Guidelines For Competing at IN Summer Celebration

An Equine Production
These will be the guidelines and rules for the IN Celebration starting June 10th. Please note- This is nothing is over the top. It’s just going to have to be followed for the time being.
AQHA exhibitors – NO arrivals before June 9th at 9 am. The facility has an NRHA event the weekend prior and needs time to clean the facility prior to our arrival.
RV spots – Do not pull onto the grounds expecting an RV spot. They are sold out. You can contact the facility to be added to the wait list.
STALLS – The waiting list is shifting and those of you on the list are being notified as those stalls do become available. Thank you for your patience.
TRAINERS – If you know your shavings needs in advance, please notify Steve so that they can be at your stalls upon arrival.
C Bar C Expo Center Guidelines:
- Closed event. No spectators. Competitors and immediate family only.
- If you have been exposed to COIVD-19 or have had a fever within the last 14 days, do not enter the facility.
- Face masks are not required, but are strongly encouraged. All show officials will wear masks.
- You will be assigned a separation area and given a wristband that coincides with your area. If you are not in the arena competing or preparing your horse, or in a common area (food area, vendor area) you will be asked to return to your separation area, camper, hotel.
- Restrooms will be cleaned every two hours. When a restroom is closed, there will be clear signage posted and no entrance will be permitted to the closed facility during the cleaning. Your cooperation with the closure is required. There will be additional portable restrooms available throughout each separation area of the facility. Showers will be closed for the weekend.
- C Bar C reserves the right to health screen or take the temperature of any participant or attendee.
- All vehicles that are used to tow/haul your LQ or RV trailer are asked not to park to the side of your LQ. This will allow us to maintain proper distance. No socialization between the trailers is permitted.
- Allow only one person in the office per show secretary.
- Vendor area- All vendors will be stationed outside of the facility. Each vendor is asked not to allow more than two customers inside their area at any given time.
- Social distancing practices with six foot marked spaces at food lines, entrance, office, and restrooms.
- No more than two chairs permitted in front of stalls. Chairs along rails will have to be within your own separation area. Chair and bleacher seating must be six feet apart unless you are a member of the same household.
- Understand that these guidelines are in accordance with CDC rulings and the Governor of Indiana’s Executive Order. Your participation is required. If you do not feel that you are able to follow these rules, you are asked to remain at home.
Click here for more information about the Indiana Summer Celebration.