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Five New Members Named to American Paint Horse Foundation Board

Filed under: Club & Show News,Club and Show News |     

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Amy Novacek, Amanda Palmer, Dr. Craig Wood, Megan Brown and Pat Newman will each serve a three-year term as part of the American Paint Horse Foundation board; they were named to replace board members whose terms had expired.

The foundation board consists of up to 15 members and is chaired by Laurie Roden of Cave Creek, Arizona.

Amy Novacek is a longtime APHA exhibitor. She and her husband, Jay, have a long history of philanthropic efforts with disadvantaged youth and advocating for wounded military members at their ranch near Joshua, Texas.

Two-time APHA President Dr. Craig Wood of Owenton, Kentucky, is a member of the University of Kentucky faculty and has served on many APHA committees and task forces. Craig has more than 35 years of experience in the horse industry and has worked as an APHA state director since 2006. He has served on the General Show & Contest, Ways & Means and Regional Club committees, as well as the Advisory Panel to the Executive Committee.

Amanda Palmer has been a longtime show manager and exhibitor in Floral City, Florida. A member of APHA since 2006, she has shown Paints since 2007 and is actively involved with both the Florida Paint Horse Club and APHA as a state director.

Megan Brown began showing Paints as a Youth at age 15 and lives in Alexandria, Virginia. Now showing in the Masters Amateur events, Megan has served on several committees and task forces and as a state director. Megan has a long career in historic preservation has assisted many nonprofit boards in strategic development and helped to build a series of statewide nonprofits across the country.

Pat Newman of Springfield, Illinois, has been involved with Paint Horses and been a life member since 1978.  He served on the APHA Executive Committee from 1994 to 1999, and was chair or vice chair on several committees. Pat has over 40 years experience in construction management and has experience in funds management, regulations, legal, and banking and profitability.  He is also experienced in retail, advertising and business promotion and marketing.

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