“Equines were an integral part of the foundation of the United States, and Presidents throughout history have appreciated and admired the grandeur of the horse.”
Continue reading …We would like to congratulate our good friend Mike Hachtel on his recent engagement to his new fiancé Tami Farnsworth! Congratulations to both of you and best wishes for a long and happy life together.
Continue reading …8. Don’t win the warm-up if you want to win the test: In the warm-up, look for the edge — how much can you push? Look for the mistakes in the warm-up so that you don’t push too far in the test.
Continue reading …The American Paint Horse Foundation is pleased to announce the establishment three new memorial endowments: the Lynn Titlow Memorial Endowment, the Brett Scott Fredricks Memorial Endowment and the Nevada PHC #3/Ken Winder Memorial Endowment.
Continue reading …Horses and mules carried men to battle and wounded men to safety. They transported food, water, medical supplies, ammunition, guns, and other supplies to the front lines in WWI.
Continue reading …“With me, it’s pretty black and white. I instantly know whether I like a horse or not. This was love at first sight.”
Continue reading …From humorous and heartfelt to short and sweet, our horse trainers are constant sources of pearls of wisdom. Our Equine Chronicle Facebook page fans responded to our question about the best piece of advice they’ve ever been given by their horse trainers. Check out their responses below.
Continue reading …The beginning of each show season is a hopeful and exciting time, full of possibilities. And there’s nothing more exciting than starting the New Year with a new horse! We checked in with a few of our friends who have new equine partners for the 2017 show season to see how things are going in the New Year.
Continue reading …Many of our readers will remember a story we wrote about AQHA amateur, Abi Tuiasosopo, who won two Congress Reserve Championship titles with Lexus Made Lady while facing a cancer diagnosis back in Oct. 2016. We’re happy to report that she’s since had surgery and is doing well. She was recently spotted in the show […]
Continue reading …RODEOHOUSTON® WELCOMES 11 NEWCOMMERS TO THE ROTATING STAGE IN 2017; INDIVIDUAL TICKETS ON SALE SATURDAY, JAN. 14, 10 A.M. — JAN. 9, 2017 — HOUSTON — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — More than half of the star-studded entertainer lineup scheduled to perform at RODEOHOUSTON® will take the rotating stage for the first time in 2017. “With a number of […]
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