“He frantically searched for places that both had edible jewels in stock and could get them overnighted to the bakery by Friday afternoon. He was only able to find two places in the country that could do it – one in New York City and one in Seattle. He somehow got 150 sugar jewels to Waco in less than 24 hours!”
Continue reading …Horses are like family, and just because you’re furry and have four legs doesn’t mean you have to skip out on a milestone birthday like your Sweet Sixteen! Happy Birthday to Chex Is The Choice, who celebrated his 16th birthday at the Redbud Spectacular!
Continue reading …This is not how I had planned for the story to end… I worked so hard to save her, to keep her, to restore her, and now I had to make a conscientious choice to end her life?
Continue reading …Interviews conducted with 38 former students, grooms, trainers, and members of his local Riding Club reveal the extent of the abuse that spanned decades and was often overlooked by disbelieving parents who were more concerned with what Williams’ status and skills as a horse trainer could do for their children, many of whom had dreams of competing at the Olympics.
Continue reading …Today’s EC Photo of the Day commemorates a special milestone for APHA amateur competitor, Jamie Ross Swanson, and her horse, She’s Alotta Splash. At the IPHC Memorial Day Show in Cedar Rapids, the team surpassed the 10,000 APHA point mark!
Continue reading …One of Pamela’s most memorable moments with the horse she fondly called “Ole’ Man River” took place at the 2016 APHA World Show where they won two World Championships in Western Riding- one in Novice Amateur and one in Masters Amateur. “He always stepped up for me at the World shows,” she says. “It was like he knew what I was thinking, and the ride on him was fun and very rewarding!
Continue reading …Congratulations is in order for AQHA amateur competitor, Breanne Porter, following her recent wedding! Miss Breanne Porter and Dr. Addison Wood were married during a beautiful ceremony on May 26th at Spruce Meadows, an internationally renowned Jumping facility in Calgary, Alberta.
Continue reading …The items that were stolen include custom Western and English show and work saddles, show pads, halters, show clothing, and headstalls. Brands include Harris, Blue Ribbon, Wenger, Show and Tell, and more. Rebecca Baker, the President of the Henry County Saddle Club has confirmed that round-the-clock security has been hired and more security cameras will be installed.
Continue reading …Why pay the money for full time trainers, the price of high end show tack, show fees, and trainer fees if you don’t have a strong competitive drive? This is a question my husband and non-horse show peers ask all me all the time. Do you know what you could be doing with that money each month?
Continue reading …Lately, this seasoned competitor and baker has been combining her talents in pastry and performance horses with some very delicious results.
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