When you’re bored in quarantine, even the simplest things can be fun! “Patrick” (The Sugar Daddy X Im Real Wicked) is super entertained by a plastic jug. Thanks to Theresa Woolley for this cute video.
Continue reading …The face you make when someone gets too close in the grocery store line… Thanks to John and Kelly Thornsberry for sending in this funny shot for our When Everything Goes Wrong photo series. If you have a funny photo to share, email B.Bevis@EquineChronicle.com.
Continue reading …Thanks to Mindie Maus for sending in this fun photo for our When Everything Goes Wrong series! If you have a funny moment captured on film, email B.Bevis@EquineChronicle.com.
Continue reading …Madeline with Hot Little Romeo and Chloe with King are making the best of being in quarantine by doing what girls do best. Having fun!
Continue reading …Nothing quite brings a smile to your face like a newborn foal! Thanks to Katie Jean for sharing this photo of “Nora,” at one-hour old. Nora is by Ima Zippo Goodbar and out of Gucci Got The Invite.
Continue reading …In our When Everything Goes Wrong series of reader photos, we have a Friday Flashback! Today’s shot comes from longtime APHA member, Michelle Preston, who sent in this shot from a cruise to Mexico many years ago. If you look closely, you can recognize other familiar faces, such as Breann Preston, Mandy Gately, and Mackenzie […]
Continue reading …During these uncertain times, it’s important, now more than ever, to laugh at ourselves and not take everything so seriously. After all, laughter, they say, is the best medicine. So, send us your photos of that moment when everything went wrong, and it was captured on film! Were you bucked off a horse during a […]
Continue reading …Thanks to An Equine Production for sharing this fun, horse-themed word search puzzle with our Equine Chronicle readers! A minimum of 31 words can be found. Look for the following: Lope, Jog, Arena, Trot, Equitation, Walk, Truck, Trailer, Showmanship, Reining, Barrels, Hunters, Trail, Canter, Ranch, AQHA, APHA, NSBA, Halter, Bay, Chestnut, Bands, Braids, Superior, ROM, […]
Continue reading …When is my draw? How many horses are in this class? Do you know when the lunch break will happen? With the countless moving parts and pieces involved at a horse show, it’s no wonder that show management deals with hundreds of these types of questions on a daily basis. Take into account that most shows last from two days to one week. That’s enough to make your head spin, just thinking about it!
Continue reading …Ouch, those are sharp! Thanks to Mary Ann Carr for sharing this video of “Isabella,” by Hot Ones Only and out of Some Sweet Machine, with her feisty, barn buddy. If you have a great quarantine video, email B.Bevis@EquineChronicle.com. EC TV- Ouch! EC TV- Ouch, those are sharp!Thanks to Mary Ann Carr for sharing this video […]
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