11/4/2016 UPDATE: Remember this story from last year’s APHA World Show when twin embryos, Grandioso and Execute Imprint, both won World Championship titles in Weanling Geldings and Weanling Stallions? Well, the boys are back!
This morning at the 2016 APHA World Show, Sue Drawdy led Grandioso to win Amateur Yearling Geldings, while Leanne Bandy led Execute Imprint to place Reserve in Amateur Weanling Stallions!
By: Brittany Bevis
Over in the Watt Arena, a very special sibling win took place this morning at the APHA World Show. Jason Smith was at the lead of Execute Imprint to win Weanling Stallions. Then, JT Mitchell led Grandioso to win Weanling Geldings. It just so happens that these horses are twins, the result of embryo flushes by breeders Phil and Sue Drawdy.
And the similarities don’t stop there. Both Execute Imprint and Grandioso were the unanimous choice of the judges in their respective classes.
Phil and Sue own both the sire, RH Mr Imprint, as well as the dam, Execute Pretty. They still own the gelding, Grandioso, and Leanne Bandy of Idaho owns the colt, Execute Imprint. “We flushed this set of twins, and these two were actually born 21 days apart,” Sue says. “Leanne’s was born earlier than mine, but they both came on and stayed about the same. I’ve never had a set of twins like that. It was cool. It was like they knew and they hung together, so we called them Romulus and Remus!”
Even in the pasture alongside their embryo recipient mothers, the twins seemed to know they had a special connection. Kelly Barnes of Kelly Graphics was kind enough to share a photo she took when the twins were just born. In the image, the twins stand alongside their mothers with their solid paint-bred half-sister, also by RH Mr Imprint. “This is an incredible photo, and we didn’t stage it or Photoshop it!” Sue says.
Grandioso, Execute Imprint, and their solid paint-bred half sister, also by RH Mr Imprint. Image courtesy of Kelly Graphics.
Grandioso is currently in training with JT Mitchell, while Execute Imprint is in training with Jimmie Hardin, so the twins don’t get to see each other that much anymore. However, both Sue and Leanne are certain they would remember each other if they ever reconnected.
“Their conformation is very similar,” Sue says. “Hers is maybe shorter coupled than mine, but I think they’re very similar. Also, hers is a pet who will get in your pocket and mine has got a little more fire to him and always did.”
While the twins are certainly very similar, there are notable differences. The gelding is N/N, and the colt is N/H. The gelding has minimal white while the colt has a lot of color.
Congratulations to Phil and Sue Drawdy and Leanne Bandy on their exciting wins this morning!
The Reserve Champion in Weanling Stallions was Olin Parker with Corn Star. Third place was Terry Sartain with He’s Just That. Fourth place was Matthew Henderson with The Crowning Touch. Fifth place was Goose Ballard with PS He’s That Too.
The Reserve Champion in Weanling Geldings was Tim Finkenbinder with I’m Stryking. Third place was Olin Parker with Trending. Fourth place was Jerm Christensen with Hez Kid Cool. Fifth was Fred Tabor with M Timadator.
Over in the John Justin Arena, Desarae Gilley rode A Sudden Legacy to win Classic Amateur Trail. The Reserve Champion was Christine Weiser with Nighttime Sensation. Third place was Taylor Dixon with My Sensational Cookie. Fourth place was Ashley Wildes with Heza Texas Hobo. Fifth place was Kylee John with Krymsunized. Cooper Evans rode Ironed With Class to win Solid Paint-Bred Trail. The Reserve Champion was Kristy Doyle with O Where Is My Spot.
Mike McMillian led Siriusly Cool to win Solid Paint-Bred Weanling Geldings. The Reserve Champion was Erin Henderson with Itsagoodnitetopartee. Third place was Linda Pigg with Brazen and Bold. Dave Kellerman won Solid Paint-Bred Yearling Geldings at the lead of KR Executed. The Reserve Champion was Rodger Montgomery with He’s Seriously Stylin. Third place was Erin Henderson with TH Partee Redemption. Fourth place was Cheryl Lawhead with Sierra Slammer. Olin Parker and Intentionallydesigned won Yearling Geldings. The Reserve Champion was Jodi Finkenbinder with CNC To Be Phenomenal. Third place was Jason Smith with Magnificent Ikon. Fourth place was Joshua Larman with Coolest Ambition. Fifth was Jamie Lanoue with Heza Fancy Kid.
Taylor Luneack led Execute That to win Solid Paint-Bred Yearling Stallions. The Reserve Champion was Cameron Dees with Emoceans. Olin Parker led MR Star Kid to win Yearling Stallions. The Reserve Champion was Jason Smith with Creatted. Third place was Tim Finkenbinder with Itsallaboutthatbass. Fourth place was Ronnie Stallings with Thats A Cool Dude. Fifth was Terry Sartain with Strictly Diesel.
The World Champion in 2-Year-Old Geldings was Tim Finkenbinder with Ill Be Awesome. The Reserve Champion was David Eller with U Bet Im All That. Third place was Carley Rinn with Why Keep Secrets. The World Champion in Solid Paint Bred 2 and 3-Year-Old Geldings was Banks Ready with PF Execute A Win. The Reserve Champion was Joseph Holman with Heza Casual Mr Too. Third place was Cheryl Lawhead with PTMA Cowboy Casanova. Winning 2-Year-Old Stallions was Tim Finkenbinder with Financial Securitee. The Reserve Champion was Jason Smith with Grandslam Kid. Third place was Matthew Henderson with Cool Addiction. Fourth was Richard Zenner with Bronze Statue. Fifth was Jerm Christensen with TD Amazing Kid.
Winning 3-Year-Old Geldings was Olin Parker with A World Class Storm. The Reserve Champion was Terry Sartain with Intriguing Clue. Third place was Allan Schmidt with Secret Agenda. Fourth place was Ray Barton with Styled Right. Fifth place was Matthew Woodson with Colors In Style. The winner of 3-Year-Old Stallions was Tim Finkenbinder with Transcendence. The Reserve Champion was Jarrell Jackson with Coercion. Third place was Kevin Hood with Gott Acool Connection. Fourth place was Erin Henderson with TH He Is The Partee.
Ray Barton led ImToosexyformywhite to win Aged Stallions. The Reserve Champion was Rick Keele with JMS Scarlet Aris. Third place was JT Mitchell with Freakin Lazy. Fourth place was Richard Price with Copy Top Gunner. Fifth place was Jack Wright with QTS Cajun Cub. The World Champion in Aged Geldings was Sidney Thomas with A Secret Addiction. The Reserve Champion was Olin Parker with Mr Swarztnager. Third place was Jason Smith with Well Executed. Fourth place was Dave Williamson with Secured Alibi. Fifth was Fred Tabor with Brooks Please.