We inspect every bale of hay, read about the latest supplements, and agonize over the amount of protein in our horses’ grain. Yet, at a horse show, we won’t think twice about eating a greasy cheeseburger or indulging in a couple of sugary treats.
Continue reading …We grew accustomed to hearing their names being announced at major horse shows. We remember seeing their images grace the pages of The Equine Chronicle.
Continue reading …If he’s not working in the barn with one of his own horses, you can find him reading industry magazines, surfing Facebook and the Internet, and doing anything to learn more about the horses, people, and the discipline he loves.
Continue reading …Showmanship, as defined by Webster, is the art of performing an artistic style of presentation. The term stems from magicians and the craft they use to astound audiences. A good way to look at showmanship is to see it as a type of presentation. Remember being in school and having to give a presentation or a speech?
Continue reading …Those words have been said about many families, but they perfectly describe the attitude toward the horses and the ethos of business practices at BSB R11 Quarter Horses in Sturgis, Michigan. The fifty-acre farm is home to stallions, mares, and foals that reside under the loving and watchful care of three consummate horsewomen, Hedy Levin, Shelley Donovan, and Kim Rotenberry.
Continue reading …Over the years there is a pool of familiar faces in every class and it can seem like the same people go in and out of the top ten. We all have that person we admire or enjoy watching show and aspire to be like. If we’re really honest, we all have people we like to beat and maybe we are close friends with them.
Continue reading …Who doesn’t love Swiss cheese? Whether it’s nestled in a ham sandwich, perched atop Tabouli salad or flying solo on a warm baguette, Swiss cheese is a beloved staple in every American home. Indeed, the USDA Economic Research Service reports that cheese consumption per capita in the United States has more than doubled since 1975. That’s good news for Fritz Leeman, owner of Brewster Dairy…
Continue reading …“I’m always excited to go to the Convention each year because it’s a chance to get reinvigorated about the direction our Association is taking. I serve on the Show and Contest Committee, and I have read all the letters sent in by members for potential rule proposals.”
Continue reading …The Daddy Saddle promised to provide hours of enjoyment for both father and child (as long as daddy’s knees and back didn’t give out first.)
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