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Important Show Updates For ApHC in 2016- Green Eligibility, 3-Year-Old Eligibility, Track Year-End Standings Online and More

Filed under: Club & Show News,Club and Show News |     

bay appAppaloosa Horse Club


In order for a horse to be eligible to compete in the following open green classes, they must be in their first year of showing in the class. Or, if shown in previous years, they must have 10 or fewer points in related classes as of January 1st of the current year. Points from all open, non-pro and youth divisions count toward determining eligibility and are cumulative. If the horse is eligible as of January 1st, they remain eligible to compete in that green class for the entire calendar year.


Points in the following classes are added together to determine eligibility:

O360, O361, O362, O365, Y270, Y271, Y272, 273, Y274, Y275, N340, N345, N348, N349

This list includes open all ages, junior, senior, green, all youth age groups, all non-pro age groups & novice non-pro classes. There is no novice youth western riding class approved for national points.


Points in the following classes are added together to determine eligibility:

O380, O381, O382, O385, Y290, Y291, Y292, Y293, Y294, Y295, N350, N355, N358, N359

This includes open all ages, junior, senior, green, all youth age groups, all non-pro age groups & novice non-pro classes. There is no novice youth trail class approved for national points.


Points in the following classes are added together to determine eligibility:

O420, O421, O422, O425, O426, O427, Y340, Y341, Y342, Y343, Y344, Y345, Y630, Y631, Y632, N330, N335, N338, N339

This list includes open all ages, junior, senior, two-year-old snaffle bit, three-year-old snaffle bit, green, all youth age groups, novice youth, all non-pro age groups & novice non-pro classes.


Points in the following classes are added together to determine eligibility:

O420, O421, O422, O425, O426, O427, Y340, Y341, Y342, Y343, Y344, Y345, Y630, Y631, Y632, N330, N335, N338, N339

This list includes open all ages, junior, senior, two-year-old snaffle bit, three-year-old snaffle bit, green, all youth age groups, novice youth, all non-pro age groups & novice non-pro classes.

Visit to determine your horse’s green class eligibility. This tool is available on the ApHC website for owners, trainers and show secretaries to determine a horse’s eligibility to compete in ApHC green classes.


Beginning in 2016, new rules are in effect allowing a three-year-old snaffle bit western pleasure or hunter under saddle horse to be shown in other classes in an acceptable curb bit and remain eligible to compete in the snaffle bit/ bosal western pleasure or hunter under saddle classes. Therefore, horses may be shown in junior or all-age classes and non-pro or youth classes in equipment appropriate for those classes and for junior horses. And they may also show in an acceptable snaffle bit or bosal in the three-year-old snaffle bit western pleasure class or in an acceptable snaffle bit in the three-year-old snaffle bit hunter under saddle class.




1. Open to three-year-old stallions, mares and geldings shown in an acceptable snaffle bit or hackamore/ bosal only. Horses shown in any other bit are ineligible.

2. All three-year-old horses may be allowed to enter any open, youth or non-pro class.



1. Open to 3-year-old stallions, mares, and geldings shown in an acceptable snaffle bit or hackamore/ bosal only. Horses shown in any other bit are ineligible.

2. All three-year-old horses may be allowed to enter any open, youth or non-pro class.


In 2016, ApHC will calculate and track the high point standings by class in each Territory and also for overall year-end World Standings. You can find this information online – it’s updated every time ApHC processes results from an ApHC-approved show. Check here often to review current standings:

The top 5 in each class in the World Standings (previously Leading the Nation) will continue to be included in each monthly issue of Appaloosa Journal. In order to qualify for a year-end high-point award (medallion for open horses, non-pro medal for non-pro exhibitors, year-end high-point award for youth exhibitors), the high placing horse or exhibitor in the World Standings must also be the high-point horse or exhibitor in that class at the end of the year in at least one Territory. Refer to rules 702.B, 803.C and 903.D of the 2016 Official Handbook of the ApHC for complete rules.

All shows HELD IN THE TERRITORY will count toward the high point standings for that territory. If an exhibitor or horse competes in shows and earns points in more than one territory, they will be listed in the territory standings for multiple territories.

Example: If an exhibitor shows at an approved show in Oklahoma and earns points and also shows at an approved show in Kansas and earns points, the exhibitor (non-pro or youth) or the horse will be listed somewhere in the territory high-point standings in both Territory IV (which includes OK) and in Territory II (which includes KS). Points earned by the horse and/or exhibitor in multiple territories are NOT combined for Territory high-point standings. But all points earned by the horse and/or exhibitor – regardless of the territory in which they were earned – will count toward overall year-end high-point standings.

Regional clubs may choose to count points from shows from different territories toward their regional club year-end high-point awards. Or they may only count points from shows sponsored or co-sponsored by the regional club. However, this does not impact the ApHC Territory high-point standings. Those standings are strictly based upon the geographical location of the ApHC-approved show.


Regional clubs and international partners are able to nominate their top 5 horses in open classes AND their top 5 non-pro exhibitors in non-pro classes to compete at the 2016 World Show. In order for a regional club or international partner to submit nominations – that club must sponsor or co-sponsor at least one ApHC-approved regional show during the qualifying period (Sept 1, 2015 – August 31, 2016).

Regional clubs may design their own point systems in order to determine which horses and non-pros they nominate to compete at the World Show as long as they meet the following conditions:

  • Each show used for regional qualifying points must be an ApHC-approved show.
  • Owners of horses nominated in open classes must be a member of the nominating club and the horse must have been shown in that class at a show sponsored or co-sponsored by the club.
  • Non-pro exhibitors and owners of horses competing in non-pro classes must be members of the nominating club and must have shown in that class at a show sponsored or co-sponsored by the club.

A horse or non-pro exhibitor may receive only one World Show nomination per class. If a horse or non-pro earns an invitation under the national point system, they are ineligible to be nominated by a regional club or international partner. In the event that all five of the horses and/or non-pro exhibitors nominated by a club/partner are qualified through the national point system, no horse would qualifying from the regional club or international partner in that class.

While regional clubs and international partners may only count points from approved shows in determining their top 5 point earning horses and non-pro exhibitors to nominate – the club can determine necessary requirements that must be met by the owner or non-pro rider in order to receive a nomination from that club. Clubs may have a participation requirement, a point keeping fee required etc. Whatever the requirements, this must be determined by the club membership and/or done in accordance with the club by-laws.

Regional club nominations are due August 15 if the shows counted by the regional club were all held prior to August 1. If the regional club counts points from shows held in August, they have until September 5 (NOTE THE DATE CHANGE) to submit regional club nominations.

Horses and/or non-pro exhibitors may also qualify for the World Show by earning the prescribed number of points required in that class. However, in order to show at the World Show, the exhibitor and owner of the horse must be a member of a regional club! So, don’t wait – purchase your regional club membership now!


There are a lot of great collaborations occurring at the regional level to bring you more opportunities to show at ApHC-approved shows. Here are a few things happening in 2016 – hopefully this may give you an idea about how to bring new events to your area!

Several states have active and developed open show circuits. Individuals and regional clubs are exploring options to co-sponsor single-judge or double-judge events with these open shows to share expenses and to introduce Appaloosa competitions to open show participants. Partnering with a regional club, a few classes are being added to the open show schedule that are popular in the area and that will potentially attract groups of Appaloosa owners to participate with ApHC in addition to their open show circuit. These are then NEW members, NEW exhibitors and potential NEW clients for trainers and breeders alike!

  • A regional club is co-sponsoring a show in conjunction with a show promoter. The regional club is receiving a portion of entry fee money in exchange for providing labor at the show.
  • Several ApHC regional clubs are partnering with regional or state associations affiliated with other breeds (APHA, IBHA, PtHA) to co-sponsor multi-breed shows and split costs for facilities and judges.
  • Show plans are in progress to host an ApHC-approved show in conjunction with a 4-D barrel race approved by NBHA.
  • Three ApHC regional clubs are co-hosting a show that is also offering classes approved by PtHA.

In order to provide more opportunities to earn points toward Territory high-point standings, regional clubs are working toward co-sponsoring events with NRHA, NCHA and USTRC to offer Appaloosa classes at their existing events.

Each regional club and international partner may take advantage of the following judge options at their ApHC-approved regional shows:

Regional clubs may participate in the Regional Club Relief Program as established in board motion 10-09-11 that allows you to host a show and double-point one of the ApHC-carded judges at that show by hiring 2 judges and getting 3 sets of points or by hiring 3 judges and getting 4 sets of points. This is available to regional clubs one time in the calendar year.

Regional clubs may take advantage of the Guest Judge Program established in 2016. This allows the regional club to hire a judge carded with another approved association who is not carded with ApHC. See Rule 502 in the 2016 Official Handbook of the ApHC for complete rules. Regional clubs may hire guest judges a maximum of 3 times in the calendar year but may not have more than one guest judge at any ApHC-approved show. These judges may “guest judge” a maximum of two times and are then encouraged to apply for ApHC judging credentials.

If your club is pursuing an innovative idea, please share it with ApHC and we’ll pass it on to other members. We love great ideas and love to share with members looking to make a positive difference in the Appaloosa community!


The ApHC website has a variety of information available to get you started. Visit for up-to-date information and a show approval application form. In addition to the overview on the web site, please review Rule 601 in current-year 2016 Official Handbook of the ApHC. Rule changes in 2016 have made it easier than ever to put on an ApHC-approved show that will meet the needs of exhibitors in your area. If the show is sponsored or co-sponsored by a regional club- you can choose any classes you want for the show! You have new options for hiring judges! You can partner with another club in your area (either another ApHC regional club or a club affiliated with another breed or discipline association) to conduct an approved show. You can even run your classes concurrently with the other group if that’s what you want to do!

Pick up the phone today and call the ApHC Performance Department. We’d be happy to visit with you about your options and answer any questions you have.

Contact: Performance Department

208.882.5578 ext. 400

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