“When I think of our journey together, I can hardly believe all that Indian Artifacts has accomplished since I found him as a yearling. In a blink of the eye, 19 years have passed since I purchased him from Scott Myers.”
Continue reading …One of our favorite photo shoots took place nearly ten years ago in, what was then, an empty desert expanse located just outside the WestWorld complex in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Continue reading …“As I watched the birth on StallWatch, I apparently announced out loud the arrival of one hoof, then another, and finally a nose,” she says. “While our family was interested in the announced activities, the other families in the waiting room were a bit perplexed.”
Continue reading …“We asked how he knew the horse would be here, and he said that he saw an ad in the paper that morning. No lie, the guy looked like a kid in a candy store.”
Continue reading …“After my father passed away, Sara and I sold most of the halter horses. We just didn’t feel like we could carry on doing it without him.”
Continue reading …Cindy Buchanan and Niki Walden met the seller last night at a public location to verify the accuracy of the papers. Then, the papers were directly deposited into the bank. When the weather clears up, Mike hopes the entire group will be able to make the trip to the Museum to present the papers for donation.
Continue reading …It’s the proposal that was heard all around the APHA World Show—the surprise marriage proposal between Kyle Crager and his then-girlfriend Kelley Goldsmith (now Crager) at the photographer’s booth in 2010. You’ve probably seen the photo pop up every now and then, especially during this time of year.
Continue reading …“Hi Ho Valentine, I’ll not be a ‘LONE RANGER’ with you by my side… You’ve taken my heart for a ride!”
Continue reading ……the widely reported story about how Shaun White, the US favorite to win the men’s snowboard half pipe competition, didn’t achieve a record third gold medal in the finals. In fact, he finished in fourth place, just off the podium.
Continue reading …“It’s nothing abnormal to me,” she says. “While other people might say, ‘How do you do it?,’ this is what we’ve done every day. It’s what we’re used to.”
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