Final Year-End AzPHC Points Now Online

Christine Weiser Zimermann with Coin Machine. Photo Credit: Stacy Judd Photography
The final 2018 year-end point standings for the Arizona Paint Horse Club are now available online.
State Points 2018 Year-End Final Overall Standings
A few notes to keep in mind:
- Except for Green riders and Youth Walk-Trot riders, horse ownership rules apply.
- For exhibitors in youth, amateur, and walk-trot classes, or owners in open classes, you must be a current member of APHC to qualify for state points. There is a 30 day grace period after each show during which to join.
- Horses and exhibitors in all divisions must compete in a minimum of 50% plus 1% of the number of judges the class has been offered under during the calendar year.
- A minimum of three performance classes is required to qualify for division standings.
- Classes must have a minimum of eight judges during the year.
- In order to qualify, a horse and rider team must place above another horse and rider team at least once during the year.
- Please double check spelling of names in point standings and contact Katrina Pappas before January 15th with any discrepancies-
If you’d like to your club’s show results and points to be posted on, email