Ellexxah Maxwell and Unforgettably His win Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation

Watch our winner’s interview with Ellexxah, who bested a class of 74 at the 2023 All American Quarter Horse Congress to win the Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation on Friday, October 20, 2023. Ellexxah has taught “Beckett” the event herself, so tune in for some DIY advice!
Results for Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation:
Unforgettably His/Maxwell; Ellexxah Ireland
Maxwell; Ellexxah Ireland (E)
Mexico, NY
Cool Made Machine/Walker; Shannon M
Vroegh; Mallory Michelle (E)
Grimes, IA
Ima Savvy Investment/Rogers; Paige
Rogers; Paige (E)
Dallas, TX
On The Roks/Letchworth; Johnna
Letchworth; Johnna (E)
Christine, ND
Too Blazin Cool/Wild Oats Farm, LLC;
Tordoff; Olivia (E)
Too Blazin Cool/Wild Oats Farm, LLC;
Powell, OH
Im ExtremelySchmancy/Jones; Katie Jo
Jones; Katie Jo (E)
Charlotte, NC