It’s important, now more than ever, to make time for the things you enjoy- the things that fill you with joy, hope, and peace. As always, mind your state’s safety guidelines; but, if allowed the opportunity, get out and ride your horse!
Continue reading …Now that you’ve had a few days to work on The Equine Chronicle Famous Horse Word Search, we thought we’d share the key in case you had trouble finding any names. Equine photographer, Becky Ruehle, found them all!
Continue reading …Jaxon Bernatowicz and his pony, Cody, are enjoying the beautiful spring weather during the quarantine at home. Ponying and prepping for performance halter!
Continue reading …This is NOT social distancing! Cranky, old man, Benny (aka Interesting Venture) is not feeling the love from Atlas (aka So Righteous).
Continue reading …Will we be seeing an entire generation of foals with show names inspired by the current COVID-19 pandemic?
Continue reading …So, it’s Paris’ 15th birthday and she wants to go to the spa. But, her owner, Scott Reinartz, tries to explain that all of the doggie groomers are closed. She wasn’t taking no for an answer, so Scott took matters into his own hands. We think she’s quite enjoying her doggie spa day via vaccum. […]
Continue reading …Sometimes, photo shoots don’t go as planned! Thanks to Alicia Porter for sharing this fun photo of Nothing But My Best, aka “Dizzle,” during the end of a photo shoot with Impulse Photography.
Continue reading …By now, most of us are getting a little crazy being all cooped up at home. And we’re sure that our animals are feeling it too!
Continue reading …We have to agree with one and a half-year-old Trent Hollinger that horse kisses are the best! And we think that the object of his affection, “Nash,” a foal by I Am The Party thinks so too.
Continue reading …During these challenging times, we could all use a bit of fun. So, we have created the Equine Chronicle Famous Horse Word Search! The horses’ names included within the word search were drawn from a collection of Hall of Fame and Horse of the Year winners from the past two decades.
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