Michelle Speck
By: Brittany Bevis
Recently, we asked our Equine Chronicle readers to share photos of their all-time favorite belt buckles and tell the tales behind the wins. We received so many responses! From first belt buckles won to buckles achieved with special horses. Buckles created with special meaning or by special people.
Read on to discover the stories behind these wearable works of art.
Michelle Speck– “It was my last year as a novice in Trail. I have tried for several years to win the class. I was 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th in years past. Each year, I had a different horse, and I thought I could win with them all. Bentley and I had a draw towards the end of the class, and I’d seen some high scores and thought I could never top those. My trainer said just go in and have fun. I was so nervous. I was overthinking things and practice wasn’t good for me. At the end of the pattern, I started to cry knowing I had a clean good run and we left it all on the course.”
Brenda Weyers- “Having won my very first National Championship trophy at the 2018 ApHC National Show, I suddenly found myself in the running for the Masters High Point title. But in order to have a chance at it, I would have to show in Hunt Seat Equitation with a horse who had never had an English saddle on his back, and a rider who was pretty rusty in the Hunt Seat department. My trainers convinced me to do it. I borrowed tack and clothing from friends and delayed my flight back home. With one day to practice, I placed third in that class, and won the Masters High Point Buckle! Needless to say, I was thrilled.”
Kristy Doyle
Kristy Doyle- “Even though my mare has won over 90 buckles, this one is the most special to me. Not only was it her last buckle prior to retiring for breeding, but it culminated the ultimate comeback! At the first show of the year in 2018, she tore her deep digital flexor tendon, impar ligament, and collateral ligament. She was given a 60% chance of regaining soundness, but only 25% chance of coming back as good as she had been. After 5 months of strict stall rest and 7 months of painstaking rehab involving hundreds of hours of walking, she returned to the show ring a year later and picked up exactly where she left off. We finished 2019 as the #1 Open SPB in APHA!”
Rose Mason
Rose Mason- “This is definitely my favorite buckle, not because I won it, but because of who made it. This buckle was made for me 40+ years ago by Phil and Mabelene Harris back when they first started their business. It is lightweight and beautiful with absolutely beautiful workmanship.”
John Bowyer- “This is a gift from wifey, because I won her heart. So, that’s the best prize.”
John Bowyer
Kati Schulze– “It’s the first one I got! I’m still very proud of all our Showmanship points.”
Jessie Rasmussen- “When I was 8, I watched a family friend win a buckle at a rodeo. Having horses at home, I decided that one day, I was going to win one myself. Thus began quite an adventure! I started practicing. Every day, I watched box DVDs of any trainer I could find. Growing up in northern Wisconsin, I didn’t have many options for learning good horsemanship. The DVDs led to begging to go to clinics. The clinics led to some of my first open shows. I always strived to be the best in every class I showed, riding my trusty Always the Choice gelding to many weekend high points. I ended up spending some time with Lynn Palm as a teenager, learning Dressage principles and how to treat my horse with the best care. I ended up purchasing a kind, big, bay Hunter type. He was an incredible teacher, so smart, and carried me well through my mistakes as I learned and worked for the chance to show AQHA and campaign my last youth year with Jenny Welhouse as a supportive and fun trainer. Coming from nothing, I ended up winning Equitation Over Fences at the Level 1 World Championships! It was a moment I will truly never forget. It was followed by a top 5 and some finalist awards at the Congress that year. I’m so grateful for the experiences and what it taught me. It lead to a great college experience showing in Horsemanship and working for some other talented horsemen. Now I love to coach young riders and have the opportunity to ride some nice stock. I’m hoping the future leads to a real career in this industry.”
Kelsey Tumey
Kelsey Tumey- “It may not be a World or Congress buckle, but this will forever be my favorite, even being a Reserve Congress Champion. I won this buckle with my late mare, Demi in the Dark. We were the Western Riding High Point winners. She was even green at the time. We showed along some great ones that year including Hubba Hubba Huntin with Liz Flohr.”
Taylor Wheaton– “All of the blood, sweat, and tears went into this one. When I bought my now 5-year-old gelding at just 45 days old, I promised him the world would know his name. I only dreamed of winning the Congress as a kid. Being a DIY amateur, showing in AQHA was intimidating, but we worked our tails off and came out on top. I’m so grateful for my dance partner. He’s always there when I need him to step up.”
Casey Engelhorn
Casey Engelhorn– “This was the first buckle I ever won with the first horse I ever owned. I’ve been riding since I was five, but didn’t purchase my first horse, In Living Colour/Living in Colour until I was 20. I got him as a yearling in 2017 and didn’t start him until he was three. I did all the work myself as a DIY college amateur. I’m blessed to have a few supportive friends who offer me advice, and I love to learn by watching at the horse shows and clinics. At the start of 2020, I planed a full first year of showing under saddle for him. I only planned on doing the Showmanship and Hunter Under Saddle and add the pattern classes later. But COVID happened. It was both a blessing and a curse to my show plans. Because of the COVID delay and my classes going virtual, I was able to spend more time preparing my 4-year-old for his first show season under saddle. I was able to get him show, not just in the classes I had originally planned, but we also added Equitation and Horsemanship. We were unanimous circuit champions in Equitation the first time shown and reserve in Horsemanship. We went on to win my first (and our first) all around championship, and then we did it again three more times that season in a very competitive area in the Midwest. We went on to Pinto Worlds and were top 5 and 10 in many of our classes. The icing on the cake was this buckle I won for year-end in Illinois. It was my first, our first, on a horse I made all my own in the all around. It was something I didn’t even plan on competing in that year. He’s also an EWD horse for my brother.”
Isee Beiter- “This is my first ever buckle. Now it wasn’t won like the rest of you guys, but I’m still proud.”
Taylor Foster
Morgan Cole- “It may not be a World or Congress Champion buckle, but it was the first buckle I ever won with my heart horse. We had to put her down in 2017, and I wore this buckle my first time showing at Congress in her memory. It’s not the biggest or the fanciest, but it means the most.”
Taylor Foster- “My mom was the IQHA queen in 1978, so I was proud to represent the great state of Indiana in the All American Quarter Horse Congress Queens contest following in her footsteps! Little did I know, this would all be part of the journey of being named the All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen!”
Rachel Eliot- “So much hard work and determination went into winning this title. From my mentor to those who supported me on the way, this is the one I will always cherish!”
Tracey Staniak- “This buckle meant the most as it was my first with a mare that started everything. She earned over 125 points and, three years after she was retired to being a broodmare, we received my level 1 achievement award! This mare is our center and her babies are doing the same!”
Tracey Staniak
Michele Muench Collins- “This buckle was earned the year after I had a horrific riding accident. In 2012, I was thrown off a 3-year-old that spooked. I was unconscious for 20 minutes (the fall broke my helmet), had a severe concussion, broken ribs, torn rotator cuff and AC ligament, and bruising so bad they put me on blood thinners. It was the first time I ever thought about never sitting on a horse again. I was cleared 6 months later to ride. With a patient trainer, and a supportive husband, I returned to riding and showing. Remembering the courses was hard, so we had a game plan for how I memorized them, and my warm up was the same at each show. Imagine my surprise when I found out I was leading the nation for ApHC Reserve High Point in NP Working Hunter in 2013. I was also in the Top 10 in NP Equitation O/F and NP Hunter Hack. I no longer show Over Fences, as my mare is retired. This buckle is proof that I could conquer my fears, I had supportive team, and what great partner I had in my mare.”
Amy Renae Jones- “I never dreamed that I would ever own such an amazing horse and best friend. I bought CRR Ember Babe at 6 months old with no intentions other than to have another horse at the house. We started at small open shows to get some experience and fell in love with horse shows. When you dream big, you don’t stop. Western Horsemanship World Champion.”
Chris Behlke
Chris Behlke- “Needs a good cleaning, but it has been worn a lot. I didn’t go to win. I took a nice colt I bred and owned both Western Pleasure bred parents. There were 11 entered and 10 qualified for the limited. I took home 9th in amateur and 8th in the limited. Ted Turner Jr. complimented the horse before the youth class with my daughter. That compliment was the best thing I could have ever received!”
Jill Bushey
Jill Bushey- “I’m a do-it-yourself Amateur and this buckle brought me to tears. I trained my horse to do Showmanship all on my own. He’s super smart but Mr Lippy gelding, so most days I would get so frustrated that I wanted to quit. Our club was hosting the APHA regional championship show this year, and I almost didn’t enter feeling defeated before I went in. Well we laid down an amazing pattern and we won! I love this buckle so much!”
Ellen Mae– “Winning this buckle meant the world to me, and it will be cherished forever. When my horse, Platinum Jeansrfancy, was a yearling, I said that we would get to the World Show one day. Six years later, we made it there. It was my first World Show and was an amazing experience. I never dreamed we would come home World Champions, but if we were going to do it I knew it was going to be in Showmanship. We both love Showmanship. She’s been earning points in it since she was a yearling. We’re hoping to get another buckle this year for the Showmanship honor roll. This is only the second belt buckle I’ve ever one. Both I’ve won with this special mare.”
MCF Michael
Mcf Michael- “This year I won my first buckle in a riding event. What makes it more special is I earned it with my mare, Jewlie, who patiently waited from the time she was born until her 8-year-old year to help me accomplish my dream. Two weeks after she was born, I had emergency spinal surgery that left me with neurological issues. It has been a long eight years to recover to a point where I could show again. We have done all the training together, and she babysits me every stride. Winning a National title has been a dream come true and my family, friends, and medical team have been such a huge part of this journey. Mostly, Jewlie has my heart for helping me heal, both body and soul.”
Sophie Gillioz- “My very first buckle I won was when I won my first AQHA European title. It’s my lucky charm since then. It followed me during small shows in Switzerland, at all the European Championships, and at AQHA World Shows. Every time I wear it, it reminds me all the incredible feelings I had this particular day and how lucky I am to ride horses and show them.”
Lori Struck Sedlock– “This buckle is SUCH a big accomplishment for me. I didn’t start showing horses until I was 40! My daughter went to college, and I took her 4-year-old 4-H project horse and started showing breed shows. Angel and I learned so much, and in 2011 we were doing so well! She tore her deep digital flexor tendon in July, which sadly ended her showing career. We still ended up top 10 that year! Angel, aka Zippos Classic Angel, is still my heart horse, greatly loved in our pasture today.”
Blakely Abbott
Blakely Abbott- “I won this buckle in 2017 with my old show horse, Made Just Right. It was our first major win, and it still to this day doesn’t feel real. Everyone kept asking me, ‘How does it feel to win at the Congress?’ and I still don’t have the words for it because there isn’t any certain way to describe something like that. I had just started getting serious about showing when I won 13 & under Western Pleasure that year at the Congress, so it was emotional for my trainers, parents, and myself (especially now looking back on how big of an accomplishment it was). I hardly ever show without it now that I no longer show the mare. It will forever be one of the best moments I’ve had in my youth career so far and wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
Amy Brown
Amy Brown– “By far this is my favorite buckle, and it’s the only one I wear. Winning the 50th anniversary Congress Queen title will be something that I’ll never forget! The work and dedication that went into winning this buckle extends beyond me to everyone who helped me along the way. I’ve had to send it to Montana for repairs, because I accidentally broke off the star in the center getting off my horse at one show!”
Sarah Lynd- “My favorite buckle is my Miss Buckskin World buckle for a few reasons. My mentor and her husband had pushed me to compete for the state and association title, even though I felt like the underdog. My leased mare and I clicked that show season. I presented myself in a graceful and poised manner through my speeches and interviews. I was able to meet so many amazing people and was able to attend several wonderful shows and events while Miss Buckskin World. I hold this buckle close as a reminder of what they saw in me, the pride my mentor and her husband had to have me come home with the title, the mare that got me to three World Shows, and the amazing people I’ve become friends with along the journey.”
Pam Sexton– Jones “I won at the Tom Powers futurity this year. It’s so very special because they’re so very hard to come by. You can show for years and never win one and it takes hours and hours of work. All of them are special and not taken for granted.”
Katie Ekovich
Krystal Shyne– “Of all the buckles my Kenny won us over our 17 year show career this one will always hold a special place in my heart. We started showing at APHA shows later in his life and took our once in a lifetime chance to go to the World Show when he was 19. He won a Reserve World Championship in solid paint bred performance halter geldings against much younger horses. He really was my once in a lifetime horse. Unfortunately, I lost him very suddenly last year at 22 years young. Losing him has just made all these memories even more special, and I cherish all the time I was able to have with him.”
Katie Ekovich- “This buckle is my favorite because it was a culmination of hard work and dedication from not only my horse and myself, but my parents and trainer. We didn’t have the nicest tack, trailer, or outfits, but my parents made sure to get me where I needed to go and we ended up #2 on the APHA Top 20 for 13 & Under. I was 13 and my gelding was only a 3-year-old.”
Amy Engelskirger- “This is the first and only buckle I’ve ever won. One only dreams of getting their name called at a World Championship Show. This year it happened for Heather and I. What people do not know is the time, practice, blood, sweat and tears that go into winning one of these.”
Amber Littlejohn
Amber Littlejohn– “This was my first buckle that I ever earned on a horse that was supposed to be my Congress/World Show horse. I purchased him as a weanling and did just about 85% of the work myself with the guidance of a two trainers (one that helped me start him and my youth trainer once we got him going). During his 4-year-old year, we had some unfortunate accidents when he flipped over on me while I was riding. I ordered this buckle when I was told his riding career was done. After a month and further research, I was able to send him for an intensive/costly surgery as he’s a wobbler! I rehabbed him myself at home after surgery and put his first rides back under saddle. I was able to ride him around for a year before we ran into other issues. He also had kissing spine and a bone spur on his poll. The bone spur prevented him from being a AQHA breed circuit horse and ended his all-around career. I turned him out for a year, and we were able to bring him back as a Hunter! He has excelled in Hunter Pleasure at Hunter shows and is going to be started over fences this winter! I’m hopeful that physically and health-wise he will take a fence, and my goal is to bring him back to the AQHA circuit in the new Working Under Saddle class as well as Hunter Hack. The buckle that I thought was going to be my first and last with him, just might not be! This buckle is so special, because it really does represent the meaning of blood, sweat, and tears, because I had a lot of them.”
Alyssah Burns
Alyssah Burns- “I have been working on preparing and showing my own horses since I was 14 years old. I’ve been doing such on my own budget, which has always been incredibly small. It has always been my dream to be able to go to the World Show, and win a jacket or a buckle. I’m almost 30 now, and this is my most prized possession. It isn’t a World Show win, but for me, this buckle represents something I’ve been working so hard for and a major milestone in getting there.”
Janie Bigham- “I won this buckle in 1975 at the Appaloosa Nationals. My horse, Sullys Dakota, and I were top 10 in Bareback Equitation out of 120 horses. Not bad for a home trained by a 15-year-old girl and that costs $275. I’m still so proud of this one after all these years. I’ve won others over the years with different horses but this one will always have my heart.”
Natasha Bothwell– “This year was my year. It’s classic. I dreamed of winning a World Championship one day. This year, I had the honor of winning not one but two World Championships in the same day, plus a Reserve World Champion in the same day! Dreams do come true! Truly blessed.”
Laura Salome
Laura Salome– “I’ve been showing since I was five. Since this was won in the select category, that’s been a very long time. Not only was this my first big win, it was won with a homegrown horse. My boy had a good 3-year-old year but got injured in January of his 4-year-old year. We weren’t sure he would make it back to the show pen. With a wonderful vet and patience, he did. He and I hand walked for 6 months, everyday for hundreds, maybe a thousand miles, just the two of us. That time walking, and me talking to him most of that time is when, I believe, he knew I’d do whatever to make him better, and I knew he was going to do everything to get back in the pen. Winning this buckle with my once in a lifetime horse is a blessing, and I sure don’t take any ride on him for granted.”
Michelle Gala- “I just found this 4 days ago. I thought I gave it away years ago when I got out of horses. I took an almost 20 year break to raise a family and got back into it 6 years ago. I won this in Open 2-Year-Old Geldings as a youth with a horse that was homebred and raised. I beat a horse leading the nation at the time with a top trainer. This buckle means the world to me.”
Scroll below to view more beautiful buckles.
Taylor Wheaton
Sophie Gillioz
Sarah Lynd
Rachel Eliot
Pam Sexton Jones
Natasha Bothwell
Morgan Cole
Michelle Gala
Michele Muench Collins
Lori Struck Sedlock
Krystal Shyne
Katie Ekovich
Kati Schulze
Jill Bushey
Jessie Rasmussen
Janie Bigham
Isee Beiter
Ellen Mae
Brenda Weyers
Betty Allen
Amy Renae Jones
Amy Engelskirger
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