“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 Photo Credit: Brittany Bevis
We are deeply saddened to relay the news that was announced by the Palm Beach Post over the weekend. Anne Heyman, who was an active equestrian and also a renowned philanthropist known for her work in Africa with Rwandan orphans, fell during a show jumping class on Friday and later passed away during surgery.
Our condolences go out to her family, friends, and colleagues during this difficult time. Unfortunate accidents like this one serve as a sobering reminder that the equestrian disciplines we all love so much can often be very unpredictable.
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On behalf of the FTI Winter Equestrian Festival, spokeswoman Jennifer Wood relayed the following message.
“Anne Heyman passed away on Friday, January 31, 2014, after a fall in the Masters Jumpers,” Wood says. “When she fell, our paramedics were with her immediately. She was transferred to Palm Beach County Fire/Rescue ambulance, which took her to the Traumahawk helicopter and flew to Delray Medical Center in Delray Beach, Florida. It was there that she passed away.”
In addition, Ri-Arm Farm, where Heyman rode in New Jersey, released their own statement.
“Anne Heyman was so many wonderful things. She was a mother, wife, daughter, friend, philanthropist, and fellow equestrian. Anne’s loss is being mourned by her many families across the globe. Her family and friends in New York, her equestrian family at Ri-Arm Farm here in Florida and in New Jersey, and her family in Africa. Anne founded a youth village for victims of the Rwanda genocide. Each of us grieves not only for the passing of a tremendous woman and a true visionary, but also for the loss suffered by her family.”
“Anne’s life changing project was to provide a home for and to educate Rwandan Orphans through The Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village (ASYV). Those who would like to support and carry on Anne’s incredible philanthropy can donate to The Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village, whose mission was to enable orphaned and vulnerable youth to realize their maximum potential by providing them with a safe and secure living environment, health care, education, and necessary life skills. Education and service are used to model and create socially responsible citizens in Rwanda and around the world.”
“Donations can be turned in at the Horse Show Office and Exhibitor Services for anyone who wants to drop off a check through the end of the circuit.”
For more information or to donate online or through mail to the ASYV:
Online: www.asyv.org/donate
By Phone: Call (646) 381-7863 to contribute by credit card
By Mail: Please make your personal check payable to:
Agahozo-Shalom Youth Inc.
498 Seventh Avenue 15th Floor
New York, NY
Thank you all,
The Merrin Family