The Memories Matter
An EC Blog by Trainer Liz Baker
Liz Baker after winning the Maturity Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle at the 2023 NSBA World Show with Al Be Good To Go, aka “Rocko,” for Richard and Elise Cognetti.
I am 44, I grew up In the horse show industry and devoted my life to it.
Things I have learned….
*I love my horses and when they leave I cry on the inside and (I’m mean, so that’s hard )
*Trophies collect dust
*Trainers are INSTANTLY replaced by what they think is the best next thing, (the grass isn’t always greener) the majority of us are all talented
*Loyal clients are rare – cherish them, there are not many
*Loyal clients are the salt of the earth, they deserve the best give it to them, the others get what they deserve
*Jealousy may be the root of all evil
*I love my clients like family – boundaries are hard, so, so hard
*True friends in this business and most of all life are RARE (I have some of the best)
*Who you look for at the back gate or the line up, those are YOUR people
*Your employees become family but yet they must progress and move on
*People judge you no matter what you do, and they love your failures and failure is ok as long as you learn from it
*We give up everything, holidays, milestones with our family and literally our lives for this industry for…..
*”Why do I do this????” I ask so many times…To see those young girls and boys achieve their goal, to have that horse give their all and have that ride, to have that meal at the stalls with everyone after no sleep for 40 hours and have that laugh and that “Family Time”.
We are blessed with so many heartaches but yet so many blessings. This business has shown me to step back surround yourself with good people and you will be where you need to be no matter how dark the path.
For those that think the trophies matter, I pity you; it’s the journey! The trophies are nice but the memories matter!
Thank you to Liz for allowing us to share this meaningful post from a trainer’s perspective. If you have a blog for consideration, please email us: