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First Weekend Results From 2016 AZ. Sun Circuit and Mon-Wed Schedule Changes

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Katelyn Bowen is the lucky winner of the SmartPak Ultimate Trail Package worth $5,800!

By: Brittany Bevis

Despite a bit of gloomy weather in Scottsdale, Arizona, AQHA competitors are forging ahead with a revised schedule and plenty of fun special events planned this week at the 2016 Arizona Sun Circuit.

Of the 80+ people who attended the SmartPak Trail Clinic over the weekend, Katelyn Bowen of Phoenix won the drawing for a SmartPak Ultimate Trail Package worth a whopping $5,800! The clinic was taught by Team SmartPak riders Charlie Cole, Jason Martin, Deanna Searles, and Jim Searles who explained how to maneuver through various obstacles while maximizing your scoring potential. The Trail clinic was just the first of many that will take place over the next two weeks.

IMG_5870Updated Clinic Schedule:


11:00 – 11:50 am Ranch Riding, “From the Judges Perspective”-Quarter Horse News Arena
Debbie Cooper – AQHA Judge

THURSDAY 1/14/16

Upon completion of classes in the Markel Insurance Arena (Equidome)
Estimated completion time between 4:30 and 5 pm.

Working Cow Horse- Corner Control “Preparing to go down the Fence”- Markel Insurance Arena
Corey Cushing- World’s Greatest Horseman Winner

Working Cow Horse- Perfecting your Circles- Markel Insurance Arena
Brad Barkemeyer- NRCHA Open, Int. Lim. Champion

SATURDAY 1/16/16

12:00 – 12:50 pm Scoring Western Riding- North West Concourse Markel Insurance Arena (Lounge area)
Leonard Berryhill- AQHA Judge

Due to the outdoor arena conditions, some changes have been made to the competition schedule for Monday-Wednesday. Click here to download the PDF. Also, Holly Hover’s clinic on Judging Trail will now take place today at 11 am in the lounge area of the North West Concourse Markel Insurance Arena.

12410521_1395239750502228_4517151761943837666_nA number of classes were held over the weekend including Cutting, Roping, Cow Horse, Reining, Ranch Riding, Halter, Showmanship, Horsemanship, Western Pleasure, and Trail. Click here to view results from the first weekend of the Arizona Sun Circuit.

12510308_1395239747168895_4090284490040700247_nToday’s featured event is the Mechanic Lunch Party, sponsored by AQHA stallion Mechanic (who just happens to be The Equine Chronicle Cover Stallion for Jan./Feb.) and owner Sandra Morgan. The complimentary lunch for exhibitors will be served today ringside in The Equine Chronicle Arena.

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