“We could still use feed and bedding, animal medical supplies, exam gloves, blankets, and halters and leads. Our volunteer crew is amazing. Our next shift need is at 10am.”
Continue reading …Sequins, fringe, and bell bottoms oh my! Night one of the National Finals Rodeo did not disappoint!
Continue reading …We all have a bucket list. Maybe yours has things like skydiving or taking a trip to an exotic place. I have always had one major item at the top of my bucket list: the National Finals Rodeo.
Continue reading …“I love the look of white bands on a horse with a great neck, especially a chestnut. I feel it looks even nicer on horses with a lot of chrome, like a big blaze, or an Appaloosa with a blanket pattern.”
Continue reading …The new Rule SHW419.4, effective January 1, 2018, states, “Unnatural ranch horse appearance (Horse’s tail is obvious and consistently carried in an unnatural manner in every maneuver).” Judges can assess a 10-point penalty for unnatural tail appearance.
Continue reading …AQHA and other livestock organizations are concerned about the regulation requiring 10 consecutive hours off duty and how that will affect the welfare of animals being transported. Livestock industry guidelines recommend that drivers avoid stops when hauling livestock, as stopping for long periods of time would have a detrimental effect on the animals being hauled.
Continue reading …“If they’re feeling like a million bucks, they’ll show with more confidence. I don’t like a very dramatic, dark look on the little ones, but just enough to add that extra sparkle and pop to the picture.”
Continue reading …Despite its being issued nearly two years ago, awareness for this rule among livestock haulers and the equine industry is nearly non-existent… More time is needed to reach out to the horse industry, and ensure that industry outreach can address ELD compliance and ELD impact.
Continue reading …We would like to congratulate our good friend and AQHA amateur, Chelsea Martz, on her engagement to Adam Churches over the weekend! We had the opportunity to meet Chelsea’s new beau at the All American Quarter Horse Congress this fall. This is what Chelsea’s very happy mother, Cathy, had to say. “Chelsea got engaged to […]
Continue reading …The Department of Transportation has granted a 90-day waiver from the requirement that agricultural and livestock haulers install electronic logging devices in their vehicles. Over those 90 days the department plans to look closely at agriculture’s request for an exemption while developing additional guidance for agricultural haulers.
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