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New Year, New Teams: Part 2

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FullSizeRender-147By: Brittany Bevis

The beginning of each show season is a hopeful and exciting time, full of possibilities. And there’s nothing more exciting than starting the New Year with a new horse!

We checked in with a few of our friends, who have new equine partners for the 2017 show season, to see how things are going in the New Year. In case you missed it, check out Part 1 of New Year, New Teams. Here’s Part 2!

Team #1- Marcie Budine and Lopin Radical

Purchased– September 2016

Stats– 4-year-old mare by Batman and out of a Radical Rodder mare; Reserve Congress Champion 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Level 2 Western Pleasure Champion

“We call her Minnie Mouse,” Marcie says. “When we purchased her, she was three, and Cole Baker showed her for the first time at the All American Quarter Horse Congress in 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure and was Reserve Champion. She was also qualified for the Junior Western Pleasure at the AQHA World Show. Cole Baker showed Minnie to a 7th place in a stout class. We were so proud of Minnie!”

“She was also a World Champion with Elizabeth Baker in the Level 2 Western Pleasure! She has won multiple futurities as a 2-year-old and 3-year-old. My first show with her was at the NSBA Fun In The Sun in Venice, Florida. We had a great ride and were the Champions in the Novice Select Western Pleasure Maturity. I’m so blessed and excited to own this talented mare! We’re planning on getting qualified for the Select World in Western Pleasure, as well as the Junior Western Pleasure for the Open World Show.”

IMG_4711Team #2- Erin Shapiro Boatwright and Me and My Assets

Purchased– After the 2016 NSBA World Show

Stats– 3-year-old gelding by Allocate Your Assets and out of a Luke At Me mare; 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Champion at The Little Futurity; Reserve in 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Premier Quarter Sires Futurity; third place finish at NSBA World Show

“I’d been watching Parker show all year long, and wasn’t necessarily looking for a new horse,” Erin says. “But, when he became available, I had to jump on it! He’s very handsome, and I love his lofty trot and slow leg. He makes it look easy, and he’s so fun to show. Also, it’s very clear how sweet of a horse he is! I haven’t measured him, but he’s probably getting close to 17 hands. He’s a big boy!”

“Last year, he won the 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle at the Little Futurity and was Reserve in the Premier Quarter Sires 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle. He was Top 5 and Top 10 with me and Trisha Yamber at the Congress in the 2-year-old futurities. We will be showing in the 3-year-old futurities this year as well as in Amateur Hunter Under Saddle. Our first show was at the Congress. He was so much fun to show! We were 5th in the Open Non-Pro (winning it on one card!), 6th in the Limited Non Pro, and 8th in the Open with Trish.”

GC16-2201-M.GARNETT RELEASEDTeam #3- Joanne Garnett with Hez Pretty Extreme and Cool Lookin Lazy

Purchased– At the 2016 AQHA World Show

Stats– 5-year-old gelding by Extremely Hot Chips; Finalist in Junior and Amateur Trail at AQHA World, Top Ten in Junior Western Riding, Amateur Equitation, and Reserve Champion in Horsemanship.

“I first saw Bert at the NSBA World Show while he was showing in Junior Trail and instantly fell in love with him,” Joanne says. “He seemed to be a natural at Trail. With me, it’s pretty black and white. I instantly know whether I like a horse or not. This was love at first sight.”

“I purchased him from Carolyn Rice. I’m going to show him in Trail and Horsemanship and hope to add Western Riding shortly and Showmanship later in the year. Our first show together was the Florida Gold Coast. We had a great show. We were circuit champions in Junior Trail winning on four cards! We also got points in Amateur Select Trail and Horsemanship. We even won Horsemanship on one card. He’s so much fun to show, and he tries really hard. He’s very spoiled though with treats.”

“I also have a new three-year-old, Cool Lookin Lazy, aka ‘Rolex,’ that I plan to start showing in Western Pleasure at the Silver Dollar Circuit in Las Vegas. I purchased him at the Congress after watching him show and have success. Bert is in training with Leslie Lange and Jeff Mellott, and Rolex is in training with Gil Galyean.”

16118084_10158028256800542_1692842369_nTeam #4- Katie Jo Jones and RV Wonit Lopin Lazy

Purchased– At the 2o16 NSBA World Show

Stats– 3-year-old mare by Lazy Loper and out of I”ll Be Dun Won It; NSBA World Show and BCF Champion in 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure

“My mom saw ‘Layla’ at the NSBA World and said we had to try her out,” Katie Jo says. “So we tried her and loved her. I’ve never really shown in Western Pleasure, so the first time I really got a chance to ride her much was the Florida 2016/2017 circuits. I showed her at the Gulf Coast in Amateur Western Pleasure, and we were the reserve circuit champions. Then, I showed her at the NSBA Fun in the Sun Extravaganza and won the 3-Year-Old Limited Non Pro Western Pleasure. I plan to show her in the 3-Year-Old Non Pro events this year, and I’m so excited to start this adventure.”

15978808_1220658687983703_569884974_nTeam #5- Miranda Peck and Shangri La

Purchased– After the 2016 AQHA World Show

Stats– 2014 mare by I Gotta Cool Secret and out of Pretty Irresistible; 2-time World Champion

“I plan on showing Prada in Amateur 3-year-old mares classes at all of the major shows,” Miranda says. “She will also be shown in the Open 3-year-old mares classes. We will also be pulling embryos out of her and breeding her to Ima Safe Bet, and we’re looking forward to seeing her offspring in early 2018. I’m looking forward to working with her and even more excited to show her! She will be fit by Justin Bisel this show season.”

Kathy Tobin

Kathy Tobin with one of her other mounts at a past QH Congress.

Team #6- Kathy Tobin and The Vital Invitation

Purchased– After the 2016 AQHA World Show

Stats– By Invitation Only and out of Vital Signs Are Good; Reserve World Champion in Level 2 Amateur Western Riding; 11th place in Amateur Western Riding; and qualified for the Senior Trail Shoot Out.

“We have been watching Elvis show for a few years, ever since he started showing in California,” Kathy says. “I was always thankful he was an amateur horse, not a Select one. I hope to show him in Select Trail and Western Riding. Our first show will be at the Silver Dollar Circuit, so I’m anxiously awaiting that show.”

“We’ve been out of town for awhile, so I won’t even be able to ride him until the first part of February! I’m hoping Arizona’s weather will be great in February so I can practice. Otherwise, I’ll have to wait to show him until the next show. But, I have confidence in him. It’s me that takes time to get in sync with a new horse, but it’s always fun and a learning experience. Hopefully, we will get together as he seemed to be cued similarly to my More Radical. We will see…”











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