited was in Oklahoma City in the warm up pen. He saw those chutes, and he was ready to go. When you walked down into the gate, he took a deep breath and sighed. He knew was he was supposed to do.”

Monica and Henry have won many prestigious titles during his long and impressive career, but her favorite memories happened in the quiet of the barn aisle way, after a long show day, while sharing his favorite treats of popsicles and mini mandarin oranges. “His stall was right by the fridge, so he would whinny if you opened it and didn’t give him an orange!”

Joe Engle with Henry

Joe Engle with Henry

“I believe the key to his success is that he truly loved all of us. I’ve never had another horse teach me as much. I said, years ago, that there was an energy that ran from his lead into my hand and from my hand into his lead. We fed off each other. He knew when I was nervous, and I knew when he was nervous. We would calm each other down. I’ve never seen a horse that big be that calm and collected. He never wanted to hurt a soul. In true form, he was a gentle giant. He was one-of-a-kind, and I don’t think there will ever be another like him.”

Rest in Peace- RPL My Te Cheerful (2004-2017)

May you have an endless supplies of mini mandarin oranges in heaven.

Monica with Henry

Monica Hamm with Henry

Click on the links below to view some of the many articles The Equine Chronicle has written about Henry over the years.

2016- He’s Still Got It! 20th World Championship Title For RPL My Te Cheerful in Aged Geldings

2016- EC Video of the Day- Getting Henry “Fancy For the Contest”

2015- RPL My Te Cheerful Wins Aged Geldings

2014- Super Horse, RPL My Te Cheerful, Wins Fifth Grand Champion Title at 2014 QH Congress

2014- Habighorst Men Take Top Two Spots in Amateur Aged Geldings and Grand and Reserve

2014- A Fortunate Predicament: Who to Show in Grand and Reserve?

2013- RPL My Te Cheerful Wins 15th Career World Title With Vern Habighorst in Amateur Aged Geldings


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