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Evening Congress Champions Include Wheat, Medows, Kirian

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IMG_6392 copyBy: Brittany Bevis

We had the opportunity to chat with several newly crowned Congress Champions this evening during a busy Friday at the 2016 All American Quarter Horse Congress.

First up, over in the Coliseum, Maggie Kirian rode her horse, Always A Good Time, aka “Abilene,” to win Novice Amateur Horsemanship. The Reserve World Champion was Cassie Riggert with Born Blazed. Third place was our EC Congress Cover Girl, Chelsea Martz, with Flashy Invite. Fourth place was Angela Cawsey with She Loves To Rock. Fifth was Julie Kirsch with The Only Story.

This is Maggie’s first Congress Championship title, and she’s only been showing horses for two years. She currently competes under the guidance of Spencer Zimmerman and Kim Dean of Ultimate Equine.



“I’ve been riding Abilene for about a year and a half,” Maggie says. “She loves Horsemanship, and she carries me through all this. Honestly, I can’t remember my pattern! I was really into my turns, and the straight lines were very important. I always get into trouble for clenching, so I tried to relax and ride. Also, Abilene really knows the pattern after you do it once, so my job was to ride every step and not let her do it on her own… and try not to pass out!”

Thankfully, Maggie didn’t pass out and was able to lay down a run that secured her first Congress Championship title, which she considers to be a big improvement over last year. “Last year was an awful Congress experience for me. We had a terrible go, so I would say this year was much better!”

Giorgia Grace Medows with Shea Graham.

Giorgia Grace Medows with Shea Graham.

Over in the Celeste Arena, Beth Case rode Not Just Anyhoo to win the Maturity Open Hunter Under Saddle Stakes. Nancy Sue Ryan was Reserve with Boys Move Over. Third was Farly McLendon with Sleep Alilbit Longer. Fourth was Trisha Yamber with My Invitations R Hot. Fifth was Deanna Searles with She Says Aloha. Then, in the Non-Pro Maturity, Rebekah Kazakevicius rode Not Just Anyhoo to win the class. Reserve was Courtney Brockmueller with Boys Move Over. Third was Courtney Archer with Aint Gota Lot. Fourth was Madison Burlett with Im Too Sleepy. Fifth was Olivia Tordoff with Too Blazin Cool.

Giorgia Grace Medows won her second Congress Championship title of the horse show in 13 and Under Western Riding. Just the other day, she was named the Congress Champion in 12-14 Horsemanship with her gelding “Trooper.”

Giorgia was named the Reserve Novice Youth All-Around Champion last year, but this year she only plans to compete in two classes because of her school schedule. Luckily, Trooper was his trusty self and provided solid performances in both disciplines.

“I think he’s really a hard working horse, and that’s why he’s still going at 15,” Giorgia says. “He’s really smart too. He knows the Western Riding pattern by himself. His mind is always busy, so I think that’s why he likes to go in and have a new pattern to learn.”

The Reserve Champion in the class was Violet Shetler with Mister Awetabulous. Third was Blythe Goguen with Smooth N Chocolatey. Fourth was Jayna Lagace with Platinum Sensation. Fifth was Hanna Olaussen with A Classy Chex.

In Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 14-18, Olivia Tordoff rode Too Blazin Cool to win. The Reserve Champion was Megan Dewalt with Al Do What You Wanna. Third place Madison Keyse with It’s Been Awhile. Fourth was Kimberly Tuck with Officially Noticed. Fifth was Taylor Kellam with Walkin R Investment.

Steve's fan club!

Steve’s fan club!

In Youth Western Pleasure 11 and Under, Steve Wheat was named the unanimous Congress Champion with his horse, Suddenly Charming. The Reserve Champion was Sara Sullivan with Only One In Fashion. Third place was Brooke Jolstad with Walkthelyne. Fourth was Julia Preston with Perfect Bronze. Fifth was Cheyenne Augsburger with Dynamic All Nite Long.

This is Steve’s first time winning a Congress Championship title. At the AQHA Youth World Show a few months ago, Steve was the youngest rider to return to the Youth Western Pleasure finals. Tonight, he and his horse, “Charm,” were met with a mob of family and friends as they loped up to receive their neck ribbon, bouquet of flowers, medallion, and Blue Ribbon saddle.

We asked Steve how it feels to be named a Congress Champion, and he had just two words for us, “pretty awesome.”

Steve’s father, Greg Wheat, is a horse trainer who specializes in preparing Western Pleasure horses, so he had some sage advice before his son entered the pen to compete in the finals tonight. “He says to keep my feet in her, don’t let her throw her head up, and keep her slow.”

Steve with proud Mom and Dad

Steve with proud Mom and Dad

For the class this evening, Steve brought out his lucky USA show shirt that was quite a hit at the Youth World Show this summer. This patriotic, young man explained its significance. “I wanted to honor all the veterans who have served and those who have died in service for our country. I wanted to wear it just with everything that’s been going on lately.”

Steve’s favorite branch of the military is the Navy, and he hopes to serve his country on a flight carrier when he’s older.

Steve's USA shirt

Steve’s USA shirt

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