As evident from our EC Around the Ring Photos, a very interesting cast of characters gathered in Tunica, Mississippi for the Deep South Zone 6 Zone-O-Rama that took place over the weekend.
Continue reading …In 2013, the Deep South Zone 6 Show was sixth on APHA’s list of top horse shows in the nation with 742 entries, and it awarded $30,000 in cash and prizes.
Continue reading …Recently, Mlynek posted a video on Facebook that illustrates her own resourcefulness. The clip, featuring Raiden, Raider, and their homemade hot walker swing, has received a whopping 43,636 shares in just four days.
Continue reading …Just a few days ago, Jussen was shocked to discover that her late friend had planned a little surprise before he left on his journey to that big barn in the sky. Toddling alongside GQ’s constant pasture companion, Abby Essence, was a new foal.
Continue reading …“1956 was the year. I was hooked after that day. 58 years later, I still feel the excitement”
Continue reading …“Then, I moved on to our committee meetings where many hot topics were debated such as hunter under saddle, ranch rail pleasure, walk-trot, black stirrups, and changing the age of the junior and senior horse.”
Continue reading …A Motivational Article for Almost-Amateurs Who Fear that Adult Responsibilities will Interfere with their Competitive Passion!
Continue reading …Residing in Lakeside, California, close to the lively metropolitan area of San Diego, APHA trainer Tim Wildes along with his wife and APHA coach, Karen, manage one of the largest APHA youth all-around barns in the country.
Continue reading …Sometimes, great horse names are intentionally chosen because they hint at a foal’s bloodlines. Other times, names just pop into an owner’s head and they stick. Many horse names, including those that may appear mundane on paper, have great tales behind them.
Continue reading …Barn fires are probably the most common cause of burn injuries in horses, but they may also be burned by lightning, electricity, caustic chemicals or friction.
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