Las Vegas show girls taking over Tulsa, OK! Shari Miller with Propose To Me are dressed to the nines. If you have a great photo or video of the day, email
Continue reading …“She was more than a horse, more than a teammate, and more than a friend… She was family. Until I see you again my sweet girl, my best gal, all my heart.”
Continue reading …Check out Haven and Harley as Wonderwoman and Superman and Addison and Classy as Knights of the Round Table at Silverwinds Stables Costume Parade in Edmond, OK. If you have a great photo or video of the day, email
Continue reading …Moses and Esther Vanderbilt dressed up with their pony Harry to celebrate the coming of Fall! If you have a great photo or video of the day, email
Continue reading …“When you’re with the Flintstones. Have a yabba-dabba-doo time. A dabba-doo time” Check out Paige, Patty, and Brad Wellendorf as the Flinstones with Dino, aka Casey Can Do! If you have a great photo or video of the day, email
Continue reading …Thanks to Delores Kuhlwein for sharing this funny video of her little guy having lots of fun! Click here to watch the video. If you have a great EC photo or video of the day, email
Continue reading …Oh my Grandma, what big teeth you have… Check out Isabelle Bland and All American Tribute as Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. If you have a great #HalloweenHorse costume email
Continue reading …Hey Diddle, Diddle! The cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon; The little dog laughed To see such fun, And the dish ran away with the spoon. Thanks to Katie Meiers and Roseridge for another great #HalloweenHorse costume! If you have a great photo or video to share, email
Continue reading …Check out Maguire Biggs with TXs Dinas Real Miracle as Princess Leia, Darth Vader, and Jedi! If you have a great photo or video to show off your #HalloweenHorse costume, email
Continue reading …Cool Cruzen Lady isn’t quite sure what to make of her new rider… Thanks to Kirstie Marie Photography for this fun shot. If you have a great photo or video of the day, email
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