PHJ release by: Alannah Castro
APHA’s Paint Horse Championship series made its debut in Zone 8 in May—the Great Lakes Paint Horse Championship took place May 14–15 in Cloverdale, Indiana, as part of the Great 8 Championship, where it was welcomed with open arms. More than 100 exhibitors entered classes ranging from longe line to trail, and at the end of the weekend, top exhibitors laid claim to custom Gist Silversmiths belt buckles and medallions sponsored by APHA.
To be eligible for the Great Lakes Paint Horse Championship classes, exhibitors and horse owners must reside in Zone 8—which includes Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio—and meet other eligibility requirements. APHA sponsored awards for up to 15 Paint Horse Championship classes, with the show selecting the specific events to offer.
Show Manager Heather Pelletier was thrilled with the turnout and is looking forward to continuing to grow the Great Lakes Paint Horse Championship next year.
“It was very successful. We had 103 entries in the buckle classes alone. I know there was a small group that came just for those classes, but their trainer convinced them to do the Youth classes as well,” Heather said. “In talking to people, some were very hesitant about Paint shows to begin with, but they made a lot of friends along the way.
“Everyone is really excited for next year. I’ve had a lot of suggestions for different classes to give other people a turn, so we’re going to rotate classes. We might add another day because the show has become so big and busy to make the schedule easier.”
Congratulations to the following Paints and their connections: