Twas the night before New Year and all through the stalls, every horse was made ready, prepared one and all. All the halters were hung, and the saddles with care, with hope that a victory soon would be theirs.
Continue reading …Think about horse-related jobs especially, so you can continue to be around the horses you love while you’re earning extra cash. Opportunities like grooming, braiding or working in the show office are a great way to help fund your horse show habit.
Continue reading …“On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, twelve Trakehner trotting, eleven Paints-a-prancing, ten Hackney hacking, nine Jutland jumping, eight Morgans marching, seven Shires-a-snorting, six Gypsy Vanner, five Quarter Horse, four Cleveland Bay, three Welsh Cob, two Thoroughbreds, and a Pinto in a paddock!”
Continue reading …Just in time to give you a little holiday reading material over Christmas break, the January/February 2018 edition of The Equine Chronicle is now online! In addition to the beautiful ads, spectacular graphics, and compilations of around the ring photos, check out all the fantastic editorial you can read in the latest edition. Showstring- David […]
Continue reading …Whether you have a horse sheet embroidered, a sweatshirt screen printed, or a gold nameplate engraved, it’s these small touches that really show the care and thought you put into the gift.
Continue reading …Check out this fantastic Cowboy Santa and his two adorable friends, Braxton and Berkley Walter!
Continue reading …Do you remember the anticipation and excitement you felt as a child, sneaking down the stairs on Christmas Day, waiting [im]patiently for your parents to wake up so you could open the gleaming packages waiting under the tree?
Continue reading …“Cyril and I had career highlights this year coaching riders for the 2017 Western Dressage World Show. We worked with these riders with one-on-one training as well as training long distance through video critiques. This has inspired us to offer horse training long distance to more riders! This training works for all disciplines, whether you are a competitor or recreational rider.”- Lynn Palm
Continue reading …Imagine a horse show where instead of blue ribbons and trophies, the champions were presented with new tack, a veterinary exam, and treatment for health ailments. The concept might seem a little out of the ordinary here in the states, but the idea has taken off in impoverished parts of the world, specifically the Republic of The Gambia, a small country located in West Africa.
Continue reading …Many companies offer personalized dry erase boards for horse farms that can help keep track of feed, farrier needs, turnout, exercise, medications and more. Don’t be too intimidated; this can also be a great DIY project with a new dry erase board, vinyl pinstriping, and some creativity.
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