It’s the friends we meet along the way that help us to appreciate the journey.
Continue reading …As a complement to our The Equine Chronicle Facebook page, Equine Chronicle Twitter page, and The Equine Chronicle TV on YouTube, Equine Chronicle is now on Instagram! Follow @equinechronicle on Instagram for the most beautiful photos of top horses and riders in the country!
Continue reading …Meet Melanie Ferrio-Wise and her horse, Vlad. They’re currently the only pair consistently competing bridleless on the USEF rated jumpers circuit. They made history when they were the first pair to compete at the Washington International Horse Show without a bridle. But what this team is doing is a bit different than the speciality bridleless classes you may see at a weekend horse show. Melanie and Vlad compete in regular classes, without a bridle, against horses wearing bridles.
Continue reading …In lieu of flowers, memorial donations to the Trent Parker Education Fund would be appreciated. Gene and his grandson, Trent, shared a love for horses. Gene always insisted that he would see to it that Trent’s dreams of going to veterinary school would be fulfilled. So, an education fund in memory of Gene has been set up for Trent. The education account is set up through USAA and donations may be mailed to Trent Parker Education Fund, 584 South Creek Road, Orrum, NC 28369.
Continue reading …Today’s EC Photo of the Day has to be this cool shot from the 2018 APHA World Show. Keeping one eye on the competition. If you have a photo that would be perfect for our EC Photo of the Day, email
Continue reading …Whether I’m competing at a local show or out of state, I usually receive a mixed bag of opinions. The most common reaction is curiosity! I have people come up to me in the ranch warm-up and say, “Wait, weren’t you just in Horsemanship?” or “Isn’t that the same horse from Trail?” Those questions are also followed by comments like “That’s incredible he can do that all in one day,” and “I wish my horse could do both.” Through all the positivity, there is going to inevitably be some negativity. I have been told in the Horsemanship line to “Stay on the ranch with the cows,” and to “Go back to where you came from. You aren’t good enough for this.” The most common one is “She didn’t deserve to win. She’s not a true ranch rider like the other girls.”
Continue reading …Cassidy’s beloved youth horse, Chocolatey Special K, carried her down the aisle, alongside her father, Steven Jensen. The ceremony took place outdoors underneath a turquoise, crustal encrusted cow skull. Afterwards, Cassidy and Kolton used a branding iron to “seal the deal.”
Continue reading …The highly anticipated Congress edition of The Equine Chronicle is now online! This edition is always our largest of the year, and, this year, it’s bigger than ever- 602 pages worth… WOW!
Continue reading …We had the opportunity to meet this little cutie at the APHA World Championship Show in Fort Worth, Texas. She loves our Equine Chronicle calendar so much that she won’t put it down. She loves “looking at all the pretty horses.”
Continue reading …UPDATE- We are extremely saddened to relay the news that Gene has passed. May his family and friends be comforted by our prayers during this difficult time. We would like to encourage our friends in the horse industry to pray for one of our own. Halter horse trainer, Gene Parker, suffered […]
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