RODEOHOUSTON® WELCOMES 11 NEWCOMMERS TO THE ROTATING STAGE IN 2017; INDIVIDUAL TICKETS ON SALE SATURDAY, JAN. 14, 10 A.M. — JAN. 9, 2017 — HOUSTON — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — More than half of the star-studded entertainer lineup scheduled to perform at RODEOHOUSTON® will take the rotating stage for the first time in 2017. “With a number of […]
Continue reading …“Like in the horse world, ‘It’s just one judge’s opinion.’ It’s the same in modeling; ‘It’s just one agent’s opinion.’ There are so many agents and clients looking for a certain type. One may not like you, but another will!”
Continue reading …The 2017 team is as versatile as the American Quarter Horse, comprising 23 top AQHA Professional Horsemen, from across the disciplines – from halter to all-around and roping to racing.
Continue reading …We did an “unofficial poll,” to ask our readers where they think would be the perfect new home for the Select World Show. Here are the results.
Continue reading …Make healthier choices in 2017 to achieve your New Year’s resolution to stay fit and healthy!
Continue reading …Do you keep your horse on supplements? It is likely a good idea to maintain that program that their digestive system and joints have grown accustomed to. Not sure about using supplements? No worries, they aren’t for everyone!
Continue reading …Why are these horrible resolutions? Well, the intention is there, but the wording is all wrong. In order for you to even have a chance at success, your resolution needs to be SPECIFIC and MEASURABLE.
Continue reading …Just for fun, check out this listing of horse zodiac signs! Is your horse a trustworthy Aquarius, a challenging Firebrand, or a picky Virgo? Aquarius- The Sea Horse (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Pisces- The Keeper (February 19-March 20) Aries- The Firebrand (March 21-April 19) Taurus- The Prince (April 20-Mary 20) Gemini- The Twin (May 21-June 20) […]
Continue reading …Avolt, a Purdue University Graduate, has spent the last 12+ years with the company and has served as the announcer at the various shows. She has also maintained the company website, Facebook page, produced all print materials and made sure the pattern books were readily available for their strong exhibitor base.
Continue reading …Looking for a fun winter activity? Stay inside on a cold, blustery, winter afternoon and make your horse some of these delicious homemade horse treats. I’m sure your horse will appreciate the effort!
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