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Celebrate This: The EMO Celebration Awarded over $120,000 in Cash Prizes

Filed under: Around The Ring Galleries,Show Results & Gallery,Sponsor News |     

All images courtesy of The EMO Celebration

By Kristin Spinning, for The EMO Celebration:

Outside on the Las Vegas Strip, heat records were being broken during the EMO Celebration June 27 through July 7. Yet inside the SouthPoint Equestrian Center, it was cool and comfortable. The only thing hot was the action in the arenas and the fun was at a fever pitch. “It’s the only place to show in July!” was a common refrain from the cutting, ranch and cow horse folks who started the 10 day Celebration, right through to the last pattern class exhibitors. Large class sizes provided solid competition across all levels and cash awards flowed like a bank of loose slots.

In all, 543 horses were shown by 423 exhibitors, racking up 4,616 AQHA entries plus NSBA and NRCHA. Futurities and Super Sires Stakes classes sweetened the pot for those chasing dollars in addition to points. The Celebration is well know for its $1,000 added Circuit Awards. This year, 100 classes offered $500 to the Circuit Champion, $300 to Reserve and $200 for 3rd place.

Winners swarmed the Awards booth for their opportunity to pose with the big awards checks. Many exuberant exhibitors hoisted multiple checks, and photos were shared on the show’s social media.

Exhibitors who placed first through sixth in any class were also invited to enter a drawing for $2,500 in bonus cash sponsored by the Equine Chronicle. With one entry per judges’ placings in every class, the colorful jars where practically overflowing when the winning tickets were drawn Sunday night. Kendall Dirkson was the grand prize winner of $1,000.

Chris Hocutt-Senteney, with show title sponsor EMO Insurance Agency comments, “The EMO Agency is proud to support this amazing show with our continued sponsorship since the inaugural event in 2016. It’s been great seeing the show grow in numbers over the years. The Western States Affiliates and show staff continue to produce a well run show for exhibitors. Of course, having the South Point as the venue with the fabulous temperature controlled facility at the casino and hotel, with all the restaurants and theater, adds to a great exhibitor experience! We look forward to continuing to support this show and watching it’s success!”

Much of the success starts with the exibitor-centric schedule that groups the ranch, reining and cattle classes at the first half of the show, then transitions into rail, trail and pattern classes, with a day of halter in between for all. This split accommodates the different needs of exhibitors well and maximizes the facilities. Even the barns who show both sides love the ability to focus on one then the other.

While the entire schedule saw strong entry numbers across divisions, the Ranch Classes and Trail enjoyed robust competition. Trail has always been a dominant component of The Celebration, with one arena dedicated to it for the entire second half of the show. Senior Trail had 86 horses working the course and L1 Open had 56 on pattern. L1, Amateur, Select and Youth Trail had entires in the 30s and 40s.

Ranch classes are another area that has been exceedingly popular at the show. From 27 L1 Open horses in Ranch Riding to 32 Senior horses and strong numbers from 11 and Under all the way through Select, a broad continuum of Ranch horses and exhibitors was on display. Ranch Trail has also steadily grown in popularity at The Celebration in both the Youth and Amateur Divisions and for Open horses. This year, entries rivaled and in some classes were greater than the equivalent Ranch Riding class.

Ranch Futurity exhibitors enjoyed winning cash in Vegas. In the Ranch Trail Stakes, Simply a Rockstar, shown by Beth Clemons and owned by Casey Orton was the Champion, winning $768.00. Dru Meyenberg’s horse Gunna Be Fashionable, show by Jennifer Ray was reserve for $492.00.

Non Pro Ranch Riding 5 & Under saw Gotta Have Style receive top marks with Kailey King-Hale to earn $675.00.

Spook Full Of Plum and Kristin Darnall-Titov were tied for second with Infernotown and Trish Greenberg, each earning $412.50.

Kristin and Spook Full Of Plum were back in the ring for the Non Pro 5 and Under Ranch Trail winning another $600.

Laurel Denton took the top two spots on Nancy Gillett’s horses in the All Age Ranch Riding with Electric N Hollywood winning first and $510.00 followed by Cash On The Line earning $405.00. Kristin Darnall-Titov was in the money again with Spook Full Of Plum in third for another $300.00.

NSBA Futurities kept the cash flowing on the Rail & Pattern side.

Jiminy Cricket owned by Lindsay Smaltz and shown by Carter Stephenson won $270.00 in the NSBA 3-4 Year Old Western Pleasure. Gary Roberts was in the saddle aboard VS Dress Code, owned by Michelle Coulter, to win reserve and $210.00.

In the Non Pro Pleasure, Jiminy Cricket was back in the arena with Lindsay Smaltz at the reins to win another $240.00. Tanya Relander rode her horse, Code of Many Colors to second, earning $160.00.

The Super Sires Green Western Pleasure saw Ty Elrod guide Martinis On The Bay to first, claiming $960.00 for owner Susan Miner. Code of Many Colors with Andrew Sharp at the reins was reserve, winning $640.00.

Kruzn South, owned by Kayla & Matt Budine, won $360.00 in the NSBA 3/4 Year Old HUS. Im Willy Fabulous, owned by Sandra Morgan won $270.00 for second.  Sandra took over the reins to win the NSBA Non Pro HUS for another $100.

Turning to the Super Sires Green HUS, Kristin Brock showed Pretty Darn Southern for Brenda Ogden to claim the $900.00 champion check. Ingrid Miller’s VS Secret Code was shown by Amanda Jackson to take reserve and $700.00.

Blake Weis rode Mary Alice Nielson’s Dark Ladie in the NSBA 4/5 Year Old Open Trail, to the Champion title, claiming $416.00. Bruce Vickery showed Snapp Out Of It for Tatum Richey to win $286.00 in reserve. VS The Fireman, owned by Ingrid Miller and shown by Anthony Montes finished in third for $247.00.

Snapp Out Of It also won $1,120.00 as the Champion in Super Sires Green Trail. Vickery was back on the poles with Cool Movin Lady, owned by Ingrid Miller, to take the reserve title, winning $840.00. Lisa Lofton’s Shez A Tool was shown by Tonya Brown, winning $560.00 for third place.

Cool Moving Lady and Vickery also showed in the Super Sires Green Western Riding, taking the top spot and $1,040.00.  Katherine Tobin’s horse Blue Suede Shoes was shown by Deanna Searles and earned $780.00 as reserve. The Lineman, owned by Kelly Ruth Marinella-Barnes and shown by Mattheew Olson, won $520.00 for third.

As the last class points were tallied, exhibitors awaited the Best of Show announcements to see who would be taking home the trophy buckles with buckle cases. The winners were:

Open Ranch/Rein/Cattle Spook Full Of Plum – Kristin Darnall-Titov

Amateur Ranch/Rein/Cattle Always Do – Dana Avila

Youth Ranch/Rein/Cattle CW On Juice – Bailey Ingrahm

Youth WT 11 & U BetterLazyThanCrazy – Elizabeth Montez

L1 Youth  Owata Good Dresser – Madison Knode

Youth KM Three Bars Down – Ava Blyth

L1 Amateur Lazyz Back in Black – Robin Baldes

Amateur HP Only My Best – Elizabeth West

Select Hez Blazin Trouble – Susan Wilson

Open Hez Blazin Trouble Susan Wilson

The Celebration offers more than great facilities, competition and cash. Exhibitors and their families love the fun environment of the show. From watching fireworks displays on the roof top, to dining with your crew at the many on site restaurants, to Happy Hour in the Saloon and of course the infamous Youth Fundraiser classes, there is a lot going on at this show.

This year, PCQHYA reprised its Pro Am Horsemanship challenge for fun and entertainment, raising over $10,000 in the process.

With Darren Moore whipping up the crowd, teams were auctioned in a Calcutta. The team of Hailey and Tonya Brown with Makaylae Eserjose and Meghan Neugebauer were the winners. When it got down to the competition, Brad Jewett, Nancy Renfro, and Curtis Reynolds were tasked with judging. Meghan Renfro and Chad Evans were the winners of best pattern. Reid Thomas won Biggest Oops. Camille Kennedy won Best Non Pro and Tonya Brown won Best Pro.

For complete awards, visit

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