“In the early stages, it might be difficult to see. You may notice that the incisors are becoming a little loose. Some people have noticed that when they feed the horse a carrot, the horse doesn’t want to bite it because the teeth hurt.”
Continue reading …“It’s just a great loss for all of us and the industry, I think. He’s got some great ones out there, but nothing will replace him. He was my heart and soul.”
Continue reading …“Because it’s all about breeders and mare owners, and, ultimately, an exhibitor heading to horse shows with the offspring, we felt the Congress was a great place to stage these seldom offered Get of Sire and Produce of Dam classes,” says Congress Chair Casey West.
Continue reading …What do Angelina Jolie, Clint Eastwood, Vince Vaughn, Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin, and Kevin Costner have in common? They’ve all worked alongside the talented Gattlin Griffith, of course.
Continue reading …“My gelding moved and I was re-setting his feet, so I wasn’t paying attention to what they said. Next thing I knew, someone tapped me on the shoulder.”
Continue reading …Pat Burton, a Texas farrier, has developed effective ways to rehabilitate cracked feet, using management rather than bar shoes or other types of special shoeing.
Continue reading …23 entries in Novice Youth Trail, 39 in 14-18 Trail, and 42 in 14-18 Horsemanship is just a taste of what the final portion of the show offered to youth participants.
Continue reading …The goal of any breeding program is to produce strong sound foals. To do this, there are several factors involved including genetics, environment and nutrition.
Continue reading …“We attended the first Congress they had, and we had a commercial exhibit across from AQHA for 34 years. We went to the Solid Gold Futurity the first year they had it. That has been quite a while ago.”
Continue reading …Given his well-deserved celebrity status, Thunder will be traveling in style to the big game in a specially designed plane much like those used to transport international competition horses overseas. The size of his stall, the temperature of the plane, and other important details concerning the cabin atmosphere and experience of the flight have been considered to ensure that Thunder arrives well-rested and ready to perform in New Jersey.
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