Keep checking back on daily for more fun snaps from the 2018 National Finals Rodeo, courtesy of Jessica Baird Divine and this good lookin’ crew! Share your NFR photos with The Equine Chronicle by emailing
Continue reading …We all know what a sweet heart and kind soul our Equine Chronicle G-Man has. But many of our readers might not be familiar with a special tradition that Gordon does when a friend in the industry welcomes a new addition to the family.
Continue reading …What little kid hasn’t dreamt of waking up early Christmas morning and rushing out to the barn to be greeted by their very own pony with a big red bow around his neck? For that matter, what horse addicted adult wouldn’t love that? (With the exception of said pony being replaced by a fancy, 2-year-old, well-bred, futurity prospect…)
Continue reading …Today’s EC Deck The Stalls photos come from Cleveland, MO. from Shafer Training Stables, McAlexander Performance Horses, and TM Show Horses. We’re certain there are some very broke horses coming out of this training facility with all those fun inflatables!
Continue reading …Hump Day got you in a slump? Don’t worry, the weekend is just a few days away! Do you have a photo that would be a perfect EC Photo of the Day? Email to be featured on our website, FB, or Instagram.
Continue reading …It’s time for our annual Christmas Deck The Stalls Photo Call! Show us photos of your most creative barn decorations to be featured on our FB page, @equinechronicle on Instagram, and on
Continue reading …“And on behalf of these hungry, frightened animals who have been through so much with their families, we want to express our deep appreciation to our friends at Chicken Soup for the Soul. Thank you!”
Continue reading …Think of how important the coral reefs are to the make-up of the Florida Keys. The land in Marion County is just as irreplaceable and precious for horse farms in the North Central Florida region.
Continue reading …The friends we make through showing horses are the best friends! Share a photo of you with your best “horse friend,” by emailing
Continue reading …At least 10 million horses and mules were used by all the various countries involved, and of those, at least 1.3 million came from the United States. Only about 200 returned to the U.S.
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